What did you just say? (Paperjam x hybrid reader)

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Author's POV:
You and Paperjam, ink and error's son have been friends for a very long time. (This is based after the comics that underyale peasant did. Pls check ut peasant in yt.) But that will change after a certain day.
Your POV:
Me and paperjam were talking until a fangirl(?) (Lol) pushed him towards me and we accidentaly kissed. (I will do this a twist. Instead of fresh getting pushed it will be pj, and you will be in his place. And instead of pj getting high from the kiss, it will be you)
Author's POV:
"OhmyGodohmyGodohmyGod. I kissed my best friend" both of you said at the same time while freaking out. (When this comes out it means that you are saying it in a coe way(?))
"Hey, your the guy from my dreams~" you say making paperjam uncomfortable "n/n c-can I k-kiss you again?" He says sweating "Sure thing hunky~" your lips were inches apart but you were pushed by the one and only pj "As much as I want to do it, I won't stoop that low. Let's get you back to my house. Mom(ink?) must be worried about us." "NO, I DON'T WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL!" Ink goes near you and holds your cheek. "Sweety, are you ok?" "Heh, your eyes are shaped like a star, that's funny~" Ink turns to pj "PJ! DID YOU MAKE YOUR BEST FRIEND DRINK SOMETHING?!" Ink said shaking his son rappidly. "*sigh* I'll go check on her."
Pj's POV:
"D-dad?" "Egh!what?" "C-can we talk?" "Sure son."
~after a lomg talk~
"Alright what happened?" "M-mom(?) can I see her?" "Sweety she's still sleep-" "N/N!!!" "PJ! She's sleeping." Both of them crash in your room breaking th door in the process. "Ma'am, p-pj?! Wh-what's going on?!" "N/n! A-are you ok?" "Y-yes, yes I am." "Oh thank God you're ok. N/n I love you." "*gasp*I-I love you too. Pj" you both hug eachother.


Ok guys sory about this being cheesy. Pls check undertale peasant again and ut peasant is so cool. Thank u

Edit: Looking back at this.. Holy Jeez am I cringy..

"Hunky"? Seriously Past Me?

Past me: What? Its what I could think of.


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