The Final Showdown

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Frisk and (Y/n) took an elevator. The elevator stopped and they walked out. They walked out into a gray hallway. They walked down another gray hallway until they came up to a gray house that looked just like Toriel's. "Wait a second, isn't this Toriel's house?" (Y/n) asked in confusion. "Yeah. It is." Frisk said. "Why does it look different?" (Y/n) asked. "I don't know." Frisk said.

"Let's check it out." (Y/n) said. They walked inside. Everything looked the same as her house on the inside as well expect it was all gray. They walked into the kitchen and two Froggits approached them. "A long time ago, a human fell into the ruins." The first one said. "Injured by its fall, the human called out for help." The second one said. They went into the kitchen and saw a yellow key. Frisk picked it up. "What's this for?" She asked. "Don't know. Let's keep it just in case." (Y/n) said. Frisk nodded and put it in her pocket. They walked back into the living room and two Whimsuns appeared. "Asriel, the king's son, heard the human's call." The one on the left said. "He brought the human back to the castle." The one on the right said. Frisk and (Y/n) walk into a bedroom. They found

a heart shaped locket. The locket said "best friends forever" and it had a picture of a young goat and a young girl that looked similar to (Y/n) but had a yellow and green striped shirt on. And they found a worn dagger. They walked out of the room. Two more monsters appeared. "The king and Queen treated the human child as their own." The one in the middle said. "The underground was full of hope." The last one said. Frisk took the green key on the shelf and put it in her pocket. Frisk unlocked the locks on the chain with the keys and they walked down the stairs. Two Migosps were at the bottom of the stairs. "Then one day..." the first one began. "The human became very ill." The other one said. As they walked down the hallway, three Vegetoids showed up.

"The sick human had only one request." The first one said. "To see the flowers from their village." The second one said. "But there was nothing we could do." The third one said. Then two Looxs showed up. "The next day..." "The human died." Then they saw two Snowdrakes. "Asriel, wracked with grief, absorbed the human's soul." "He transformed into a being with Incredible power." Three Ice Caps continued. "With the human soul, Asriel crossed through the barrier." "He carried the human's body into the sunset." "Back to the village of the humans." Next they saw a trio of Woshuas. "Asriel reached the center of the village." "There, he found a bed of golden flowers.""He carried the human onto it." Three Shyrens continued the story. "Suddenly, screams rang out."

"The humans saw Asriel holding the human's body." "They thought that he had killed the child." Then three dummies appeared. "The humans attacked him with everything they had." "He was struck with blow after blow." "Asriel had the power to destroy them all." Then Knight Knight and Madjick appeared. "But..." Knight Knight said. "Asriel did not fight back." Madjick said. "Clutching the human..." Knight Knight began. "Asriel smiled and walked away." Madjick said.

A trio of Final Froggits told them what happened. "Wounded Asriel stumbled home." "He entered the castle and collapsed." "His dust spread across the garden." A trio of Whimsalots appeared. "The kingdom fell into despair." "The king and Queen had lost two children in one night." "The humans had once again taken everything from us." A trio of Astigmatisms appeared. "The king decided it was time to end our suffering." "Every human who falls down here must die." "With enough souls, we can shatter the barrier forever." A Migosp appears on the right, a Loox in the middle and a Moldsmal on the left. "It's not long now." Loox said. "King Asgore will give us hope." They said together.

They continued walking down the hallway. Then two Vulkins and a Pyrope appeared. "You should be smiling, too." The Pyrope said. "Aren't you excited?" The first Vulkin asked. "Aren't you happy?" The second one asked. Then Froggit showed up. "You're going to be free." He said. They stopped walking at the end of the hallway. They stood still in silence for a good few minutes. "So, are you ready?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah." Frisk said. "Let's go." "Let's go kick some ass." (Y/n) said. "Spare. Spare that ass." Frisk said. (Y/n) nods. "Right, right, spare." She said.

Once they entered the room, they looked around and saw Sans standing at the end of the hallway. "Sans." (Y/n) said. They walked over to him. They heard a church bell ring for a few minutes before he spoke. "So you finally made it. The end of your journey is at hand. In a few moments, you will meet the king. Together, you will determine the fate of this world. That's then. Now, you will be judged. You will be judged for your every action. You will be judged for your every EXP you've earned. What's EXP? It's an acronym. It stands for "execution points" the way of quantifying the pain you have inflicted on others. When you kill someone, your EXP increases.

When you have enough EXP your LOVE increases. LOVE too is an acronym. It stands for "Level Of Violence" their eyes widened at that. "A way of measuring someone's compactly to hurt. The more you kill, the easier it becomes to distance yourself. The more you distance yourself, the less it will hurt. The more easily you can bring yourself to hurt others." There was a long uncomfortable pause. "But you guys, you never gained any LOVE. Of course, that doesn't mean you're completely innocent or naive. Just that you kept a certain tenderness in your hearts. No matter the struggles or hardships you faced,

you strived to do the right thing. You refused to hurt anyone. Even when you ran away, you did it with smiles. You never gained LOVE, but you gained love. Does that make sense?" Sans asked. "Not really." Frisk said. "Maybe not. Now, you're about to face the greatest challenge of your entire journey. Your actions here, will determine the fate of the entire world. If you refuse to fight, Asgore will take your souls and destroy humanity. But if you kill Asgore and move on, monsters will remain trapped underground. What will you do? Well, if I were any of you, I would have thrown in the towel by now. But you didn't get this far by giving up, did you? That's right. You both got something called determination. So as long as you hold on, as long as you do what's in your hearts, I believe you both can do the right thing. Alright.

"we're all counting on you kids, good luck." Sans walked away. "Alright, so, no pressure." (Y/n) said. They walk into another room and see Asgore. "Oh. Is someone there? Just a moment. I've almost finished watering these flowers." They watched as he poured the water onto the golden flowers. "There we are." He turns around and sees Frisk and (Y/n). "Howdy!" Their eyes widened when he greeted them, it reminded them of Flowey. "How can I..." he trailed off as he realized who they were, then he immediately backed away.

