Chapter Seven

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     Three weeks had past and Asriel hadn't said a word to Chara. "Say something,"she begged,"anything!" Asriel didn't reply determined to hold this grudge. It was getting hard for him though. He kept getting up earlier to avoid having to say good morning.
"Please Asriel. I don't know what else to say. You're my only friend."
That hit him like a ton of bricks. He was her only friend. She was his only friend. He sighed.
"I don't understand why you didn't tell me. Why you just wanted to poison dad and not mom."
     "I didn't expect him to eat the whole cake."
     "He did it out of love for us, we both know that he hated it."
    "Okay, okay. But,"she cracked a grin,"the old fool is fine."
     Asriel rolled his eyes, Chara was back.
Chara poked a sleeping Asriel,"What are we doing today?"
He groaned and rolled over,"Try going back to sleep."
She frowned in the darkness. If she fell asleep, the nightmares would come back. I just won't go to sleep. She resolved.
I walked up the mountain, to my secret spot, my escape. It was mine. Mine alone. This was the night, the night I'd end it all. There's nothing holding me back.
I found my spot and sat at the edge of the hole. There were rumors of vengeful monsters that lived under the mountain. I didn't believe them. I know the war happened, but why would there be monsters under boring Mt.Ebbot?
I threw a rock into the hole. I didn't hear it hit the ground. Good. I won't miss my parents, not at all. I'd miss Cory though, my little brother. He was the only one who loved me.
I began to cry. I didn't want to die, but I had to. I can't live another day with those wretched people. Nowhere to go. My sobs echoed across the mountain. I don't want to go.
I stood up, took a few steps back, ran, and jumped. The wind rushed past my ears, whiping my short brown hair around my head. Silence. Guess it's not bottomless. My last thought as the ground rushed up to meet me. I slammed into the ground, a wave of blackness engulfing me.
I woke up. It was day and I sure as hell wasn't dead. I hurt all over. I tried to stand and cried out. My leg felt like it was on fire. I had landed on the rock.
I heard a noise, like someone running. I touched my lip and my hand came away shiny wit blood. No! This wasn't supposed to happen! I should be dead. Should be. But, I don't want to die. Perhaps, perhaps I can make a life down here. Someone else is down here, I'll make them find me.
     Asriel stared at Chara, she was twitching and crying out. Should I wake her?
     She gasped and sat up, crashing their heads together. He helped and jumped back, rubbing his head.
     Her eyes were filled with terror and pain, but not from banging heads.
     "Chara what happened? What did you dream about?"
     She shook her head, breathing slowly.
     "Look, I'm sorry I got mad, I broke our promise. But you need to tell me, don't hold it in."
     She shivered,"I can't."
     "Yes you can."
     "I, I had a dream. I was at the h-hole where you found me. I started to cr-cry. I didn't want to jump, but I had to. I had to go!"
      "But wh-"
     "No no no. I can't tell you. I had to leave everything. I jumped. The fall seemed to last forever. I hit the ground, pain. I blacked out, then woke up. I heard you and cried out. Then I woke up for real."
      "I remember that day."
      "I don't. That's why the dream scared me. It was my memories coming back. It's not the first flashback I've had. I don't remember anything from the moment I jumped to two days after you found me. I'm missing three days of my life Asriel, and I don't know if I want them back."
      "Uh, I can, um, tell you about them, if you want."
     "No Asriel, you can't. And, I'm, I'm afraid. I don't want these dreams anymore. They're too real, to true. Dreams are supposed to be fantasy. They're supposed to be your wishes. You should know all about real dreams."
     "Listen, you need to stop wallowing in self pity and think! If these dreams are memories, then you only have two more left."
      "But I can't. I can't deal with even one more dream Asriel. I'll b r e a k.

       Hello! Now we know why Chara jumped down. This has got to be the fastest I've ever typed a chapter. Check out LadyDynamite3677 's story called Words I Never Said. Stay fantastic!



      Princess out!

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