Chapter Twenty

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     Chara stretched in the warm sunlight, familiar and comfortable after the cold and dimness of the underground.
     Look Asriel, my village.
     On the horizon there was a light brown haze of the village.
     Listen, I know what you're planning to do if I don't give you control soon. You'll fight me. But I don't want to fight you.
     How did you find out?
     While you were sleeping. I will give you control when we get to the village, if you promise me this. You will do as you said, collect the six souls we need and destroy the Barrier. Do you promise me?
     Y-yes. I promise. Do you have to be so rough with your, um, body?
     Chara rolled her eyes. She had slung her body over her shoulder to have a free hand.
     It's not like I feel any thing from it.
     I know, it just feels disrespectful.
     Disrespectful? Ha! To what? I'm right here!
     I know.

     Next chapter is the last! 😑 Not sure how I feel about that.




    Princess out!

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