"Oh." He looked away. "I so badly want to say "would you like a cup of tea?" But... you know how it is." He walked to the other side of the room. "Nice day today, huh?" He asked awkwardly. "Birds are singing... flowers are blooming. Perfect weather for a game of catch." He said. "This is awkward." Frisk mumbled. Asgore sighed. "You know what we must do. When you are ready, come into the next room." Then he walked away. They followed him to the next room, which was dark,

but there was a single spotlight on the floor. "How tense. Just think of it like.... a visit to the dentist." He walked away. They didn't reply as they continued to follow. At the end of the long hallway was another star, which (Y/n) touched, but she didn't hear the voice anymore. When she and Frisk walked into the next room, it looked like it was moving. "This is the barrier. This is what keeps us all trapped underground. If by chance you have any unfinished business, please do what you must." Asgore said. "No, we're ready." (Y/n) said. "I see. This is it, then." He turned around to face them. "Ready?" Then the jars of the other colored souls showed up from under the ground. "Humans, it was nice to meet you. Goodbye."

"Asgore, please. We don't want to fight you. We don't have to do this." (Y/n) pleaded. His hands trembled for a moment before he sent an attack. Giant paws appeared above them, then fireballs rained on them. They were much bigger than Toriel's. "Asgore, can't we just talk about this? We can work something out." Frisk said. They heard his breath hitch. Then he sent a lot of mini fireballs raining down on them. They weren't able to dodge. He quickly swung his sword toward them. "Stop it!" (Y/n) shouted. Recollection flashed in his eyes. "Sis, it's no use! I think we'll have to attack back!" Frisk shouted. "What?! With what?!" (Y/n) asked. "Well, uh..." Frisk looked through their belongings. "We don't even have any weapons to use, do we?" (Y/n) asked, sounding disappointed. "Not exactly..." Frisk said. (Y/n) face palmed. "Well that's just great!" She said sarcastically, just as more mini fireballs hit them.

"Oh wait, we got this." Frisk takes out a small stick, and her sister looked at her in disbelief. "A stick?!" She asked angrily. "It's all we had, sis." Frisk snapped. "Ugh, fine!" (Y/n) grabbed it. Suddenly they heard a beeping sound, and see an explanation point appear on their left. "What the?" Then tiny fireballs rain on them right after. Then another explanation point appears on the right, and they quickly moved to the left, but still got hit by a few fireballs. "Eat this, sucka!" (Y/n) tried to attack Asgore with the stick, but it didn't do much damage.

"We're screwed." Both his eyes flash a bright orange, then he swings an orange sword at them. Paws begin to fly around them, raining down giant fireballs. Frisk attacked next, still doing little damage. Next, groups of fireballs came towards them slowly, so they were luckily able to dodge them. But then the same attack happened again only faster, this time being much harder to avoid. Next his eyes flashed orange and blue a few times, and he swings a giant orange and blue sword at them. After a few more turns, (Y/n) manages to strike him down. He then fell on his knees and stopped. Their eyes widened once they realized the damage they had done. "I see. So that is how it is. I remember the day after my son died.

The entire underground was devoid of hope. The future had once again been taken from us by the humans. In a fit of anger, I declared war. I said that I would destroy any human that came here. I would use their souls to become godlike. And free us from this terrible prison. Then, I would destroy humanity. And let monsters rule the surface in peace. Soon, the people's hopes returned. My wife, however, became disgusted with my actions. She left this place. Never to be seen again." Their eyes widened in realization. "Toriel." Frisk said. Asgore nods. "Truthfully, I do not want power. I do not want to hurt anyone. I just want everyone to have hope. But... I can not take this any longer.

I just want to see my wife. I just want to see my child. Please, young ones. This war has gone on long enough. You have the power. Take my soul and leave this cursed place." He begged. Frisk and (Y/n) looked at each other, then back at Asgore. "No, Asgore. We won't do that." (Y/n) said. "After everything I have done to hurt you... you would both rather stay down here and suffer? Then live happily on the surface? Humans... I promise you. For as long as you remain here, my wife and I will make sure you are safe. We will let nothing bad happen to either of you. We could even be... like a family." He said. Frisk and (Y/n) smiled, but then their eyes widened when they saw the "friendliness petals" from earlier surround him. "No." (Y/n) said. "Asgore, watch out!" Frisk shouted, but it was too late, and they slammed into him,

killing him. "NO!" Frisk and (Y/n) cried. Then Flowey appeared with that same smirk on his face. "You idiots! You haven't learned a thing!" Suddenly all of the different colored souls surrounded him. "In this world... IT'S KILL OR BE KILLED!" Flowey laughed like a psychopath. Then suddenly everything went black. "What the...?" (Y/n) asked. Suddenly it turned back on and they saw nothing but white. Then they saw a big Flowey appear. "Howdy! It's me, Flowey! Flowey the flower!"

Flowey winked. "I owe you two a HUGE thanks. You really did a number on that old fool. Without you, I never could have gotten past him! But now... with your help... HE'S DEAD. And I've got the human souls! Boy! I've been empty for so long! It feels great to have a soul inside me again! Hmm... I can feel them wriggling." He said. Frisk made a sound of disgust. "Aw, you're both feeling left out, aren't you?" He asked. "Uh... nope! Nope! We're good." (Y/n) said. "Well too bad. After all, I only have six souls. I could use two more. Before I become GOD. And then, with my newfound powers, monsters, humans, everyone..." he then turned black. "I'll show them all the real meaning of this world! Oh, and forget about escaping to your old saved file." (Y/n) blinked. Wait, what? "It's gone FOREVER! But don't worry, your old friend Flowey has worked out a replacement for you. I'll save over your own DEATH!

So you can watch me tear you to bloody pieces! Over, and over, and over!" 'What is he talking about...?' (Y/n) narrowed her eyes. "Not if we have anything to say about it!" Frisk declared. "Oh? Do you really think you can stop me? Hee hee hee hee. You really are idiots." Their eyes widened in shock when they saw his transformation. He looked like some kind of giant monster plant with a tv screen for a face. "That is... unsettling." (Y/n) said. Flowey summons flamethrowers near his arms that throw three blasts of short-lasting fire. "Whoa!" "Watch out!" They quickly dodged the attack. A harmless circle appears around them that rapidly flashes from red to yellow. Afterwards, "friendliness pellets" trace this circle, close in on the middle, and fly away. Flowey shoots many vines that are concentrated at them, marked by lines that rapidly flash from red to yellow. Flowey's second head shoots a large beam from its mouth, and they quickly ran out of the way before it could hit. "He's firing too many attacks!" (Y/n) shouted.

