Chapter 1 - An Unwanted Child

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-In the vast of the multiverse-

Aus were getting destroyed and created at the same time, this result in an unexpected wormhole. A huge crack teared up the vast space, releasing multiple things inside, some fall to the ground. "It" were on the ground collapsed, but slowly picked itself up after for a short while, confused, "It" was confused by what just happened, the creature was frightened by it look in the mirror.

What happened next, surprised "It". "It" puked out black blood, following it with some painful screaming, "It" body was apparently getting torn apart, but instead of dying, "It" cells join back together right back the moment later.

"It" knew that something is definitely going on inside it own body. "It" head was the first thing that hurt, the white hair suddenly grew out, a body was forming along with organs, shaping up the body from the top to the bottom.

From a purple demon ass looking blob to a decent looking human if hide away the skin and holes in it face. It might look a little like a girl but unfortunately it's genderless.

'I look... weird.", "It" look at itself using the blood that came out of it body, apparently the blood start to lighten up after it was trying to see what it look like. But at that moment, "It" was surprised that someone call it.

'HEy y0u!?', "It" turned around to look at the individual. They were a black glitchy thing, with... "string?" come out of their eyes socket.

'I Gu_sSed y0u _Re sOm_ kind 0f Fr-Ak thAt Was tHrOwn _Ut _r0m 0ut Frm tHa_ _oRmHoLe hUhh', the skeleton mock "It".

'I-', before "It" was able to speak fully, the skeleton cut the sentence

'DoEs_'t MaTter, Y0u aRe j_St... aN_ThEr MIstA_e 0f t_e MUl_iVEr_e', the skeleton instantly teleport to "It", using the bone from the ground to knock them away. The skeleton know that the things that came out of that wormhole can't be good, it was trying to finished the job as quickly as possible. Their attack instantly followed by a barrage of "Gaster Blaster", the glitchy skeleton was surprised that "It" was still alive, so they use the final trick to finished the job.

But before "It" HP ran out, "It" body have a reaction, a wormhole was opened due to it passive ability. Apparently, that wormhole will sent them to the closest place that is guaranteed safe regardless of the space and time. The black skeleton was shocked and unamused by the fact that he just let those freak of nature roam free around the Multiverse, and he's pretty sure that the squid are gonna let him down for this.

-In the space and time travel-

"It" was travelling at a tremendous amount of speed, however the force doesn't affect it one bit. Due to the wormhole it made, "It" created it own force to protect it user from people that may stop the process. Finally, the wormhole at it end, dropping the user into a pile of snow.

-Somewhere in an unexpected place-

'Pap, you shouldn't drink too much honey, just get a healthier diet like me.', Sans crossed his arms.

'Nah, I think I'm good.', Pap lying on the couch while drinking a bottle of honey.

'Ugh, if that is what you wanted to say then I'm taking all the leftover bottle that you certainly left for me to cleaned up and throw it all away by myself.' Sans grin appear on his face and turn around to the dumpster.

'Wait Sans!, I was saving it all to break the world record.', Pap didn't expected this from Sans and he tried to stop Sans but unfortunately fail due to Sans extreme speed as he was also panic so he forgot to use his "Teleport".

Sans was rushing to the garbage dumpster until he noticed that someone is unconscious and pale looking on the snow, giving him the feeling to help them.

'Oh no!' Sans dropped the garbage bag and dash toward the person.

'Do not worry my friends!, I, The Magnificent Sans will help you get back on your feets.', He proudly say his signature sentence, p while lifting the creature and charge back to his house, only to saw Pap lying on the floor sleeping, too lazy to get up. Sans screamed at Pap, telling him there is a monster that they need to treat right now.

'Did you even check her stat before you decided to carried her back here, bro? Also, she might just be sleeping on it.', Pap lying on the floor, still refuse to move, said that. 'Pap, not everyone is you and about the stat... uhhhh' Sans can't denied the fact that he didn't check her stat. He quickly raise his hand up and press [ACT].

* "Nora" ? ATK ? DEF

Is dying

'Her stat, seem to be just fine, except the whole "dying" thing.", Sans is not familiar with the whole question mark stat, so he think she is decently fine.

Pap heard that unusual status so he decided to teleport next to Sans, telling him that 'Hold her carefully, I'm going to teleport us both to Undyne, she might know something.' Pap right eyes start glowing in orange.

Undyne, who is currently watching anime in a dark room, was surprised with the two skeleton and a... monster or human?.

'Sans!?, Papyrus!?, ge-ez, you two startled me, wha-t do you guys wa-nt aga-in?' Undyne freaked out at the two brothers suddenly appeared out of no where, ask them.

'Uhhhh, we have a problem here.' Pap answer her question.

'We found a monster that was hurt, can you fix them.' Sans carried the monster near his body, to keep them warm even though he's a skeleton.

