Sans x Depressed!Reader (Pacifist)

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Don't worry there's no self harm or anything triggering here, just so you know. Also I've decided to write this one using a first person instead of third person perspective, tell me what you prefer!

*Reader's POV*













I allowed my head to slam back down onto the pillows in defeat, struggling to keep my heavy eyes open. 

I hated these days.

The ones where I couldn't even get out of bed because life is a pain in the ass! I sighed as I lay motionless, for some reason feeling annoyed and sad. 

Instead of just lying on the bed, doing nothing. I decided to concentrate on the blank roof I was staring at as I lay on the bed, therefore doing something. Okay.. I guess that doesn't count but it's something.

As I lay down wondering about the world I unknowingly started to drift off to sleep a yawn snapped me back into reality. 

Sans: "Morning" Sans said with a tired smile. 

Every morning I'd wake up before him, but I didn't mind. It just meant the first thing he got to do in the morning was say hello to me. 

Sans: "So you gonna talk or are you just gonna look in the distance all cute like" he said with a chuckle. I would've nudged him or blushed but instead I just gave a little chuckle. Damn, I am really not happy this morning. 

Sans looked at me with the 'look'. he always got the 'look' whenever he could see something wasn't right. It was the perfect mixture of sadness, confusion and concern. Somehow it always reassured me he cared.

Before I could say anything he got up and sat next to me on my side of the bed. I looked up at him.

Sans: "You okay?" he said concerned,"Was it the dream about the resets again?" he quickly added, he always was a bit on edge when we talked about the reset dreams. Then i suddenly felt bad for letting him think that was the case.

(Y/N): "No, no" I exclaimed suddenly,"I'm just not feeling good" I looked down at the sheets, "again", I sighed.

Sans embraced me, squeezing me like he was gonna lose my happy side forever.

As I looked at his back and rested my head on his shoulder I felt slightly guilty complaining since I knew he had gone through a much rougher depression and he probably still is. Okay no more depressing thoughts.

It felt like an eternity till one of us spoke, a nice eternity.

Sans: "Hey" Sans said in a soothing voice, "I got an idea" he said as he pulled out our embrace and took my hand. "Why don't we go to Frisks rehearsal for their ballet performance tomorrow?" he said somehow giving a 'well?' expression.

(Y/N): "That sounds pretty good" I said with a smile creeping on my face.

Count on Sans to make what could have been a shitty day, a decent one.

A/N Thanks to Crazy_Wild_Fangirl for requesting this! Sorry it took so long, school has not been kind. Anyway I hope you enjoy!

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