Then they saw the aqua heart on the tv. Suddenly swords rained down on them and they did their best to avoid them. Frisk reached for the act option. Suddenly the swords turned green and healed them once they made contact. "What just happened?" (Y/n) asked. "I don't know, but I think that soul is helping us?" Frisk asked. Flowey attacked them with giant prickly branches by crashing them into the Frisk and (Y/n). Flowey drops many bombs and fire. Then they saw the orange soul on the screen. A bunch of hands came toward them. (Y/n) reached for the act option and the hands turned green and healed them more. Flowey then sent lasers toward them. Then the dark blue heart appeared on screen. White shoes flew around. Once Frisk went for the act option, green notes appeared and they grabbed some. Flowey attacked with more branches and some insects. Flowey sent too many attacks at them at once.

Then they saw the purple soul on the tv screen. They tried to avoid moving words next. Frisk went to the act option and the words turned green. After that the green soul appeared. Next they all dodged pans with fire balls dropping from them. Frisk pushed the act option and they healed some more. Frisk and (Y/n) began to attack Flowey. Then the yellow soul appeared. After dodging some bullets, they got more help from the yellow soul. Then each soul came out from the tv screen and flew toward them, healing their injuries. Frisk and (Y/n) attacked

Flowey and his attacks were a lot weaker and slower than before. "No... NO! This can't be happening! "You... you..." Flowey's health restored, and (Y/n) gulped. "You idiots!" Flowey shouted. Flowey fired all of his attacks at once at them. They could barely stand. It's over. (Y/n) gasped as she and Frisk were surrounded by friendliness pellets. "Hee. Hee. Hee. Did you really think you could defeat ME? I am the GOD of this world." Flowey claimed. "And you two, you're hopeless. Hopeless and alone." Flowey taunted. "Golly, what a shame. Your worthless friends, can't save you now.

Call for help, I dare you. Cry into the darkness! Mommy, daddy, somebody help! See what good it does you!" In that moment, (Y/n) mustard what was left of her voice. "HELP US!" She shouted desperately, tears strung at her eyes. She waited for a rescue, any rescue. But none came, and Flowey smirked. "But nobody came. Boy, what a shame. Nobody else, is gonna get to see you DIE!!!" Flowey laughed like a psychopath, and (Y/n) squeezed her eyes shut, awaiting the worst, when suddenly she and Frisk healed from all of their injuries. They stood up and looked at each other in confusion. What was going on? Flowey looked just as confused. "What...? How'd you...?"

"Well, I'll just..." Flowey tried to load some attacks, but failed. "Where are my powers?" Suddenly the other souls surrounded him. "What's going on?" Frisk asked. "The souls, what are they doing?" The souls began to attack him. "No! No! NO! You can't do that! You're supposed to obey me! Stop! Stop it! STOP!" Flowey shouted. Flowey had returned back to his normal small form. Frisk and (Y/n) looked around to see nothing but black, but then saw Flowey just staring at the ground, and he grunted. "Well, go ahead. Finish me." But Frisk and (Y/n) stayed still.

"What're you doing? Do you really think I've learned anything from this? No." He looked down again. "We won't kill you, Flowey." (Y/n) said. "Sparing me won't change anything. Killing me is the only way to end this." Flowey said. "No, we aren't like you Flowey." Frisk said. "If you let me live... I'll come back." "I'll kill you." Flowey said. "I'll kill everyone!" Flowey said. "I'll kill everyone you love!" Flowey said. The sisters only glanced at each other, before giving him smiles. "... ...?

"Why? Why are you being so nice to me?! I can't understand! I can't understand! I just can't understand!" Flowey ran away. Then they heard a phone ringing; (Y/n)'s, and she answered. "Heya. Well, I'll just leave a message. So... it's been a while. The Queen returned, and is now ruling over the underground. She's enstated a new policy. All the humans who fall down here will be treated not as enemies, but as friends. It's probably for the best, anyway. The human souls the king gathered, seem to have disappeared. So uh, the plan ain't happening any time soon. But even though people are heartbroken over the king, and things are looking grim for our freedom, the queen's trying her best not to let us give up hope. So uh, hey, if we're not giving up down here, don't give up wherever you are, okay? Who knows how long it will take? But we will get out of here." Sans said. "SANS! WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO?!" Papyrus asked.

"Oh, nobody." Sans said. "WHAT?! NOBODY?! CAN I TALK TO THEM TOO?" Papyrus asked. "Here, knock yourself out." Sans said. "WAIT A SECOND. I RECOGNIZE THIS NUMBER! ATTENTION HUMANS! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, AM NOW CAPTAIN OF THE ROYAL GUARD! IT'S EVERYTHING I'VE EVER DREAMED OF! EXCEPT, INSTEAD OF FIGHTING, WE JUST WATER FLOWERS. SO THAT'S EVER SO SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT! AND, WE'RE HELPING DOCTOR ALPHYS WITH HER RESEARCH! SHE'S GONNA FIND A WAY TO GET US OUT OF HERE! UNDYNE IS HELPING HER TOO! THOUGH, TO BE HONEST, HER METHOD OF HELPING... SEEMS KIND OF... EXPLOSION INDUCING. BUT I THINK ALPHYS LIKES HAVING HER AROUND! UH OH!" Papyrus said. "Hey! What're you up to, punks?!" Undyne asked. "PLEASE DON'T NOOGIE THE PHONE!" Papyrus pleaded. "Hey! Who's in charge here?" Undyne asked. "ME!" Papyrus said. "Oh yeah! That's right! I quit my job as leader of the royal guard! Actually, since we won't be fighting anymore,

the royal guard totally disbanded. There's uh... only one member now." Undyne said. "BUT HE'S EXTREMELY GOOD!" Papyrus bragged. "Yeah, he is! C'mere!" Undyne said. "PLEASE DON'T NOOGIE THE SKELETON!" Papyrus said. "Anyway, now I'm working as Alphys's lab assistant. We're gonna find a way out of this dump once and for all! Oh yeah, and I'm the gym teacher at the queen's new school! Did you know I could bench press seven children? Awesome, right? Hey, I'm sorry about what happened with Asgore. You were just doing what you had to. It's not your fault he... Ugh. Darn it! I miss the big guy! Come on, Undyne! Snap out of it! Uh...

