Chapter 15: Two Cut Brothers

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“Hey... Delta?”, a soon-to-be God looked around the surroundings, searching for a Creator who is his own mentor.

Looking around, his eye lands on a raven haired male wearing a black cloak in the center of the trees, his blue mystique orbs shining in the moonlight, yet the surrounding mist just floating around, whipping his hair around the wind.

The surrounding mist suddenly struck to the said male, covering his identity once more to look like a minor mist of air, to look mysterious.

“What do you need, Reaper?”, once knowing that it was simply the all too familiar soon to be God of death he chose, the mist liquified, only surrounding the said figure all around him, the temperature dropping.

“Funny how you let that 'mysterious' mist of yours drop when only I'm here, Delta”, Reaper said sarcastically, clearly unenthusiastic about the whole mystic and mysterious thing.

“You're pretty cocky for a fourteen-year-old, Renrik”, Delta snapped which made Reaper snaps back at his own mentor at, “Don't you say that name!”, he growls, making Delta grin in amusement, “Oh, right! You're pretty sensitive about your f-”, this time, death took out his scythe and directed it towards the said mentor.

Delta's grin widens, “You can put that down now, Reaper. You wanted to meet me for a reason after all”, he hums, Reaper hesitantly put down his weapon, disintegrating it into air and dust, Reaper clicked his tongue in annoyance, the surrounding air started to freeze into the thickness of the atmosphere.

Delta walked of to a nearby tree, leaning on it, “So...”, he trails off thinking.

“Is this about your first victim?”, his black beady eyes look up at the night sky, jackpot, Reaper flinched, “I'll take that as a yes...”.

Reaper grit his teeth, his body shaking, his mind racing, sudden negative questions filled his head, 'What if Delta wants me to murder him this instant?!! What if...', Delta cut his train of thoughts, “I won't make you reap his soul”, death looked up at his mentor, “W-What?”, “You heard me. I won't force you to reap him”.

This shocked Reaper, he didn't expect this from Delta, he expected Delta to be more cold and sinister, for Alpha to be the kind one...

“Don't get too startled, kid. I may not be as kind as my brother, Alpha. But that doesn't mean I'm too cold or sinister, I know that look all too well”, Delta glares at his pupil, receiving a hesitant nod, “To add to that, if Geno were to die, Destroyer would turn emotionless and cold and even would try to murder his own younger brother. He'd bring total destruction to the Multiverse instead of balance. So we'd have to keep him alive for Destroyer's own sanity, you'd understand”, the mentor shifted his glance up.

The mist started to reform around him and hook up around him, yet again making his own appearance more mysterious, “You better get going, your father's looking for you and if you don't come back in fifteen minutes, might as well start searching for another God of Death”, Reaper flinched in imagine to the beating, his scars and bruises started to sting.

“I'll see you next time, Reaper”, the mist disappeared without a spare second, leaving the said only skeleton in the middle of the forest with his head hung low and scars and bruises stinging.

“Need a stay? I'm sure that father of yours would be real mad once you're home. Just say that you're sleeping in a friend's house, he won't get too mad”, Reaper shot his head at who it was, his jaw shivered a bit, “N-Nightmare? E-Error?”, two skeletons were in his eyesight, a glitching one with his hood up leaning on a tree, clearly looking grim with negative emotions emitting from him, his arms in his black hoodie's pockets.

While the owner of the voice, a purple hooded skeleton with his moon crown dangling on his fingertips, a grin on his face.

“Come on, it's almost midnight...”


“And so we got Life to help out... It was a miracle he woke up after that procedure though. Even the goat woman lost a bit of hopes, and not to mention the so called 'Life saving doctors' on the news... They were going back and forth about the said new 'disease', and how they 'cured' it. Pisses me off that they were taking the credit but the kid who was the one fighting it with all his will doesn't get the credit”, Nightmare explains calmly.

“Talking about memories and how I met Geno, where is he?”, three Gods sat on the round circled table, occupying all three seats, a cup of coffee in all their hands for both except Error, sucks to be sick huh? “I fucking hate this storyline...”, he mumbles, pissed by the fact that he doesn't get a cup of coffee and so broke the fourth wall yet again- Bitch.

“He's asleep, apparently that movie triggered a bad memory and caused a panic attack. He was crying soon after he said that he'd be going to the bathroom in the middle of the movie. I figured it was either his nosocomephobia or tomophobia”, the glitching one- Error, placed his head on his arm, the said arm leaning on the table, “Explains the sudden negativity”, the one with the goop- Nightmare, sipped his coffee.

Reaper's eyes widen for a second before looking down to his coffee in guilt, the said emotion reaching Nightmare, “You're guilty”, the tentacle boi deadpanned, placing his mug down, clearly a disappointed in his friend and the fact that the emotion was practically flowing all over him.