'Sa-ns, I'm a scie-ntist, no-t a do-ctor bu-t sur-e.', Undyne pinched her forehead, let out a sigh while go to the brother spot to check on the definitely dead body.

After a few hours of work, the creature have finally decided to wake up.

'Ugh, where am I?', "It" vision was blurry, but was quickly returned to normal after almost frightened out by the two skeleton brother and... a walking fish?.

'Calm down, no need to be scared, "Nora".', Pap tell her while smoking the cigarette in his mouth.

But the scared "Nora" was too frightened, her eyes suddenly turned to pitch black and a yellow flame burst, she tried to stop Sans from coming closer, but that was a mistake. Her ability was about to activate, only to be stop by Pap 'Blue Magic'.

'Pap, you didn't need to go so hard on her!', Sans tell Pap while angry about the fact that he attack "Nora" a bit too hard.

But Pap was having enough about all these problem, he teleport Sans next to Undyne, who is hiding behind the table after the attack cracked the floor. Pap use 'Blue Attack' to keep "Nora" from fleeing from him.

'So... Nora? huh, I think it's time to tell us who are you and where did you come from?'. Pap crouch down to her, asking the real question.

'I don't remember...', Nora didn't know what to say.

'Alright kid, tell me what you remember then.', Pap pulled out a small note book with a pencil to write down.

-After 3 hours-

It's clear that she wasn't from around here, and the fact that her story was almost unbelievable, but with all the unknown stat and that weird magic flame appear on her hand. Papyrus understand that it might just be true.

Alphys was rushing toward the lab when she heared that a monster was causing trouble in the lab.

She tried and open the door, but it didn't work, her anger quickly take over and bashed the door right open.

She guard up with her axe, looking

at all directions, however she was surprised by Undyne, who is calling her to tell her to come to the 'True Lab'.

However Alphys doesn't know the way so she was lead by Undyne to the 'True Lab', where the two skeleton brother and Undyne are currently at, also the handcuffed 'Nora' is there too.

'Alright, this should be the door...

What the fuck?', Alphys walked in and saw a child monster being handcuffed and wonder why does everyone have serious look.

She was given the notebook to look at what happened and decided that she will just go along with the situation. "Nora" will now be "taken care" of at the castle, Pap told Sans that it isn't their job to handle it, it's the royal guard job now. And just like that, she was dragged back to the castle by Alphys.

But before she could go, Sans asked Alphys.

'Hey Alphys, can you help the monster there?'

'Uhhh, sorry Sans, this isn't my call to make, but do not worry, our nice queen will decided what we should do.', Alphys calmed Sans down, telling him that there is nothing to worry.

-In the castle-

'Alphys, the captain of the Royal Guard, can you report to me what happened in the lab?', the queen asked her.

'Yes, my queen. There is a new type monster.', Alphys bow down, reporting the new.

'Oh, then I should go to see what this new monster is like.', the queen is now interested in the new monster.

'No, my queen. It might not be safe, this new monster have an ability that is currently unknown to us.', Alphys is concerned for the queen safety, asked her not to meet the new monster.

However, it's not like the queen will stay in one spot forever so she decided to go at night when everyone is at sleep. Passing those guards by using 'Sleep Magic' on them, something she learnt back in the day.

Behind bar, "Nora" tried to escape but it was unavailable, they also managed to give "Nora" some clothes to wear in the cold, dark prison. In the middle of night, "Nora" was waken up by the silent footsteps of someone. It was the queen, who was also surprised that the child manage to hear her despite the fact that she use magic to silent the noise. She noticed that the child eyes start turning from white to black in an instant, add to that with a bright yellow flame. But the prison she is in isn't normal, it was made to suck out magic of those who is in it, made her power vanished in a second. The child haven't noticed it yet, so the queen decided to introduce herself first, after all, it's inappropriate that you don't tell them who you are.

'Hello my child, my name is Toriel, the queen of the underground.', She smile gently at the scared child, she hand out her hand for a shaking.

"Nora" stay silent, uncertain of who to trust, but the look of Toriel face made her calm down. The queen was quite interested, the unusual magic that Alphys talk about. She haven't seen it since Papyrus training to be the Royal Judge. But she think it is better if she asked the child herself.

"Tell me, my child, do you know where your family is?.", Toriel was quite fascinated with the child to be in a prison at such a young age.

"Nora" tell her 'No.', Toriel look at the child with a sad look on her face, but a bright idea shine in her head. She's gonna adopted the child. All she needed to do is to make the paperwork official, she give her smug smile to the child, giving the child a confused face.

And just like that, Toriel adopted the child on the very next day, the news shock the whole underground. Including the forgotten king inside the ruin, who was drinking some tea but spew out when hear about the new from Pap.

-Next part coming-

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