I guess I'll tell you how Alphys is doing. Well, she's the same as ever. Maybe a little more reclusive than normal. Seems like something's really bothering her. But she can get through it! I'm there supporting her! That's what friends are for, right?" Undyne asked. "Hey, wherever you guys are, I hope it's better than here. It took a lot of sacrifice for you to get there. So wherever you are, you have to try to be happy! For our sakes! We'll feel better knowing that our trouble was worth it. We're all with you! Everyone is! Even the Queen! Hey! Wait a second! Toriel! Toriel! Do you wanna...? Heh, she says she's busy." She said. "BUT IF SHE KNEW WHO WE WERE TALKING TO..." Papyrus began. "We wouldn't get the phone back for at least a few hours." Sans said. "WE HAVE THE MERCY TO SPARE YOU FROM HER!" Papyrus said. "But call back any time okay? She'd love to talk!" Undyne said.

"Oh. Whoops. This thing's almost outta batteries. So, hate to cut it this short but... be seeing you. Okay, buddies?" Sans asked. "BYE BYE FOR NOW!" Papyrus said. "See ya, punks!" Undyne said. Then it hit (Y/n). Where were they? Were they still underground? She looked around, but all she saw was darkness, until Flowey appeared. "Flowey?" (Y/n) asked, a tad surprised. "What do you want?" Frisk asked,

half skeptical and half curious. "Why? Why did you let me go? Won't you realize that being nice, just makes you get hurt?" They glared at him. "Look at yourselves! You made all these great friends, but now, you'll probably never see them again. Not to mention how much they've been set back by you. Hurts, doesn't it? If you had just gone through without caring about anyone, you wouldn't have to feel bad now. So, I don't get it. If you really did everything the right way... why did things still end up like this? Why...? Is life really that unfair?" Flowey paused for a minute, as if in thought, then continued. "Say, what if I told you... I knew someway to get you a better ending." (Y/n)'s eyes widened at that.

"You'll have to load your SAVE file," he said. "In the meantime, why don't you go see Doctor Alphys? It seems like you could have been better friends. Who knows? Maybe she's got the key to your happiness? See you soon." Flowey then disappeared under the ground. "Did Flowey just... try to help us...?" (Y/n) asked in disbelief. "I'm not sure. But maybe-" Frisk was cut off as they realized they were back at another time period. "What just happened?" She asked. "No idea..." (Y/n) said. Then something hit (Y/n). 'Save file? Why was Flowey talking as if the underground was some kind of video game? Her eyes widened even more when she remembered what Sans had said to her about her or Frisk not dying a single time. And those stars she had kept seeing throughout their journey, was it possible they were save points...?' (Y/n) shook her head. 'No, (Y/n), that's absurd, this is real life, not a video game.' "Uh... sis, you okay?" Frisk asked. She blinked, then shook her head quickly. "Uh, yeah. I'm fine." Frisk gave her a questioning look, but didn't push it further.

As they walked back to the lab, they got another call. "Hey, this is Undyne! Shut up, Papyrus this was your idea!" She snapped. "Humans, you have to deliver something for me. Uh, please? I'm at Snowdin, in front of Papyrus's." She informed. "See ya, punks!" Then she hung up. The sisters took a boat ride back to Snowdin. They met the duo standing outside. "Hey! I have something to give you! Um so, I have a favor to ask you guys.

Uh, I need you to deliver this letter. To Dr. Alphys." "Sure," (Y/n) said as she took the letter. "But why don't you just give it to her yourself?" He asked. She began blushing a little bit. "Well, um... I- it's kind of personal, but... we're friends so... I'll... I'll tell you. Hotland sucks! I don't want to have to go over there! So here you go." She gave (Y/n) the letter. "Oh... and if you read it... I'll kill you!" She shouted. "Thanks so much! You're the best!" She said. They went back to Hotland and to the lab. (Y/n) slid the letter under the door, then knocked. "O- oh no. Is that another letter?

I don't want to open it. C- can't I just slide it back out? N... no! I can't keep doing this! I'll read this one!" Alphys said. "Um... it's shut kind of strongly, isn't it?" She asked as she tried to open it. Wait a second!" After a few minutes, she opened the door. "Hey, if this is a joke it's..." she looked right at (Y/n). "Oh my god! Did you write this letter?!" Her eyes widened and Frisk snickered. "It wasn't signed, so, I had no idea who could have. Oh my god! Oh no... that's adorable! And I h- had no idea you um, wrote that." She said. "Wait! It wasn't me, it was-"

(Y/n) tried to explain but she cut her off. "It's surprising too. After all the gross stuff I did. I don't really deserve to be forgiven. Much less um, this? And so passionately too." She said. "You know what? Okay, I'll do it! It's the least I can do to make it up to you! Y- yeah! Let's go on a date!" Alphys said. "Wait!" (Y/n) shouted. Frisk laughed. "I think I should probably get going." Frisk said. "Have fun, lovebirds!" Frisk said. "Hey! Don't leave me!" (Y/n) shouted. "Ugh, I hate you." (Y/n) grumbled.

"Uh, sorry! I'm still getting dressed!" Alphys came out wearing a black and white dress with poka dots. "H- how do I look?" She asked. "My friend helped me pick out this dress. She's got a great sense of... um, anyway, let's do this thing! H- hey! Wait! Actually, we still can't start the date yet! Um, I've gotta give you items to raise your affection statistic first. That'll increase the chance of a successful outcome to the date!" She said. "Alphys, wait! You're not listening-" (Y/n) was interrupted again. "Anyway, d- don't worry! I'm prepared! I- I've been stockpiling gifts in anticipation for a date like this. First, I've got some... metal armor polish." She said as she took some out. "Um, maybe you can't use that." She quickly put it away.

"But, I also brought some waterproof cream for your scales!" She said as she took out the next item. (Y/n) heard her sister laughing from a distance and turned to glare at her before looking back at Alphys. "Alphys, I don't have any scales. Just listen to me-" "uh, well, how about this magical spear repair kit." She blushed out of embarrassment and put them away. (Y/n) was smirking with her arms crossed. "Metal armor polish, waterproof cream, spear repair kit, these are all gifts for Undyne, aren't they?" (Y/n) asked, and she blushed a little, but quickly put them away.