“What for?”, Destroyer raised an eyebr- bonebrow??? I have no fucking idea... Author lost brain cells years ago...

“If I weren't to pick that movie... His anxiety wouldn't have been triggered by it”, Reaper mumbled with his soul full of guilt, “Okay. Let me get this fucking straight. I dropped Nightmare in water once, and he fucking blew a steam, you didn't care. Everyone in this mansion has at least triggered my phobia once, either just for fun or curiosity. You're the main culprit for all I know, and here you are feeling guilty for fucking up Geno's phobia once, I sound rude but I'm just pissed”.

A second of silence took place before two skeletons threw a laughing fit due to their friend's sudden pissed rampage.

“Oh fuck off you two”, Error flipped them off with a hiss, “S-Sure! Pfft! You're so fucking pis- SHIT! GET THIS FUCKING DEMON OFF ME!!!”, Reaper screeched like an old woman when Error's cat, Mistake, pounced on him and started biting and scratching his skull.

“Serves ya right Reaps...”, Nightmare chuckles while sipping his coffee, Reaper was trying to get the cat off, but the cat bit again and soon after jumped on Error's shoulder and gave out a hiss before sitting in Error's hoodie's hood.

“Tch... Fucking demon I tell you!”, the cat then nudged its head out on Nightmare's side and grinned before leaning in and getting a pat from Nightmare before it turned to a pet and purring.

“Looks like it only hate you...”, Nightmare deadpanned while still petting the cute little daredevil, earning a glare from Reaper.

“Anyway, talking about brothers and all... What happened to you and Dream's Soulstring? For all I remember you've had it until now”, Nightmare shot a glare at Reaper, his eye cold, which made the said Death shiver and squeak in fear, “U-Uh nev-neverm-”, “No, no... It's fine.... I'll tell you the story”.

“Of two cut brothers”


one. Haha. I can only imagine what the fuck the doctors would do to Geno... Made them lose hope then take the credit? Fuck that.

Next up: The tale of Two Cut Brothers



“Talking about memories and how I met Geno, where is he?”, three Gods sat on the round circled table, occupying all three seats, a cup of coffee in all their hands for both except Error, sucks to be sick huh? “I fucking hate this storyline...”, he mumbles, pissed by the fact that he doesn't get a cup of coffee and so broke the fourth wall yet again- Bitch.

Oop- there goes author with the chancla-

"ERRORRRRR QUEEEEEEEEEN!", Error flinched, "Eep! Geno save me!", he runs towards his brother, only for the said older to move away and shove him towards the author, Mel.

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-", Error runs with all his might, but tripped due to the cable for the camera, causing it to turn off at this bloope-


Oh, and I got tagged again-


1. Silverthepup

2. I did it a day after soooooo-

3.(1) I am a big ass lesbian but I like gender neutrals too... I have no interest in boys and please if you know who I am in real life don't tell this to my religious teachers or parents I don't wanna get disowned or beaten up or even forced to go to a serious anti-LGBTQ+ camp...

3.(2) I can't go see a doctor or get vaccinated without having a panic attack-

3.(3) I love mini stuffed animals...

3.(4) I can't stand human-like dolls and really any doll with realistic eyes or anything that isn't a small stuffy doll...  can NOT stand them and I WILL have a panic attack...

3.(5) At school I'm most known as the art kid who is good at english but picks fights wherever she goes and destroys crotches...

3.(6) I... I have a soft spot... And my classmates and people at my school don't know that...

3.(7) Boys are afraid of their crotches being destroyed by yours truly-

3.(8) I want a piercing

3.(9) I once got into a fight with a boy in my class and we ended up being fight buddies. Yes it is what it sounds like, we fight other classes...

3.(10) We got caught but I wasn't suspected in being in the fight and the teachers didn't think I do fight due to the fact that I just stay in the corner seats drawing when nothing is going on and I actually was able to get my fight buddy out of the problem and drama, so we didn't get suspended-

4. I am so sorry to these people, I won't do 28 cuz I do not have a far range of followers or follows... And I feel too sorry-



5. I like dark humor so...

Why can't orphans play baseball?

They don't know where home was

6. Sorry not sorry buttttt....

Someone will die and I am not hesitant to choose who kills who... A little hint is that he's ace in this story and the killer doesn't believe what the truth is. 'Nother hint is that the killer's in love with a killer buttt.... Haha jokes on you, after all that the killer was feeling betrayed and will not love him anymore and stays away.

Oh, and the ending will actually be depended on you readers, meaning you can choose what ending you want and I'll be counting the votes! :D

That's all!

See you peepz!

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