Christmas SF: A Franstatic Confession

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This one was inspired by ​a Frans artist named Koichii on Tumblr (xxkoichiixx). It's a continuation of their comic, A Franstastic Holiday.

Sorry for my absence, guys. Trying hard to finish school work so that I have more time for stuff like this, so take this as my apology git. ^^;;; 



"I wonder what would've happened if I didn't pass out..."

With his mind fantasising about the many possibilities, Sans' eyes widened in pure shock. Some of the thoughts swimming in his head were pretty decent, others were...

Oof. He should probably stop agreeing to watch anime with Alphys on his off-days.

"GAAAA! WHAT THE HECK AM I THINKING?!" He hollered, burying himself in his hands in an attempt to shrink himself. His face was a deep cobalt in nothing but embarrassment as the events of last night replayed in his mind.

Meanwhile, downstairs in the living room, Frisk continued to sip her tea, which had long turned cold in her hands. Who asked her to engage in a staring contest with Sans when he wasn't even looking her a few hours ago? Now it tasted horrible.

Her blush deepened when she heard the skeleton screaming upstairs and instantly remembered how Sans wanted to brew that tea for her that morning. Despite its overwhelming bitterness, she downed the cup to its last drop. "Let's pretend that I don't hear anything... " She muttered to herself as she wondered when Papyrus would come home.


Somehow, after a number of hours, they were still the only two people in the house.

Frisk had opted not to go home despite what her intuition told her, rationalising with the fact that Sans was still slightly sober (after a whole morning? No Frisk, no.) and probably needed someone to help him if he had a bad hangover headache. Especially after considering what he did last night, too.

While she was cooking some lunch for the both of them, the brunette also received a phone call from Toriel, stating that she, Papyrus and some monsters were stuck at Asgore's house due to a snowstorm last night. It wasn't very strong, but it brought a lot of snow to the roads, covering the streets with a snow white layer of ice. Undyne, Alphys and Mettaton were safe at Alphys' house as well. It would take at least a day for all the snow to go away naturally (thank goodness that the sun was up) and even then they needed help to shovel it all away. Guess she was stuck with Sans now.

... Yeah. Stuck with Sans.

Frisk was not one for guilty pleasures, but this was an opportunity she didn't really want to miss. Yes, she was still embarrassed. Yes, she still dismissed the events that happened last night to be a dream. Yes, she had a gut feeling that he remembered everything he did and was a blushing mess now.

But... what he said last night...

"So Frisk, wanna try calling me 'cute'... one more time?"

"It feels like you're underestimating me..."

"And that I'm nothing but a cute skeleton to you... "

"Then tell me..."

"I wanna hear you say it."

And, at the beginning... That kiss...

Despite her initial shock, she had to admit; that kiss was sweeter that what she thought. Better than what she had expected from the skeleton. He was lazy, often sleeping and almost never willing to make an effort to flirt with her. Frisk had already loved that about Sans, and with what happened last night, she was falling for him even more.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a moan from upstairs, cueing her to look up and ignore her cooking for a moment. At first, she thought that it might have been from a neighbour, but her guesses were proven wrong when another moan was heard. Must be Sans... She wondered to herself, pouring a glass of water for him. Here comes that bad hangover after drinking all that ketchup. She would never understand how he gets drunk on tomato sauce but that was a question to be answered on another day.

Frisk had intended to walk upstairs with confidence and determination, but it became increasingly obvious that it was not happening. As she climbed the steps, she felt that her heart was in her throat and as soon as she was in front of it, she found that her feet would not dare to step into his room. Her mind just kept walking back to whatever happened in the living room less than a day ago.

Eventually, she steeled enough courage to knock the door. "Sans? You okay in there?" She called out to him.

No response. Maybe he fell back asleep? The brunette had knocked on the door again and repeated the same question but all she got was silence. Not even a scuffling sound.