"Hey, let's forget about the items. Let's just start the date! Yeah, let's just date." She starts to get nervous. "Uh, do you... like amine?" She asked. "Who doesn't?" (Y/n) asked. "Hey, let's go somewhere! But where's a good place to go on a date?" She asked. "Alphys-" (Y/n) tried to say something. "I've got it! Let's go to the garbage dump!" She said. (Y/n) stood still in surprise, and let Alphys drag her to the dumb back in Waterfall. "Here we are! This is where Undyne and I come all the time." She said. "Alphys-" (Y/n) tried again. "We find all sorts of great stuff here. She's really uh... um..." she trailed off. "Alphys!" (Y/n) shouted, catching her attention. "I've been trying to tell you for the past ten minutes! It wasn't me who wrote that letter is was Undyne!" That word echoed in her head and her eyes widened.

"What?! Undyne?! Oh no! Here she comes!" She quickly hid behind the trash can. "Hey! There you are! I uh... realized... if you deliver that thing... it might be a bad idea. So I'm gonna do it. Give it to me!" She said. "Um..." (Y/n) said nervously. "You don't have it, do you?" She asked. "Have you at least seen her?" She asked. "Yeah..." (Y/n) said. "Yes? So she's somewhat around here? Thanks, I'll keep looking!" She then walked away and Alphys came out. "Oh my god, well, I guess it's obvious, huh? I uh... I really like her." She said. "Alphys, I know. That's why I tried to tell you in the first place." (Y/n) said. "I'm sorry. I just figured it would be fun to... you know... to go on a cute kind of pretend date with you? To make you feel better.

Well, it sounds even worse when I put it like that. I'm sorry. I messed up again. Undyne's the person I um... I really want to go on a date with." She said. "Well then, let's get you on that date." (Y/n) said. She looked surprised. "R- really? But... she's so out of my league. Not that you aren't cool. But.. but... Undyne. She's so confident and strong. And I'm just nobody. A fraud. I'm the royal scientist, but... all I've ever done is hurt people! I've told her so many lies, she thinks I'm... she thinks I'm a lot cooler than I actually am. If she gets close to me she'll... she'll find out the truth about me.

What should I do?!" She asked. "Alphys, you think she'll care about any of that? If she loves you she loves you for who you are. You should be honest with her." (Y/n) said. "Be honest? But if I do that... she'll hate me! Isn't it better this way? To live a lie where both people are happy? Or a truth where neither of us are? They say "be yourself" but I don't really like who myself is. I'd rather just be what makes her happy." She thought about it for a moment. "No, you're right, every day I'm scared. Scared what will happen if people learn the truth on their own. They'll all get hurt because of me! But how can I tell Undyne the truth?"

She asked. "I don't have the confidence! I'm going to mess it up!" She said. "Hmm... oh! I know! Why don't you practice? We can do some role playing." (Y/n) said. "R- role play?" She asked. "Yeah. I'll be Undyne. Now just say what you want to say to her to me." (Y/n) said. "Oh... okay." She took a deep breath. "H- hi. Undyne. How are you doing today?" She asked. "I'm fine." (Y/n) said. She laughed nervously. "G- glad to hear it. So, uh, I'd like to um, talk to you about something." She said. "What is it, Alphys?" (Y/n) asked, in her best Undyne voice. "You see, I... I... I haven't been exactly truthful with you. You see, I... I... oh forget it! Undyne! I... I want to tell you how I feel! You're so brave... and strong, and nice! You... you always listen to me... when I talk about n- n nerdy stuff.

You always do... do... to make me feel... special. Like telling me... you'll b- beat up anyone who g- gets in my way. UNDYNE! I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANY LONGER! I'M MADLY IN LOVE WITH YOU! HOLD ME, UNDYNE! HOLD ME!" She shouted. Suddenly Undyne came over. "Oh shit." (Y/n) mumbled. "What did you just say?" Undyne asked. Alphys quickly backed away. "Uh, Undyne, I uh..." she said nervously. "I... was just... uh..." she said. "Hey, whoa! Wait a second! Your outfit's really cute! What's the occasion?" Undyne asked. "Wait a second. Are you two... on a date?" She asked, sounding surprised. "No! No! No! No! Of course not! We were just... um..." (Y/n) trailed off. "Yeah, what she said. We were just romantically role playing as you." Alphys said. (Y/n) panicked and face palmed. "What?!" Undyne asked. "I mean! Uh... um... oh god. Undyne, I've been lying to you!" Alphys said. "WHAT? ABOUT WHAT?" She asked. "About well, everything." Alphys went beside her. She began rambling about all of the lies she had told her to impress her. "Alphys." Undyne said.

"I... I just wanted to impress you. I just wanted you to think I was smart and cool. That I wasn't some nerdy loser." Alphys said. "Alphys." Undyne said as she pet her on the head. "Undyne, I... really think you're neat, okay?" Alphys asked. "Alphys. Sh. Shhhh." Undyne said as she sat down and hugged her. Shen then lifted her up and threw her in the trash can. (Y/n)'s eyes widened. "Alphys, I think you're neat too, I guess. But you've gotta realize, most of what you said really doesn't matter to me. I don't care if you're watching kid cartoons or reading history books. To me, all of that stuff is just nerdy crap! What I like about you is that you're passionate! You're analytical! It doesn't matter what it is! You care about it! 100% at maximum power! So, you don't have to lie to me. I don't want you to have to lie to anyone anymore! Alphys, I want to help you become happy with who you are! And I know just the training you need to do that!" Undyne said.

Alphys stood up inside the trash can. "Undyne, you... you're gonna train me?" She asked. She scoffed. "What, me?" She asked. (Y/n) then noticed Papyrus show up from behind them. "Oh... my... god." She said. "Nah, I'm gonna get Papyrus to do it." Undyne said. Papyrus jumped in front of (Y/n). "GET THOSE BONES SHAKING!" Papyrus said. "It's time to jog 100 laps, hooting about how great we are!" Papyrus shouted. "Ready? I'm about to start the timer!" Undyne said. "Undyne, I'll do my best." Alphys said. The two of them left. "Oh my god, she was kidding, right?

