Ender! Sans

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Name: ???

Nickname: Ender! Sans, Ender, Endy, Void

Height: he's a bit taller than classic Sans.

Age: unknown

Gender: Male

love interest: who knows ~

Looks: look above 

personality: It honestly varies. when he's mad, he can be extremely quiet, calm, cold, sadistic, and rather dangerous. when he's happy, he's usually calm, playful, caring, and friendly. when he's embarrassed, he'l go from being flirty, to being a complete tsundere, to being flustered and embarrassed. when he's sad he usually tends to keep more to himself, and in denial to most things. and neutral he usually just stays a bit quiet with those he just meets, cracking jokes here and there at random points as well.

powers: Code! Gaster Blasters (max that can be summoned: 3) blue magic, bone summons, teleportation.

abilities: he has abilities similar to that of several different sanses, that being said- even if he doesn't have too much control over it- he is able to create objects with a paint brush that Ink had gifted him, and is able to summon strings from the violet markings around his wrists. he can also open a portal of 1's and 0's and can travel to most AU's.

likes: sugar, sweets, chocolate, music, reading, drawing, sewing, sleeping.

dislikes: physical contact for a long period of time with those he isn't comfortable around, completely blank places, spicy food, enclosed spaces.

phobias (if any): Haphephobia (fear of being touched), slight Kenophobia (fear of completely blank spaces), and clausterphobia (fear of enclosed spaces)

Hostility level: High

Theme: (yes ik Ink's on the cover, but it's the closest song i can find to Ender's theme- *cough* )


backstory (work in progress, expect it to be updated.) ;


That's all that accompanied the glitched blank void.

The silence and void were the only two things that He had grown to know... to understand.

The lone being stood in the middle of the blank void, his tattered scarf that seemed to be almost as big as his body would flow against the unheard and nonexistent breeze of the void.
Where may this being be, you may ask? Why he was in the AU he had barely begun to call his home, one to which had been a scrapped idea.
You see, AUs that don't last long enough for their universe to be fully built will slowly fall apart over time. Like how any structure that is on an unsteady base will surely start to crumble.
So now, he was alone.
Alone in this silent void that was once his home.
The being's purple eye-lights stared downward silently at the hidden melody within the void, the AU that was once dubbed "EnderTale", but alas- all things come to an end at some point in time, just as his did.
You see, the being had only faint memories of his past... at least, before everything became soundless. He even remembered that his tattered scarf that he wore wasn't even his own, but it belonged to a taller being that he had called something like... "Brother" was it?
At this point, he didn't even remember.
Closing his tired eyes, the being sat down soundlessly. His unfinished sketch of a body revealing the symbols and marks that ran up his skeletal body to the sides of his face. He'd only have his coat, shorts, and shoes to keep as his own.
Allowing the scarf to rise to cover the lower part of his face, his hood over his head, he began to slowly fall asleep. The void soundlessly lulling the being to sleep.
At least, until a sound broke the silent trap that had been the void...
Eye-sockets wide with surprise, the being watched as color flowed into his world through the fractured rift that tore into the blank void.
Stepping out of the rift and into his void was a being like him, eyes swapping to different symbols with every blink, a kind smile on his face, and a large paintbrush in his grasp.
"Well you seem kinda lonely here." The voice spoke with a certain kindness and enthusiasm that had brought the being an almost familiar twang of feelings.
"...W-...Who..?" The being rasped with his underused voice, surprised that a sound even emitted from himself.
"Just call me, Ink. Now then, let's get you out of this place, shall we?" the other held his hand out to the being.
Something that he gladly accepted.

"come on! We're going to miss it!" Ink enthusiastically claimed as he tugged along the other pale grey skeleton that attempted to grab his jacket, and somehow exceeding with such.
"I-Ink... What are you talking about? I don't remember you planning anything at all to be honest other than helping creators with their new AUs..." the being frowned.
"That's exactly it! I found something that you may like actually!" Ink exclaimed.
"More than chocolate?"
"Yes... more than chocolate."