She eventually gave up and hovered her hand over the doorknob, only to remember that Sans' room can be really dark and hard to navigate in. The first time she stepped into his room, she could barely find her way around. Instead, she placed the glass near the doorway, figuring that she should probably get him some hangover pills from the medical cabinet in the bathroom.

Little did she know that the silence was intentional.


As soon as she stepped into the bathroom, the teenager headed for the large mirror over the sink, opening it to reveal shelves of medicine, bandages and antiseptic materials. She quickly scanned through all the bottles of pills, spotting out the right one she needed. As soon as she reached for the glass bottle and closed the cabinet door, she heard a low voice behind her.


She froze for a split second before turning around and recognising the figure behind to be Sans, albeit really groggy and out of place. His eye sockets were drooping and there was a frown inscribed on his face. Wearing nothing but a white t-shirt and black basketball shorts, he placed a hand on her shoulder as if to balance himself.

"Sans! You startled me," She mumbled, trying to support his surprisingly staggering weight. "You shouldn't be walking around after having so much ketchup last night,"

"Yeah... last night, yeah..." He muttered under his breath, another hand raising to massage his skull. "Sorry kid but can ya help me back to my room? I'm not feeling too good,"

Hearing his voice all low and unsteady made her worried. Maybe he really bit more than he could chew last night. "Sure thing, Sans," She reassured him, placing the bottle of pills on the table and wrapping his left arm around her shoulders. She could come back for the meds later, but Sans had to be in bed or he'll end up getting dizzy and disoriented.

In a slow but steady fashion, Frisk managed to get the sleep skeleton out of the bathroom and walk him down the hall. She took extra care not to accidentally spill the glass of water from earlier and entered his dark room.

"Don't you ever turn on the lights in here, or you know clean up, Sans?" She asked him, avoiding any obstacle on the floor. She wasn't really expecting a reply, but got one from the semi-asleep skeleton anyway. "Never... had the need to," He mumbled.

The human shook her head in disappointment as she stepped towards the bed. "What do mean that you never had the need to? I can barely walk or see anything in here!"

"Good... good..." Sans said again, seemingly oblivious to what Frisk had just said. After that, she gave up on trying to maintain conversation with the skeleton, mostly because of his loopiness.

But that was when something unexpected happened. Right then and there, she heard him lean close to her ear and whisper something she was not anticipating.

"If it's so dark, that means I have the upper hand,"

In the flash of an eye, Frisk found herself being lifted off the ground and tossed onto a soft, cushioned surface. Before she could even comprehend the fact that she was laying down, she found herself face to face with a pair of piercing, pure white eyes, with one of them slowing changing its colour to an azure hue. There was something in the air, like a fizz, similar to the type of magic Toriel would use to cook on the stove. Only this fizz was much less concentrated, dispersed and spread throughout the room, and she could feel it pecking all over her face.

Hovering over her was a familiar yet foreign face, determined, focused eyes that were looking straight at her own. She felt some tension in her neck and dared not to tear away from that fierce gaze coming from the skeleton. She didn't even know this could happen.

Before another minute could pass by, he leaned in closer to her face, his skull nearing her lips. Her heart was pounding and she could feel her face warming up. She could only widen her eyes in shock as he connected their lips together in a intimate kiss, just like last night.

Frisk could not move, how could she? Worried if a single shake of her hands would trigger a negative reaction, she remained as stiff and still as a statue. Sans sensed this too easily and broke away from the kiss, his eyes softening to form a deep, concerned expression.

Had he pushed it too far?

"Frisk?" He whispered lowly, a name that he rarely called her. Below him was a full-blown red-faced human girl who was biting her bottom lip and shutting her eyes tight, calling forth his deeper instincts. Part of him wanted to continue, and yet another part of him worried if this treatment was too much for the kid. "You okay?"

At this point, Frisk felt like she had been holding her breath for a very long time and at his question, she was finally able to let loose the air in her lungs. Panting, she replied softly. "W-w-w-what was that?"