Those cartoons, those comics, those are still REAL, right? ANIME IS REAL, RIGHT?" Undyne asked (Y/n) desperately, while grabbing her and shaking her as Frisk came over. "Duh." (Y/n) said. She let go of her. "HA HA HA! I knew it! Gigantic swords! Magical princesses! Here I come!" Undyne ran off. Leaving (Y/n) weirded out. "So, how was it?" "Are you two a thing now?" Frisk asked teasingly. "No." (Y/n) said. "Aw, but the two of you would make such a cute couple!" Frisk teased. "I already drew a picture of the two of you with your new ship name." Frisk said, holding it up. (Y/n) grabbed the paper and crumbled it up, then threw it away, and Frisk laughed, before catching up with her. "Hey sis, I have a strong feeling we should go back to her lab." Frisk said. "Her lab? Why?"
(Y/n) asked.

"I'm not sure, it's just a feeling." Frisk said. "Okay, to the lab it is." (Y/n) said. When they walked in, they saw a note on the floor, and Frisk picked it up to read it. "Hey. Thanks for your help back there. You guys... Your support really means a lot to me. But... As difficult as it is to say this... You guys alone can't magically make my own problems go away. I want to be a better person. I don't want to be afraid anymore. And for that to happen, I have to be able to face my own mistakes.

I'm going to start doing that now. I want to be clear. This isn't anyone else's problem but mine. But if you don't ever hear from me again... If you want to know "the truth." Enter the door to the north of this note. You all at least deserve to know what I did." She said. "What she did?" (Y/n) asked worriedly. "Eh, knowing Alphys it couldn't have been that bad." Frisk said. Suddenly the door in front opened, revealing an elevator. "Wait a minute, that wasn't a bathroom!" (Y/n) said. In curiosity, they entered the elevator to see where it went. "Elevator losing power! EM tether stability lost! Altitude dropping!" A robotic voice shouted. "That doesn't sound good!" Frisk said. They screamed as the elevator crashed to the bottom floor. It was soon all dark. "Are you okay, sis?" (Y/n) asked. "I think so..." Frisk said, then the doors opened.

When they entered the basement, they looked around and noticed it was very dark. But there was still a small light source. "Hey, what's this?" Frisk looked at a sign on the wall. (Y/n) read it out loud. "This is it. Time to do what the king asked me to do. I will create the power to free us all. I will unleash the power of the SOUL." "The power of the soul?" Frisk asked.

Frisk read the next sign as they continued walking down the dark hallway. "The barrier is locked by SOUL power. Unfortunately, this power can not be recreated artificially. SOUL power can only be derived from what was once living. So, to create more, we will have to use what we have now. The souls of monsters." "So, souls have powers? That's the first I've heard of it." (Y/n) said. "If that's the case, what kind of powers do souls have?" Frisk asked. "Well remember, each time our soul changed color, we were able to have a different kind of attack in battle." Frisk said. "Oh yeah!" (Y/n) said. Frisk read the next one. "But extracting a SOUL from a living monster would require incredible power... Besides being impractical, doing so would instantly destroy the SOUL's host. And, unlike the persistent SOULs of humans...

The SOULs of most monsters disappear immediately upon death. If only I could make a monster's SOUL last..." "Oh. So Alphys needs power from the souls, but monster souls aren't as powerful?" (Y/n) asked. "And she said they don't last. Interesting." Frisk said. (Y/n) read the next sign. "I've done it. Using the blueprints, I've extracted it from the human SOULs. I believe this is what gives their SOULs the strength to persist after death. The will to keep living... The resolve to change fate. Let's call this power... "Determination." (Y/n) read entry number six. "ASGORE asked everyone outside the city for monsters that had "fallen down." Their bodies came in today. They're still comatose... And soon, they'll all turn into dust. But what happens if I inject "determination" into them? If their SOULS persist after they perish, then... Freedom might be closer than we all thought." "Should we keep reading? I don't know if I want to." Frisk said.

(Y/n) read the next entry. "Things aren't going well. None of the bodies have turned into dust, so I can't get the SOULs. I told the families that i would give them the dust back for the funerals. People are starting to ask me what's happening. what do i do?" "Oh, Alphys." Frisk said. "You know, I can't really imagine her being in this kind of situation." (Y/n) said. "Me either. She always seems so... innocent." Frisk said. (Y/n) walked toward the sink and suddenly a ghost like creature pops out. "What the?" Frisk asked. They hear voices through the receiver on their phones. "Come join the fun." The three of them said. Tiny ghosts appeared around them and began to attack them. "Sure, we'll join you." Frisk said. "Just a moment." The first ghost said. "On second thought, we're kind of busy today and we have a lot of work to do, so..." (Y/n) said.

"Oh well." The first ghost said. Frisk noticed a red key had appeared in the same sink they showed up in. Frisk went to pick it up. "What's this?" She asked. "It's a key, Frisk." (Y/n) said. "I wonder what it's for." Frisk said. "Let's hold onto it and maybe we can find out." (Y/n) said. They found a smaller room. "Hey, check this out." Frisk said. "Could this be what the key is for?" Frisk asked. "Let's find out." (Y/n) put the red key in the slot. "Cool." Frisk said. "It looks like there's a few more we need." She said. "Let's go find them." (Y/n) said. They turned down another hallway.

"It's another entry." (Y/n) read it. "Nothing is happening. I don't know what to do. i'll just keep injecting everything with "determination." I want this to work." She read. "Is she sure that's a good idea? Does she even know enough about this determination power?" Frisk asked. She read the next one. "One of the bodies opened its eyes." "That's totally not disturbing at all." (Y/n) said sarcastically. "Are you sure that sarcasm isn't your soul trait?" Frisk asked, then snickered. "Funny, Frisk, real funny." (Y/n) said. They walked into a big room with multiple hospital beds. Frisk saw another save point in the right corner and another entry. She walked over to read it. "Everyone that had fallen down... ... has woken up. They're all walking around and talking like nothing is wrong. I thought they were goners...?" "Is she, reviving people?" (Y/n) asked.

"It kind of sounds that way, doesn't it?" Frisk asked. Once they reached the nest entry, Frisk read it. "Seems like this research was a dead end... But at least we got a happy ending out of it...? I sent the SOULS back to ASGORE, returned the vessel to his garden... And I called all of the families and told them everyone's alive. I'll send everyone back tomorrow. :) "Aw, and there's a little smiley face on the end." Frisk said. Then (Y/n) read the next one. "no No NO NO NO NO. Okay, so something went wrong." She concluded. She went to what he thought was a star or 'save point'

but a tiny face showed up, (Y/n) backed up fearfully with wide eyes. Frisk looked in surprise. "What is this thing?" She asked. "Welcome to my special hell." Their giant teeth appeared above and below them, and it began to attack. "Do you think I'm pretty?" She asked. Then a different face of hers appeared, but still with sharp teeth. Her teeth moved as she sent attacks toward them. Frisk spared her. "That was close." (Y/n) said. "Sorry about that. I didn't know it was a monster." She said. "Don't worry about it." Frisk said. "Hey, check it out." She said. They walked into a small room and saw a tv with some videotapes. "Are these videotapes?" (Y/n) asked as she took some out. "Yeah. Not only that, but they're labeled." Frisk said. "Should we watch any?" (Y/n) asked.