"Woah... I gotta say, this creator really went all out with this place..." the being muttered as he stared in awe at the place forming around him. This in turn had caused the artistic skeleton to smile.
"You know... They don't have a 'Sans' for this place, Ender. I think you'd really like it here..." Ink hinted off to the being which had finally accepted the name 'Ender' after his old AU once Ink had pestered him enough about it.
Surprised, Ender quickly turned to Ink. Unsure of how to respond really, "B-but...what about you? And Error...a-and all the AUs an-" Ender was silenced by two hands being placed on his shoulders.
"Don't worry so much, En. You've always said how you wanted an AU of your own to where it felt like it- don't lie I heard you muttering to yourself again." Ink mused as Ender averted his gaze sheepishly.
"Come on, I'm not breaking my deal with Error at all by doing this. I'm sure it'll feel like a real home to you in no time! Plus, I'll be around to visit incase you get lonely without me~" Ink teased before smiling, removing his hands from Ender's shoulders.
"I see... Thank you, Ink."


That was a new word for the being.

Fiddling with the gold heart locket that he wore, Ender sighed. He rested his head against his hand as he looked down at the dim reflection.
"You are so needy, you know that?"
"oh shush Asriel, it's true and you know it."
"Can you two not right now?" Ender groaned before hiding his face in his arms. The ghost with a similar heart locket around her neck rolled her eyes at this.
"What? So you can self pity yourself for the hundredth time? Cheer up sappy pants come on, let's go get chocolate." Chara bluntly stated before floating to the side.
"You're a bad influence, kiddo, you know that right?" Ender mused before stretching and getting up, following the two ghosty children that lead him into town
"Yeah so what, c'mon I want sugary stuff."
"C-chara...you can't eat."

There was a pause, then pure saltiness showed,
"Well excuse me then flower boy, way to be a killjoy" she grumbled which had caused Ender to snicker, "shut up glitchy boy, now cmon lets get the chocolate." Chara huffed before floating off.
"what are we ever gonna do with her..?" Asriel smiled faintly as Ender shrugged, the two following the ghost.

Back at the sentry post, Ender would happily be eating a chocolate bar as Chara attempted to eat one herself. All the while mumbling about "of course I can eat chocolate" and "I'll prove that damn flower goat wrong".
Asriel would be looking around silently before his eyes widened, "E-en-ender..." Asriel began to panic a bit causing the skeleton to look at the past prince confused, "Hm?"
"F-fallen...human!" he yelped causing Ender to stand up quickly and hit his head on the wooden board with a pained grunt, causing Chara to laugh mockingly at him a bit.
"shut it kiddo, and stay here!" he grumbled out before teleporting on the other side of the bridge that connected Snowdin to the Ruins.

Warily glancing around, the kid frowned. Sudden realization of how could it was hitting them like a ton of bricks.
"s-s-so c-c-coldd..." they murmured before freezing as they heard a twig snap behind them, glancing back they saw nothing as they inched towards the bridge- letting out an 'oomph' as they bumped into something... or someone.

"Hey now," the being laughed silently causing the kid to tense up more a bit, "is that any way to greet a new friend? Come on, shake my hand..." a pale gray skeletal hand came into their view, gulping they turned around and took a step back. Unable to see the skeleton's face as he had his hood covering his eyes.
Shakily, however, the kid reached over and hesitantly grasped the skeleton's hand. Giving it a small shake before pulling their hand back in surprise as they found a wrapped chocolate ball in it.
Shifting the hood off his head, Ender grinned a friendly smile, patting the kid gently on the head.
"See? I'm not that bad, kiddo." He chuckled, amused.
"What's your name kid?"
"F-Frisk..." Frisk responded with a semi-shy smile.

"Well, Frisk? Welcome to the Underground."

Watching contently from the sidelines, a certain skeleton with multi-shaped/colored eyes smiled. "See..? I told you you'd do well here in Melodytale, Ender... And I'm glad you see it now too~" with a soft sigh, the artistc skeleton hopped off the spot he sat on.

Walking away from the sight of Ender attempting, and indeed failing, at hiding the kid behind him from Melody! Papyrus, hinting to the kid how to solve the musical puzzles that had been set up for them, and their reactions to the kid being able to see the ghosts that follow Ender around.
My, what a splendid AU this had become for this lonely skeleton that had once lived on his own in the soundless blank void.

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