~My Oc's~

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These are my Oc's that you might encounter in your roleplays, depending on weither you allow me to bring them in or not to help continue the plot.


Name: Sonya Renesmee Adams

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Human Mage

Soul Color: White w/ lines of other colors outlining sections in a way that makes it look like paint splatter.

Soul Trait: Creativity

Appearance: Sonya is a girl of decent stature and height, with her reaching 5'8 height wise. Her skin is a rich natural tan, and she has stormy grey-blue eyes. Her hair is medium in length, and a gradient cyan. It goes from dark to light.

Clothing: She sports a simple but comfortable  dark purple long sleeved shirt. It's rather form fitting and complements her well. She also wears navy blue jeans along with purple converse. A transparent blue crystal on a silver chain rests around her neck.

Personality: Sonya has a tendency to seek out danger if it means putting an end to a problem or to defend someone she cares about. She can be stubborn and hotheaded, but she generally is a bright person. She is very dedicated and passionate, but very shy and unwilling to speak when conversations turn personal. She's modest and absolutely adores music.

Preferred Dance Style: Hip Hop & Parkour

Dance Style: Improvisation

Magic: Sirenkinesis - Sonya's magic is mostly activated through music, and the most convenient way to use her magic is for her to sing. She can sometimes influence others with her singing or music, if she enhances it to play upon certain emotions. It's effect all defends on how easily tempted the person is.

Essence - Her magical essence can impact the world around her, by being shaped into a shield, some physical construct, creating a portal to a pocket dimension, and so on. There are limitations of course-but her magic is pretty useful.

Weapon: *Violin Bow


Backstory: Sonya was the final child that completed her parents dream family, and they showered both her and her older sister with plenty of attention. When Sonya was young, she showed an interest in music and sound. She picked up speaking much quicker then a normal child, and she loved it when her parents and older sister would sing her to sleep. She had a passion for music class in Elementary School, and she joined the school Orchestra once she reached Intermediate School. She began to learn how to play the violin, and she'd always hold these mock concerts at her house. Her family was very supportive of her, and her older sister would often take her out to her ice cream at a local place just down the street after each one. As time passed, Sonya began to excel more and more in the musical arts, and she couldn't be happier. She was fully confident that she could be a scholarship or two for college-and she was most defiantly planning on becoming a music major. Then in the middle of her sophomore year her world was turned upside down. Her parents and older sister happened to be driving down a rather busy highway, when they were hit head on by a drunk driver. Her sister had unbuckled her seat belt for a single moment so that she could reach over the last row of seats and grab something from the trunk-and then the crash occurred. Her older sister didn't survive, to say the least. Sonya's perfect little family descended into madness, as her parents forgot about the one daughter they had left, and attempted to drown out the sorrow of loosing their oldest daughter. Her parents could...get rather violet when they were drunk, but they never laid a hand on her..But there were some close calls. Sonya began to take refuge in her sisters old room. Being surrounded by her sisters things was somewhat therapeutic, but one day was rustling through some of it she came across a journal. It was an worn old leather bound book, and Sonya immediately recognized her sisters near handwriting once she opened it. It's pages began to describe what Sonya had only heard as some tall tale a few times.

Long ago, two races ruled over Earth: HUMANS and MONSTERS.

One day, war broke out between the two races.

After a long battle, the humans were victorious.

They sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell.

Time went on, but somewhere along the way, humans lost their magic, save for a very rare few.

Sonya continued to read through her sisters journal, and slowly began to realize what it was implying. And soon it blatantly said it. Sonya's older sister had been a mage, and hidden it from everyone. The journal contained updates of her progress-how well she was learning to manipulate her magic, times she had almost been caught..Then it spoke of a particular necklace that had helped Sonya's older sister unlock her magic-and she found it just where the journal said it was placed. Apparently her sister had tried to test weither or not Sonya had magic as well long ago...In short, the necklace allowed Sonya to unlock her abilities, and with the journal in hand she began to learn how to control it-until her drunk parents simply became to much for her to stand. Sonya packed up a few of her things and stowed them away in a small pocket dimension. It had been one of the first things that she had learned how to do. She then began her trek up to Mt. Ebbot. Sonya had lost so much, and even her passion for music had been affected, so she decided that she was going to find out more about the world that her sister had known about. Sonya was going to learn about Monsters. One night she took shelter in a large cave, but after waking from a nightmare she ended up tripping and falling into a large hole.

Other: Her soul is canvas white with many other soul trait colors outlining sections in paint splatter like shapes. Each one has a specific color, like ones red and another's orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. Although the dominate color is blue. As Sonya slowly accepts her sisters death and learns put it behind her, these paint splatter outlines begin to be shaded in with their appropriate color.