"Sure." Frisk took the first one and put it inside the tv. The tv turned on but they didn't see anything. "Psst. Gorey, wake up." Toriel whispered. "Hmm? What is it, dear?" He asked. "Err, and why do you have that video camera?" He asked. "Shush! I want to get your reaction." She said. "Gorey, dearest. What is my favorite vegetable?" She asked. "Um, carrots, right?" He asked. "No! No! No! My favorite vegetable is... Eda-mom-e. Get it?" She said. "... go back to bed, dear." Asgore said. "No! No! Not yet! Hee hee hee. Now, if I were a dog, what bread of dog would I be?" She asked. "Uh... I don't know honey. What kind of dog would you be?" He asked. " I would be... A MOMERANIAN." She said. Asgore laughed. "You sure are excited to have this child. You know, if you keep making jokes like this... One day, you could be... ... a famous MOMedian." Asgore said.

"Well, I am going to bed." Toriel said. "Hey! Come on Tori! That one was funny!" Asgore said. "Hahaha, I know. I am just teasing you. Goodnight, dear." She said. "Goodnight, honey." Asgore said. "Oh dear, perhaps it is too dark in here for the video to come out." Toriel said. (Y/n) took out the tape, and put in the second one. "Okay, Chara, are you ready? Do your creepy face!" Asriel said. "AHHHHH!! Hee hee hee! Oh! Wait! I had the lens cap on... What!? You're not gonna do it again...? Come on, quit tricking me! Haha!" Asriel laughed. Frisk then put in the third one. "Howdy, Chara! Smile for the camera! Ha, this time I got YOU! I left the cap on... ON PURPOSE! Now you're smiling for noooo reason! Hee hee hee. What? Oh, yeah, I remember. When we tried to make butterscotch pie for Dad, right? The recipe asked for cups of butter... But we accidentally put in buttercups instead. Yeah! Those flowers got him really sick. I felt so bad. We made Mom really upset. I should have laughed it off, like you did... Um, anyway, where are you going with this?

Huh? Turn off the camera...? OK." Asriel said. Then (Y/n) put in the fourth one. "I... I don't like this idea, Chara. Wh.. what? N-no, I'm not... ... big kids don't cry. Yeah, you're right. No! I'd never doubt you, Chara, Never! Y... yeah! We'll be strong! We'll free everyone. I'll go get the flowers." Asriel said. Then Frisk put in the last one. "Chara, can you hear me? We want you to wake up..." Toriel said. "Chara, you have to stay determined!" Asgore said. "You can't give up! You are the future of humans and monsters..." he said. "Psst... Chara, please... Wake up... I don't like this plan anymore. I... I... ... no, I said... I said I'd never doubt you. Eight, right? We just have to get eight... And we'll do it together, right?" Asriel asked. "Eight souls." (Y/n) realized. Frisk then read the next entry on the wall. "I've been researching humans to see if I can find any info about their SOULS. I ended up snooping around the castle... And found these weird tapes. I don't feel like

ASGORE's watched them... I don't think he should." She read. "Sis, I feel like Alphys is hiding something." She said. "Hey, there's something here." Frisk reached down and picked up a note. "What is it?" (Y/n) asked. "Check the sheets. That's all it says." Frisk said. "Could that be where the next key is?" (Y/n) asked. "Let's check." Frisk said. They went back to the room with the hospital beds and searched each bed. "Found it!" Frisk said as she took out the next key which was yellow. "Sweet." (Y/n) said. "Nice find, sis." (Y/n) said. Frisk put the blue key in the next slot. Next they walked into a small room and saw some king of arm moving behind a curtain. "What is that thing?" (Y/n) asked as she hid behind Frisk. Frisk approached the curtain and moved it aside, finding a green key and picking it up. "Oh." (Y/n) said. Frisk inserted the green key. When they walked into the next room, they looked up and saw white sparks on the top. "It's too dark. You think we can find a switch somewhere here?" Frisk asked. "Let's look." (Y/n) said.

Frisk looked around, then saw one on the far left on the wall. "I think this could be a light switch." She pulled it. Then suddenly the white dots above formed into some kind of strange looking dog monster. "What in the world?" Frisk asked as it itched closer. The dog then fired mini arrows toward them. Frisk tried to pet it, but it was too far away. The dog then turned into a rocket and flew after them as they moved away from him. (Y/n) pets the dog, then Frisk plays fetch with it. After a few more rounds they let him go. After walking past some more technology, another monster appeared. This one looked like a combination of two other monsters. It looked pretty sad, so Frisk decided she'd try to cheer it up with a bad joke. "Hey buddy, why was six nervous?" She asked. It was quiet for a moment. "Because seven eight nine." She said, and (Y/n) rolled her eyes slightly, but in a playful manner, and the creature smiled a little. "What does a clock do when it's hungry?" (Y/n) asked. Frisk tilted her head along with the creature. "It goes back four seconds." (Y/n) said. Frisk snickered.

After a few more terrible jokes, the blue key appeared. (Y/n) picked it up. Then they walked past some mirrors in the next room. At the last mirror, they saw a smiley face appear, which turned into a smirk. Then another creature appeared from the mirror. This monster looked like some kind of bird. Small butterflies flew out from its head toward them. The monster then duplicates of its head toward them. "Hey! Knock it off!" Frisk snapped. "Yeah, you freak!" (Y/n) said. After sparing it, they found the rest of the slots and inserted each key into them.

After finding the room that has the power switch, (Y/n) was about to push it. "(Y/n)..." Frisk said. They turned and saw more ghost like figures approaching. They began backing away. "What do we do?" Frisk asked. "Hey, stop!" They turned to see Alphys and she walked into the room. "I got you guys some food, okay?" Then they left. "Sorry about that. They get kind of sassy when they don't get fed on time." She said. "Anyway, the power went out. I've been trying to turn it back on. But it seems like you were one step ahead of me. This was probably just a big inconvenience for you all. B- but I appreciate that you came here to back me up.

