U R Cute

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(A/N: The artist showed above is DeviantArt user narcyzus, however they recreated this with the original piece by another DA user named WhisperSeas. Do check the both of them out~!)


"Frisk, are you alright?"

I smiled the best smile that I can muster. "Don't worry about me, Sans." I reassured him. "I'll be fine. I just need some rest."

I know that he knows that I'm lying. But what else can I do? I don't want to worry him; he already has too much on his plate. My nightmares will not help him in that at all.

Sans was obviously not convinced by my words. He turned his body that was resting on the couch to face me and gently grasped onto my right shoulder.

"Even you know that you're lying, kiddo." He stated, concerned.

"I'm not lying." I spat. "I'm just tired."

"Uh huh..." He replied, doubtful yet again. "Look kid, I care about you just as much as I care about Paps and everyone else." He said, massaging my shoulder a little "If you really need any help, you just gotta ask."

You can't help me in this one. I chanted in my head. No one can.

He could easily see the fear in my eyes. Darnit...

Letting go of my shoulder, he went for my right elbow and pushed himself a little closer to me, his kneecaps on the sofa. His right arm approached my left arm as he pulled me nearer to his chest. I feel my cheeks heat up a little as his skull comes closer to my face, my nose just touching it. Instinct made my hands slither up his shoulders as I stared intently into Sans's white pupils.

His mouth curved into a concerned frown. "Don't lie, Frisk. Please."

My mouth is left agape as I look into Sans's concerned eyes. He cares. He knows. What is there left to hide from him? "I just," I began. "I just don't want to worry you."

Sans's frown broke into a smile as he gently kissed my forehead, causing me to blush wildly. "You know something, kid?" He whispered.

"You look really cute when you're scared."

I don't know whether that is a compliment or an insult. All I can feel is my face heating up to the temperatures of the Hotland. I had a crush on Sans for the longest time ever. But I never thought that he would make that move. Did he like me, too?

No, he wouldn't. It's just a brotherly-sisterly relationship. How could he like me after all... of those runs...?

"What? No reaction? You're darn stiff, kiddo." Sans's smooth voice brought me back to reality.

He playfully grinned as he patted my bob-cut hair. "Seriously kid, you gotta lighten up. I don't like seeing you this upset."

I sighed, letting my eyelids droop a little. "I know. I know."

I felt him pull me nearer to his chest as he spoke solemnly. "Frisk, tell me honestly."

"Are you alright?"

No, I am not alright. I have never been alright for a long time.

"Frisk? I don't like it if you're silent like this..."

I frowned, not saying a word. It's times like this that make me wonder how Sans could smile so much despite of what he has seen.

He impatiently sighed. "Am I always gonna have to say something to break the silence?" He asked, still grinning.

I still said nothing. An idea was forming in my head. I did not know whether to carry it out or not. It was... very very risky. Or rather... Frisky.

"Giving me the silent treatment now~?" He questioned joyfully. "Well, that's just being plain mean, kid."

Gosh, he's so cute... My heart was beating faster than a bullet train. Should I? Should I not? Darnit, why can't I decide?!

"Well, I guess I'll get out of your hair," he murmured, shifting away from my miniature body.

"N-no-! Wait!" Now or never.

I pulled his jacket towards me, to have my lips crashing onto his teeth. I felt adrenaline coursing through my veins and goosebumps rapidly forming on my neck. As I closed my eyes completely, my grip on the blue hoodie grew tighter around his waist. I hear a small gasp escape through Sans's mouth but I don't care. I want him to see this.

The minutes that passed by felt like hours. I just stayed in my position, not moving any inch away from it. I feel like I should break the kiss before anyone sees this, but I don't. It's too passionate to be broken and too rare to miss out on.

And then, I get a surprise.

I feel one of his arms wrap around my back and nudge my chest closer to his. His other hand, I presume it's his right one, went to my hair and caressed it gently, as if one hit would shatter my skull like glass. His hand slithered down to my neck as he thrusted my head nearer to his skull. The kiss became more natural and instinctive to me as I tilted my head to meet with his teeth perfectly.

If Undyne or Alphys were here, one would be either laughing their heads off or squealing in fangirl-mode.

When Sans broke the kiss, I opened up my eyes to stare at his blue cheekbones.

"Took you long enough, kiddo." He affectionately complained. Cute.

"I was just waiting for the moment." I replied casually. "I wanted to see your, adorable reaction." I stated slyly.

He grinned as he moved his forehead closer to mine, making his cold skull touch. "Well, kiddo. Let me get this straight."

"If anything, you are the cutest thing I've ever seen."

My cheeks reddened at his compliment. "In fact," He winked. "How many letters are there in the alphabet?"

I was slightly taken aback by his question, yet something tells me to go with the flow. "Er... Twenty-six?"

"Nope." He answered. "Twenty-one."

"You missed out five of them, Sans." I noted.

"Hm?" He pretended to be surprised. "Did I?"

"Yes, yes you did." I chuckled lightly. If he was trying to amuse me, I could tell that it was working.

Sans closed his eyes for a few seconds before flashing them open as if he discovered a phenomenon. "Oh yeah. I just remembered."

"U. R. A. Q. T."

He flashed his signature smirk at me, making my face grow hotter by the second. I pushed myself a little farther from him, my face buried into my hands. "S-Sans-! Y-You a-are s-uch a flir-flirt-!" My voice is tipsy and unstable.

"Aw~ Now you sound way cuter." He laughed like a child with candy.

"C-cut it out-!" I begged, embarrassed.

"Heh." He snickered, crawling closer to me to compensate how far I distanced myself, before embracing me in a hug. "Seriously though, Frisk. Never forget that all of us care for you. Don't forget that I care for you."

"I won't." I whisper. "I promise."

"Keeping that promise?"

"Definitely." I sighed contentedly. My eyelids began to droop. I guess this is what happens when you have nightmares and end up waking up just before dawn.

I fall asleep in the warmth and comfort of Sans's arms.

"I love you, Frisk. Don't ever forget that."



This was seriously ADORABLE!!! I could not resist writing it. :3

Anyways, peace out!!!

- HoodieGirl15

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