Chapter Five (Edited)

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     "Ugh."Asriel moaned,"I don't feel to good."

     "It's what you get for eating so much."

     "But they were too good to stop eating."

     "I'll admit Goatkid, you cook a mean pancake."

     Asriel laughed and took the leftovers to the fridge. Mom and dad can have them, he thought.

     "Soo, what should we do today Asriel?"

     "I really don't know. Dad's birthday is soon, so we could plan something for him."

   "We could make something for him, like a pie."

     "Or a cake!"


     "His birthday isn't today though, so we could just go outside and see what happens."

     They walked outside, Chara darting to the yellow flower patch. Asriel sat next to her and relaxed in the cool air. He snuck a glance at Chara and felt a bit unnerved. She was concentrating on peeling the petals off a yellow flower,a strange look in her eyes. Anger? Enjoyment? He couldn't identify it.

     "Blah."she snapped,"This is boring. I know what we can do, let's go into the Core."

     "You mean, outside the castle?"

     "Of course! What other Core is there?"

     They walked out, Asriel hesitating slightly at the door. The duo emerged into a long, grey hallway.

     "Look over there!"Chara exclaimed,"Stairs!"

     She darted down and Asriel had no choice but to follow. The staircase was long, and he wondered if it came to an end. It did end, and there was several strangely shaped boxes with different colored hearts on them. The boxes looked empty,but he wasn't sure.

     "Come on!" Chara was climbing over the boxes, going down the room,"There's a door over here!"

    He stalled, feeling a bit freaked out by the boxes.

     "Never mind slowpoke! It's just an empty closet."

They walked up the stairs, and once again, Chara charged, headlong into the unknown. In this case the unknown was an elevator. Asriel had to jump into it as the door began to close, and he waited, expecting it to go down or up. It didn't. Asriel fell to the floor as it lurched sideways.

"I shouldn't have eaten all those pancakes!"he shouted to the laughing human. The elevator stopped, and they came out at the end of the hallway. This time it was Asriel who led the way out the door and into the Core. They entered a room of blue,where they could go left, right, or forward.

Asriel,of course,didn't have to decide because Chara went to the right."This hallway seems pretty unused."she said, dissatisfied,"We should go back."

    "Wait!"Asriel said,halting by a trash can,"I'm putting a hundred gold in here. It may be pocket money to you and me, but it can make someone else's day."

     Chara sighed and rolled her eyes, but waited. They decided to go straight this time, and found themselves on an elevated walkway.

     She whistled,"That's a long way down."

     Asriel nodded, staying in the middle."Let's just keep moving."

     They walked the length of the walkway and it ended in a patio-like thing outside a door. Well, he thought, at least there's only one way to go.

Asriel was blinded by the gold light of the room. When his eyes adjusted,he saw that he was in a hotel lobby.

What the heck? He thought. The lobby was completely empty except for someone in a check in stand and a tiny alligator and cat.

"Umm,"the little alligator sneered,"who are you?"

Hey peeps. I'm so happy right now. I leave for like three days and come back to 100 reads! I'm gonna do an All About Me chapter next to celebrate. Any way the chapter got to long so the next chapter will be 5.5. Thankyouthankyouthankyou!




Princess out!

     Edit: I really don't know why I split the chapter into two, but I'm to lazy to fix it.  -_-

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