0 ~ Today

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"Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit," I think silently to myself, keeping a calm but quick pace as I try to pass unnoticed under the radar of the people that usually like to poke fun at me to get to my locker. At least it was Friday...

Travis was the tallest of the three, swept to the side blonde hair, striking green eyes, and a wardrobe of ripped jeans, clean black strapped boots, and a beanie with the script 'Hell is my Home'. He has some good muscle from weightlifting, and he plays tennis in a club.

David was the shortest, but he still had a couple inches on me. He had a lanky figure but his legs were slim built from being offense in the soccer team, his skin showing a tan from so many games. His hair was shaven, but you could tell it was a dark brown. His sky blue eyes matched his usual blue sweater and his jeans were grass stained but otherwise perfect shape.

Last but not least, Kyle. Being the middle man in height, he probably had the worst personality. He had a look that said 'touch me and I'll break your arm' on his face every day like his facial features were made of rock. Kyle had his raven black hair half dyed red shaven on the left side if his head, and a piercing on his lip. He wears his father's leather jacket from when he was still in the military. Though, his father passed giving his life to war, so Kyle was touchy about it. He played volleyball and participated in cross country running.

As usual, despite my efforts, they spot me anyway as I reach my locker. I struggle to keep a calm face as they start towards me with cocky grins, except Kyle who kept a scary stone-face. Knowing what was coming, I put my bag down and just continued what I was doing, but with slightly shaky hands.

"Hey, mute monster," Travis, the most dominant one, casually greeted. It was a usual greeting for me, played off by the old tale known by everyone who lives near Mount Ebbot. The monster's who were sealed underground. Since I lived so close to the mountian, it only reinforced their thoughts. For awhile, I was thought that I should've been down there with them, seeing as I'm not welcomed anywhere up here. But I delt with it, nontheless.

"Four-eyed freak with no friends," David chimed in, grinning with his hands behind his head in a relaxed fashion. It was true, I didn't have any close friends. But it didn't mean I didnt have acquaintances.

"Faggot who isn't loved by anyone," Kyle sneered. The fisrt part was true, I am gay but I'm in the closet here, but the latter was a little untrue counting my mother.

I didn't look at them, waving at them dismissively over my shoulder as I grabbed my Algebra Trig folder. Before I could put it in my bag, it was forcefully pulled out of my hand.

"Need this? I don't think you do," Travis smiled. I could tell he wanted something from me, so I turned and gave him a questioning look, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Money for your folder back, fag. Now," Kyle ordered. Not at all intimidated, I just kept putting folders I needed for classes in my bag, ignoring him. It probably wasn't the best move, but I didn't want to deal with them right now. Lunch break is almost over.

I felt a hand grip the back of my collar and felt a sharp tug, bringing me unsteadily to my feet. Quickly knowing what was coming, I closed my locker as I was turned around, being abruptly slammed into my locker door roughly. I gave a surprised gasp at the pressure on my throat.

David went through my backpack while I stood still, face to face with a glaring Kyle who had his forearm on my throat. David had found my money stash I wanted them to find, and he jerked his head to tell Kyle to let go.

"Usual place tonight, freak," Travis growled as the bell rung signaling lunch break was over, "If you don't show up like the wuss you are, we'll tell your dad about your secret. Since you didn't comply right away, we won't go easy on you tonight. See you there."

Great, another black eye is in store for me. Wonderful.

Travis shoved me to the floor like a toy he was bored with, and smirked one last time, striding away from me. Travis tossed my folder at my face scattering it's contents. I kept a poker face when they left.

They were talking about me being gay as a secret, but I never saw it as one. No one asks, so no one knows. They treat it like I'm trying to keep it a secret and use it against me. As payment for them keeping the 'secret', I have to take a few punches at a local forest-y park before I go home. I dreaded it personally, but I didn't want to go down so easily today. Today, I'll try to fight back.

I gathered the folder back together in order and placed everything back into my bag, sighing as I gently held my sore throat. Tired already, I walked to class.


Keyword, 'try'.

I limped slightly from the kicks I recieved, holding my bruised and cut arms close, keeping my head down and away from traffic so they couldn't see a newly formed black eye and cuts on my face.

Usually it wasn't this bad, but since I tried to fight back, I received more than I bargained for.

Who the hell brings a razor blade to a park anyway? Apparently Kyle. On this Friday, since he won't see me for awhile, he decided to get 'creative'. He got a kick out of sliding it across my throat for a scar to form, relishing the utter fear forming in my eyes at the time. It was small enough for me not to bleed out on my way back. The blood layered over my nice white shirt collar and sweater lining. Dad will have a fit about the stains.

Thinking of dad, I wasn't excited to see him, but I wanted to get cleaned up and let mom bandage everything.

I smiled at the thought of mom, and my pace got a bit faster. Hoping to get home as soon as possible.

After about a ten minute walk, I arrived at my house from the park. The footsteps of my white shoes with two black stripes on the sides were quiet as I approached the house. My pace froze halfway up the walk, my eyes wide.

I heard screaming coming from the inside of the walls of my residence.

I dropped my school bag and ran up to the front door, fumbling with my keys. Unlocking the door as fast as I could. I heard a big crash and a thud from the other side.

This only made my panic worse and I threw open the door once it was open. My eyes widened and my jaw slacked slightly.

*****Bit of a gore warning. If you hate blood, skip this segment.

Holy shit.

Dad stood over mom's body, him holding a bloody knife. Hell, blood was everywhere. The glass case that held dad's guns was on the floor and smashed apart, glass and handguns scattered across the foyer. Mom lay still, her shiny black hair pulled back just enough for me to see her eyes wide, her mouth caught in a silent scream.

When I opened the door, Dad's head snapped around and saw me. He had a look of blood lust. If that wasn't enough to scare me senseless, he turned and slowly started toward me, mumbling something under his breath.

****Gore over...recap for those who didn't read it, Hexis saw his mother on the floor and his dad over her body.

Oh...my god...

I took a shaky step back, feeling anxiety rise in my throat and my head growing dizzy. Knowing my dad was twice as tall as me, and three times heavier, there was no way I could beat him, not with injuries like this.

So I turned and ran.

I could hear dad come after me in a thundering scramble, a deafening bellow of my name barely reaching my ears. I couldn't hear much, my blood was pounding through my body, pumped with new adrenaline.

I barley registered I was running into the forest just below Mount Ebbot, beginning a climb for my life.

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