Chapter Twelve

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     "Chara please! Why won't you let this go?"
     "Because, well be free! We can go to the surface! We won't be stuck here anymore."
     Asriel looked at her, and she winced at the sorrow in his eyes. I have to do this.
     "Chara I can't lose you. I can't. I- I-. Forget it. You won't let it go. I don't want to... D-don't you like it here?"
     "I do Asriel, but, I miss the sun, the wind, the stars."
     "I don't want to lose you Chara. I won't be able to live without you!"
     "But, we'll be together still, closer than we've ever been!"
     "It won't be the same. I won't be able to see you or play with you any more."
     She didn't answer, she just looked around for a glimpse of the Reset button. It had disappeared after the park incident.
     "Please Asriel. Understand why I want to do this with you. I know that you don't want to do it, but I'm going through with it. If you won't agree to take my soul, Asgore will."
"N-no he wouldn't. Why do you think that?"
"He would. I heard him say it."
"Chara, I don't want to."
His words were whispered.
"Think of it! The heroes we'll be! All we have to do is get six souls and shatter the Barrier. Everyone will be happy!"
"I won't be happy."
"Asriel please. Do this for me. For your sister. Your best friend."
He didn't answer. He nodded as his shoulders began to shake.
"I don't want you to die Chara. I'll be all alone again."
"I won't be dead. And I'll always be with you. Cross my heart and hope to-well, cross my heart."
Chara stiffened at Asriel's hug. She never understood that, hugging. To her, it was a strange, useless way of showing affection. If you love someone, you do something for them. She wiggled out of his grasp and took his hand.
"Come with me."
The walked hand in hand out the castle and into the closest with the boxes.
She called on her soul. She had been practicing, and the last two times she tried she didn't pass out. She winced at Asriel's reaction to her soul.
"What happened to it, the color?"
"I don't know." She lied.
"It, it's beautiful."
"It broke on the surface, by my parents. It was-"
"Why are you telling me this?"
"It's only fair. Besides, I'd rather tell you than have you find uot when we, uh, fuse."
     "Oh. Okay."
     "My parents, they used to love me, until I hurt my baby brother. I was climbing a tree and he was on the ground below me. The branch I was on broke and it hit him. He almost died. The blow damaged his brain, and now he can't see. Because of me, his life is in danger. That's why I want to go to the surface so badly. To save him. Our village, it frowns upon weakness. When he turns two, he will be cast out in the wild. Alone and blind. My parents hate me for that, and they began to hit me. That's why I came down here. To die"
     He reached out for her soul. She yanked it back.
     "Not yet Asriel. Not yet."
     She moved it around and they watched the trail of red and dark purple it left.she moved it towards a casket, lining it up with the heart. As soon as it touched the box her vision turned bright white and she felt a gaping hole in her chest.
     "Chara!"Asriel said, reaching to put the soul back.
     "No!"she choked out,"I have to do it myself!"
     She fought against the blinding white, which was becoming tinged with black. She fought against the invisible ropes holding her down. Gasping in pain, she blindly grabbed at her soul. She felt a strange sensation, like standing under a cold waterfall, and she could breathe.
     Asriel was wide eyed as Chara bent in half, coughing.
     "Should I get mom?"
     "N-no. It doesn't hurt anym-more."
     She stood up and knew that Asriel could see the pain in her eyes. The duo walked slowly to the castle, which was quiet and somber, as if it knew that tragedy would soon strike.

     Hey guys. This is possibly the longest chapter yet and by far my favorite. I love Chara's backstory so much for some reason. Shoutout to LeanneChandler5 for getting the reference in the last chapter. *Warning!* Chapters 13-20 will be short because I want a lot of P.O.V changes not in the same chapter. Good news though is that shorter chapters means faster updates. Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Stay fantastic!




     Princess out!

P.S thanks for 400+ reads💙💙

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