Sans smiled sheepishly. "Uh.... Too far?" He murmured in embarrassment. "I thought you liked that kind of stuff though,"

"I-well-um..." Frisk stuttered and turned her head to the side in an attempt to dodge the question, which made her look all the more adorable in his eyes. In fact, everything about her right now was adorable. Huh, if she thought he was 'cute' last night, perhaps he should return the favour...

"Oh, I see," He whispered seductively, placing his left elbow down on the bed as his fingers combed through her hair. "You do like this, don't you?"

Frisk was speechless. Her throat went dry. Her mind kept screaming some words that she wanted to say to him, but her mouth just couldn't make a single sound. Again, she was captivated by his glowing blue eye, attracted to it like a moth to a flame.

"Yeah, I bet you even dream of me doing this right~?" Sans continued, shifting the weight of his body to his left arm so that he could caress her face with his other hand. His fingers cupped her cheek while his thumb drew closer to her lips as he began to tease her. "Cat got your tongue, huh? Well, I happen to know the best way to make you talk... Unless you tell me not to,"

Ba-bump, ba-bump, ba-bump... Her heart was drumming in her chest, beating faster and faster by the second. She willed with all of her strength to say something, anything to the monster on top of her.

Meanwhile, Sans chuckled, lowering his hand from her face. "Aw, look at that. I barely said a word earlier and you're all red because of it. Guess I was being real frisky now, wasn't I?" He smirked as she raised her hands to cover her face. Despite her embarrassment, he still wanted to see her face a little more. With a snap of his fingers, his levitation magic managed to grab ahold of Frisk's hands and pin them to the bed, giving him full view of her face. "Don't hide your face," He ordered gently. "I like seeing how flustered you get when I talk like this-"


Immediately, Sans stopped talking. He was almost gonna tell her not to interrupt him anymore that day, but her words shocked him. 'I like you a lot'? Was that supposed to be-

At the same time, Frisk, who had miraculously regained her voice, began to blurt out many things. "I like how you're always sleepy all the time and you look cute when you fall asleep! I like how you're always so laid-back and cool without you even realising it! I like how you care very much about me and always looked out for me ever since I was a little kid even till now! I like how you're always caring towards all monsters and you love your brother so much and-"

"Woah woah woah, slow down!" Sans stopped her immediately after that last bit, now playing the role as the flustered one. 'Cool'? 'Caring'? 'Cute' appeared again as a descriptor for himself, but this time, he didn't really mind.

"Are you.... Are you serious, kid?" Sans inquired, shifting over to the left to sit next to the human girl on the bed. "You think I'm... all those things?"

Frisk sat up as well, curling into a ball and hugging her legs to her chest. There was a small awkward silence between them for a while before she spoke again. "Yeah... I know it's weird," She admitted.

The skeleton turned to her in slight disbelief. "Well, I mean... It is uncommon for a human to love a monster," He began. "But I didn't say that I hate it or anything like that,"

"What you did just now..." Frisk remarked softly. "Tell me, was it on purpose? Or was it because you're still drunk?"






" ... No."

Surprised, she lowered her legs into a cross-legged position and stared at him. "Really?" She asked in bewilderment.

"Yeah, I wasn't faking it," He answered, his face slowly forming a smile. "You know I've never really been good with words, kid. And trying to kiss you while I am not drunk is actually really difficult. In fact, I might just conk out now," And with that, his head dropped to her lap, startling her. "Oh!"

He chuckled again at her reaction. "But if I really have to put it in words," He continued, reaching out for her face again. "I really do care about ya, Frisk. I'm, uh, pretty greedy and I don't want to lose you to anyone else, if you catch my drift."

Hearing this made her smile and even in the dark room, Sans could see it. He could also see her leaning down to plant another kiss on his skull as his cheeks turned blue. "You skele-dork," She sighed. "This is why I love you."

"And I love you too," he replied, kissing her again.

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