Human!Sans x Frisk : My Queen

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The picture is by mia8902 on Tumblr.

After SO many weeks of no writing, I am learning how to get my creative juices running again. And no way better than to write some sweet Frans~



She would be lying if she said that she was not nervous.

In fact, 'nervous' was just the tip of the iceberg; she was blushing throughout the whole party as soon as she had arrived. After desperately finding a wall to stand in front of, she talked with many party-goers and waved hello many to her monster friends. It was customary, after all, with her status as an ambassador.

But she could not steel herself to move a single inch from that spot. Not on her life.

She did not dare to step out and have people accidentally bumping into her from the back and making her feel incredibly uncomfortable. It was actually Chara's suggestion for her to wear that dress, since it would match with her own. And even though her adoptive sister shook her head at the thought, Chara had promised her that she would look out for her in every way she could.

Which is what she said before she got drunk and Papyrus had to bring her home. Go figure.

She sighed at the memory. "Thanks a lot, sis," Frisk muttered to herself. Thankfully, the party's initial gusto and enthusiasm had died down after a few hours and now she was sitting down on one of the chairs lined up by the side of the party hall, watching as some couples began to step onto the dance floor . The music in the background was calm, soothing and melodic. It wasn't too melodic that anyone wanted to sleep though.

Well, maybe Frisk did. But fortunately, she was rescued from dozing off by a tap on the shoulder.


There he was. His dark blue suit and white shirt that matched with his combed hair barely looked like his usual attire but she had to admit; the guy was a little more handsome than usual. Not that she wanted him to dress like that everyday, she preferred his navy hoodie and black shorts to anything else, really. That combo literally screamed 'Sans' after all.

"not a party person, eh sweetheart?" He continued, taking a seat next to her.

Frisk shook her head, her shoulders drooping towards the floor. In a quiet voice, she slowly explained the predicament she has had ever since the party started, and how embarrassed she was to wear such a skimpy dress. The colour was fine, a deep shade of scarlet to match the colour of her soul, and she did not mind the lack of proper sleeves.

But the back of the dress was a completely different story. She did NOT want to go out there looking like that.

Beside her, Sans sat there patiently, waiting for her to finish. He had a sweet smile on his lips as he listened. When she was done and sighed in frustration, he stood up and bent down in front of her, reaching his hand out. "come with me, kiddo. let's leave this crowded place for a moment."

With her heart in her throat, she followed him, not paying attention to the softening sounds of chatters and only focusing on where Sans was taking her too. Before she knew it, she found herself in a secluded area far from the commotion. How big was this party hall anyway?

She did not have enough time to think about it before the man before her bowed and held her hand to his lips. "if I may," He offered politely with a knowing wink before she smiled shyly and stepped closer to him. There was still some calming music playing in some nearby speakers. Frisk could even spot Alphys and Undyne not too far away sharing a dance.

When Sans placed his palm on her bare back, she instinctively jumped a little. But he was really kind about it, leaning forward and giving her a small kiss on her forehead, whispering, "i know it's hard, but try not to focus on that, okay buddy? just focus on me."

Frisk took a deep breath and nodded once, signalling Sans to start. At first, she was worried if she would step on his feet by accident, but thankfully it never happened. The whole time, she found herself smiling at her boyfriend, completely forgetting about her predicament, dancing in pure euphoria with the most important person in her life.

And when the climax of the song came in and he surprised her by lifting her off the ground and into his arms, both of his hands on her back, she was blushing red, startled by both the gusty action he did as well as the fact that he was touching her skin... and that she felt far from uncomfortable.

When he lowered her down, she wrapped her arms around him, burying her face into his chest. Now it was his turn to blush, albeit he was smiling tenderly at her and combing his fingers through her hair.

Despite her happiness and joy, however, she was curious about something. And with her insurmountable determination, she would not continue the night without asking him that question.

"... Sans?"

"yeah sweetheart?"

"This dress that I'm wearing..." She started slowly, choosing her words carefully. "Does it... Don't I look... scandalous?"

She had expected him to either be all flirty or, at the most, be shocked but all he did was chuckle softly. "scandalous?" He said it like it was a foreign word to him. "my frisk is scandalous? i beg to differ."

"in fact..." He smirked as he pulled her by the waist and dipped her down, his blue eyes gazing into hers.

"i'd say that you look absolutely beautiful, my queen~"

He whispered so that she would hear, and as she smiled brightly again, he lifted her figure closer to him to give her a sweet kiss.

Needless to say, she did not feel nervous at all for the rest of the night.

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