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Geno's POV
I was in the save screen like always waiting for something interesting to happen. Sometimes Error and Fresh visit. Sometimes Reaper visits and flirts with me. Sometimes I would be able to watch replacement me, papyrus,frisk,and everyone else. I missed then of course I know I cannot see them. But I like to imagine seeing them again. I hear a portal open in the distance. I looked to see who it was. It was Reaper. He began to flirt like always I don't hate him flirting with me as much as I did at the beginning.
Lemon starts now. When all the sudden Reaper pinned me to the ground. I yelped and tried to get him off of me. Then he started to kiss me. I kissed back for some reason. He licked where my lips would be if I wasn't a skeleton. I opened my mouth allowing his ecto-tounge to go in my mouth. While we were kissing I formed a female ecto-body. Reaper noticed and said,"that was quick." I blushed as Reaper began to lick my neck and undress me. I began to undress him as well. Then he found my sweet spot making me moan. He began to attack that spot. He bit me claiming me as his. After that he went down to my Ecto boobs and began to suck on one as he massaged I'm pretty sure I spelt that wrong my other one. I moaned after about five minutes of that. He went down to my wet ecto pussy and began to lick it break time because my face needs a break from smirking I moaned as I felt myself getting closer and closer. I thought when I came I would moan Reaper.But instead I moaned Daddy I couldn't help myself when I came I blushed even more. Then Reaper pulled down his boxers enough for his member to spring out. Then he asked me, "are you ok with this?" I responded with,"yes." After that he entered me and I began moaning. I then moaned, "faster." He began going faster and faster until he reached an inhuman pace. I kept moaning as I began feeling close I felt his dick twitch so I was able to tell he was close to. I kept moaning then I came and moaned, "daddy." Reaper came soon after filling me and moaning my name. We both flopped down then Reaper said, "I love you." I said "I love you to" as I fell asleep next to Reaper.
This might be bad to you I don't know I was smirking the entire time I wrote this.

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