Chapter 4 : The Horrible Decision

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It was Asgore, in his hand was his rusty trident.

'I never thought i would have to use this weapon again someday.', he look at his weapon then turn his eyes to Toriel, who is standing surprise, not being able to speak.

'Just what were you planning with that fireball aiming at this small child!?', he point at Nora, who is also freeze in fear, shaking on the ground.

'I-I was helping her train.', Toriel stuttered, unable to speak normally.

'Like what!?, by hurting this child!?', Asgore shouted at Toriel as she have gone over the line. 'I should have expected this a long time ago, you will never change, Toriel!', he charge at Toriel, holding his weapon.

Toriel was silent this time, before his weapon could pierce her, she summon her trident blocking his attack. He then use a fireball below the ground and managed to scratch her quite a bit, the two then clashed on the sky. The people in the town, could hear it, the sound of weapon hitting eachother, the smoke of the fireball was all over the town. It was devastated.

Nora was unable to move until a small goat monster give out their hand, she hold the hand and get pull up. 'Hello, my name is Asriel Dreemurr. I suspect you to be the adopted child of my mom, perhap you are my half-brother?.', Nora nodded, he then give out a small laugh.

'Wait, wait, wait... How the hell did you guys know i was in danger anyway!?', Asriel give out a smile while answer her question.

'Oh, I didn't feel it at first, but father have noticed the shock, so he broke the gate and ran straight to you. I was leave in dust, hah.', Nora surprise at how he can be so calm.

'Well, I apologize deeply for giving out this much information on our first meeting but can we move this conversation in the near future?, since our parents aren't in a very good mood. Although I already know the answer, will you join me in the quest to stop the fight?', Nora once again nodded, he then grab her hand tightly, then began swing his hand into their parents direction. Nora went flying, while wondering why is this family so strong.


'GET BACK HERE, TORIEL!', Asgore chased after Toriel, who is currently running away from the fight.

'No...', she turn around while calmly, say to him that she won't fight him, not after all the years she haven't seen him.

Asgore then focus all his strength in one move, throwing his trident at her, however she suddenly stop running, lowering her magic guard down. But just before the trident could touch her, Nora used her Telekinesis to stop the weapon. Asgore was shocked while Toriel was surprised that it just stop.

'Can you guys stop!?, the people is complaining about the fire.', Asriel yell at them while standing on the ground, his hand point at the fire. Using his magic, the fire suddenly stop and vaporize, however it still leave the mark.

'Thanks you, our prince!', the people quickly bow down, Asriel tell them that they don't need to bow down,

Asgore look at all the mess that they have made, and he take look at the worried people in the town.

'I have no business with an opponent that lost all interest in the fight.', Asgore float down, walking away with a disappointed look on his face. Asriel then follow him, but before he go to the Ruined Home, he wave his hand at Nora, who also wave back with a small smile. The town people quickly ran toward Toriel, crying on the ground.

'The children..., Oh god...', she said these words in grief just before she fainted. The people tried to wake up the fainted queen. Lucky for them, one of the people was a doctor, the doctor assure everyone that she is completely fine, just a couple of scratch. Nora then walk up to her, picking Toriel up with her magic and then tell everyone that she will carried her to the royal personal doctor, but before she could go. A child walk up to her, in her hands was a small flower, she give it to Nora.

'U-um, mis-s, can y-ou plea-se recei-ve th-is a-s a g-ift!?', the child stutter in her nervousness, Nora smile deeply, she held out her hands while patting the child on her head.

'Thanks, kiddo.', she then start running after the conversation ended. *Hmm, I guess I should be hurry.*, her steps suddenly start getting faster. *Toriel said that you need imagination to made magic become whatever you like, didn't she?*, the people from other town could feel that something in the air was getting teared apart.

'I should be there soon.', her body was shining and heating up inside, but due to the Adaption ability, she overcome the heat.

A light was passing through the lands, even Undyne spit out her coffee when the report of the town people start coming in like crazy.

'Can't you believe it, Blookly!?. My show got interrupted by some kids.', Napstaton attempt to hug the small ghost, but then got push into the wall by Nora, who is currently on her way.

'SOOOORRRYYyyyy...', Nora look back, saying sorry while the other two start fading into the background.

The scream woke up Toriel, she looked around, wondering why she is in a bubble.

'Uhhh, sorry mom, I kinda have to put you in the bubble otherwise you will be shredded.', Nora apologize to his mother for doing this to her.

However, she doesn't say a word to Nora, which made her worry by a lot.

'But... don't worry mother, we almost at the hospital.', Nora then start to turn on her yellow pupil, surrounded by black stuff. The magical eye boost her magic even more, the light around her start getting brighter and brighter until it was as bright the sun.

Undyne start to go checked her camera which from Boreal Bluffs to The City of New. All cameras was melted from the heat of Nora, she quickly call the guard to protect the castle. The royal guards, including Alphys was prepared for the threat. In front of the gate, the guards could feel it all the way to their soul, the shockwave from her running was unreal. But there is something that they had forgotten, it was the enormous heat. The shield on their hand start to melt.

'AHHHHHH!', a guard scream out of pain while on the ground.

The rest of the guards have noticed the fallen one, they started to drop their shield. But it wasn't enough, the armor have started to melt, they couldn't grab it as the armor have just become liquid. Alphys wonder what she should do before she become like them, she look around the area quickly. Lucky for her, there was a bucket of water for cleaning. There is no time for choices, she must do it if she want to survive. She dash toward the bucket, picking it up and pour everything into her. The heat have stopped. She pulled out her axe, waiting for the threat.

*Hmmm, I should be there right...WAIT, THERE IS SOMEONE THERE*, Nora stomp her feet into the ground, trying to stop charging at them. The sudden stop have made the light that surrounded her body disappear, she also turn off her magical eyes to save stamina.

Alphys was surprised that the threat is Nora, but her surprise was quickly overcome by anger, therefore she charge at Nora with killing intent.

'You, YOU!', she screamed, while using her strongest attack, summoning a giant axe that teared up the air around it, dropping into the ground. Nora dodge the attack with a sleeping Toriel in the air bubble, the attack tear the ground apart, not only that the broken debris shot everywhere.

'*Now I know why she is the captain* BUT WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!', Nora still haven't know what she have done.

'WHY, I TRUSTED YOU AND YOU KILL THEM!', Alphys continue shouting at her, while preparing her next attack. She then summon axe all over sky, then start shooting it.

'God, fucking damn it!', Nora then tried to run from the upcoming attack, but instead she fall down. She shocked that her leg won't move, she turn around to look for what happen. The broken debris got stuck in her knee, it will took her more than 5 seconds to heal but at this rate, she won't even get the chance to heal.

'TAKE THIS!', Alphys start to sweat, all this anger have made her go all out at the start, meaning this is her last attack.

'Shit, SHIT, SHITTTTT!', At this point, Nora won't even be able to protect Toriel. Her last thought was moving Toriel to somewhere safe. And so it did, or as least something did it for her.

'I'm tired, I tried to be nice, but if you still want to do this. Then you better be ready.', just before the million axe could impale her, something snap inside her. Making he body start changing, blast away the axe. Her purple skin start to turn into a white flame-like but it does not hurt her. Her hair start to disappear, replaced with the long flame that goes up the sky. Her clothes start to get burn to ash. The eyes that was thought as blind by the people, start to have a white pupil. The item started to electrocute her but failed, the electricity was changed to ink.

Her aura start to split the ground apart, it was like... a GOD.

-Next part coming-

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