Name: Astraea Deirdre Stoné

Nickname: Astra & Deedee

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Human

Soul Color: Pale Gray [Marble Patterned]

Soul Trait: Stagnancy

Soul Type: Monster Soul

Appearance: Astraea reaches a rather tall height, as she reaches 5'9 height wise. She has healthy white skin and crimson red eyes. Her long wavy white blond hair reaches down to her hips, and she has a decent figure.

Clothing: Astraea favors whites and grays, and in turn sports a plain white short sleeved teeshirt underneath a washed out light gray jacket. She also has a pair of light blue jeans and light gray sneakers. She wears a horizontal iron tablet on a silver chain around her neck, and the tablet reads 'A21RA'. This necklace had no clasp, and has too short of a chain to just pull off.

Personality: Astraea is stagnant-she is a stubborn young woman that refuses to move on. She has a tendency to dwell on the past and often convinces herself that bad outcomes are her fault. She is very slow to accept change in her daily life and is the most comfortable with a planned daily routine. Otherwise she is rather timid but kindhearted, and often tries to do things with good intentions.

Dance Style: Ballet

Magic: Pyrokinesis - Astraea can create, shape, and manipulate fire. She is also resistant to extreme heat.

Weapon: Dagger

Backstory: Astraea is a unexplainable phenomenon, seeing how she is a human that was born with a monster soul. There had always been something different about her from the day she was born. There was simply something...weak about her. She was a target for bullies, since this 'aura' of weakness constantly hung around her. Even when she got involved in sports to become physically fit-she still seemed weak. Astraea began to lash out at home because of the way life seemed to be treating her. She blamed everyone around her, and drove those few friends that she had away. It was sad, really. Then the day came. The day when things were taken to far, and Astraea was rushed to the hospital. In simplicity, her bullies had taken things up a notch and were now facing attempted murder charges almost assault and battery and numerous others. Murder if she died. Astraea's heart had begun to fail due to stress and the fact that she was simply...Weak. The trauma had oddly triggered this event-and she desperately needed a transplant.....Her father gave his life, and his heart, to save her. Her mother turned cold after the event, but still provided for Astraea-but she was to torn up over what had happened to accept anything well. She ran away, she tried to run from her problems, she tried to run so far that everything simply went back to being normal. In her desperation to escape she ended up racing up Mount Ebbot, only to meet the fate of some many other people. She fell into the Underground, where she was found and promptly delivered to the Royal Scientists due to the fact that she was a literal enigma. She ended up living in the underground, but she is a mess. She is stoic and follows a strict routing daily, as it's one of the few things that keep her sane. She bears a lot of guilt.

Other: She has L.V. How much? That's for you to wonder, and for me to know.

Name: Thea Alaster

Nickname: Tea

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Species: Boss Monster (Rabbit Monster)

Soul: Monster Soul

Casual: She has soft white fur, although she does have a light brown heart shaped birthmark on her right arm close to her shoulder. Her left eye was basically torn out in a fight and so now she has an eyepatch. It's tan around the edges and grey on the inside. Her right eye is sky blue, and the inside of her ears are pink. Her nose and paw pads are as well. She wears dark blue shirts with black scarf like things, held around her neck by a silver clip thingy. A silver belt around her waist to hook her sword sheath onto, and some dark grey pants. She doesn't wear shoes.

Fight: She wears a light iron chestplate and a chainmail skirt. Her right eye blazes much like Sans' when she uses her magic, and she also uses her Scimitar sword. She still doesn't wear shoes.

Personality: Reasonable, Patient, Morally Driven, Determined, Understanding.

Dance Style: Idk

Likes: Carrots, Lettuce, Salad, Chocolate, Training, Hanging Out With Friends, Reading, and Writing.

Dislikes: Oranges, Tomatoes, BBQ Sauce, Threats To Those She's Sworn To Protect, and Coloring.

Family: Snowdin Shopkeeper (Cousin), Snowdin Inkeeper (Cousin), Shopkeeper's Child (Cousin), Bun-Bun (Little Sister), Cinnamon (Little Brother),

Magic: Earth Magic, Healing Magic, Summoning of Silver Bullets

Weapon: Scimitar

Backstory: She's the oldest in her family, and so she always took on the job of helping and protecting her little siblings. She actually found that she was fairly powerful, and so she sought to join the Royal guard. And so here she is now.

Crush: Open

Other: Her Soul trait would be Integrity if she was a human. She remembers fragments, pieces of memories from previous timelines that haunt her in her dreams. Although these just confuse her and she doesn't know what they mean or about Resets or anything.

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