As I said, I was afraid I might... not come back. But that's not because of these guys or anything. I was just worried I would be too afraid... to tell the truth. That I might run away. Or do something... cowardly. Uh.. I... I suppose I owe you both an explanation. As you probably know, Asgore asked me to study the nature of souls. During my research, I isolated a power known as determination. I injected it into dying monsters so their souls would last after death. But the experiment failed. You see, unlike humans, monster's bodies don't have enough physical matter to take those concentrations of determination. Their bodies started to melt, and lost what physicality they had. Pretty soon, all of the test subjects had melted together into... those. Seeing them like this...

I knew... I couldn't tell their families about it. I couldn't tell anyone about it. No matter how much everyone was asking me. And I was too afraid to do any more work knowing... everything I've done so far had been such a horrible failure. But now... now I've changed my mind about all this. I'm going to tell everyone what I've done. It's going to be hard. Being honest. Believing in myself. I'm sure there will be times when I struggle. I'm sure there will be times when I screw up again. But knowing, deep down, that I have friends to fall back on... I know it'll be a lot easier to stand on my own. Thank you." Alphys said. Then the figures came back. "Come on, guys! It's time for everyone to go home!" Then they left the room.

"That was... I never thought I'd hear all of that coming from Alphys." Frisk said. "Our little monster has grown up." (Y/n) said. "Guess there was a good reason for us to come here after all." Frisk said. "So... now what?" (Y/n) asked. "Well, I have one idea." Frisk said. She followed Frisk to the elevator and took they went back to the castle. Then they entered the moving room where the king was once again standing. "This is the barrier. This is what keeps us all trapped underground. If by chance you have any unfinished business, please do what you must." Asgore said. "No, we're ready." (Y/n) said. "I see. This is it, then." He turned around to face them. "Ready?" Then they engaged in battle. "Humans, it was nice to meet you. Goodbye." Suddenly Toriel threw a fireball at him, knocking him back. "Toriel!" The sisters said.

"What a terrible creature, torturing such poor innocent youths." She said. "Do not be afraid my children, it is I, Toriel, your friend and guardian. At first, I thought I would let you make your journey alone, but I could not stop worrying about you. Your adventure must have been so treacherous. And ultimately, it would burden you with a horrible choice. To leave this place, you would have to take the life of another person. You would have to defeat Asgore. However, I realized, I cannot allow that. It is not right to sacrifice someone simply to let someone leave here.

Is that not what I have been trying to prevent this whole time? So for now, let us suspend this battle. As terrible as Asgore is... he deserves mercy too." Toriel said. "Tori... you came back!" Asgore said. "Do not "Tori" me, Dreemurr!" Toriel said. "You pathetic whelp!" She scolded. "Harsh..." (Y/n) said. "If you really wanted to free our kind, you would have gone through the barrier after you got ONE SOUL. Taken six souls from the humans, then come back and freed everyone peacefully. But instead, you let everyone live in despair! Because you would rather wait here, meekly hoping that other humans never come!" She scolded. "... Tori... you're right. I am a miserable creature. But... do you think we can at least... be friends again?" Asgore asked. Toriel sighed. "No, Asgore." She said.

Suddenly Undyne showed up. "Asgore! Humans! Nobody fight each other!" She said. "Everyone's gonna make friends. Or else, I'll... I'll.." she tried to come up with a threat. "Hello, I am Toriel. Are you their friend? It is nice to meet you." She asked. "Uh... yeah? Nice to meet you." She walked over to Asgore. "Hey, Asgore, is that your ex?" She asked. "Geez. That's rough, buddy." She said. Then Alphys came over. "H- hey! Nobody hurt each other!" She said. "Hey, Alphys." (Y/n) said.

"Oh. Are you another friend?" Toriel asked. "I am Toriel, hello!" She said as she introduced herself. "Uh, h- h- hi!" Alphys said. Alphys then went next to Undyne. Then Papyrus came. "HEY! NOBODY FIGHT ANYONE!" He shouted. "IF ANYONE FIGHTS ANYONE... THEN I'LL BE FORCED... TO ASK UNDYNE FOR HELP." He said. "Hello." Toriel said. "OH! HELLO, YOUR MAJESTY!" Papyrus said. "Psst. HUMANS, DID ASGORE SHAVE?" Papyrus asked. "AND... CLONE HIMSELF?" He asked. Frisk chuckled. "No, Papyrus. That's Toriel." She said. Then Sans came over. "Hey, guys. What's up?" He asked. Toriel's eyes widened. "That voice..." she said. She walked toward him. "Hello! I think we may know each other." She said. "Oh hey. I recognize your voice too." Sans said.

"I am Toriel. So nice to meet you." She said. "The name's Sans. And uh... same." He said. "Oh! Wait then... this must be your brother, Papyrus." Toriel said as she glanced at him. Papyrus beamed. "Greetings, Papyrus. It is so nice to finally meet you." Toriel greeted. "Your brother has told me so much about you." She continued. "WOWIE. I CAN'T BELIEVE ASGORE'S CLONE KNOWS WHO I AM! THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!" He said. "Hey, Papyrus, what does a skeleton tile his roof with?" Toriel asked. "UM... SNOW PROOF ROOF TILES?" He asked. "No, silly, a skeleton tiles his roof with SHIN-gles." Toriel said. "I CHANGED MY MIND! THIS IS THE WORST DAY OF MY LIFE!"

Papyrus said dramatically. "C'mon, Asgore, it's gonna be okay! There are plenty of fish in the sea." Undyne said. "Y- yeah. Asgore. Undyne's totally right the fish thing." Alphys said. "Sometimes, you've just go to... um... stop going after furry boss monsters and... just get to know a really cute fish?" She said. "It's a metaphor." She added. Undyne smiled. "Well, I think it's a good analogy." She said. The sisters' eyes widened when they saw a familiar leg show up. "Oh my god! Will you two just smooch already?" Mettaton asked. "Mettaton!" They said. "The audience is dying for some romantic action!" Mettaton said. "HEY SHUT UP!" Undyne snapped. "Man, the nerve of that guy! Right, Alphys?" She asked. She didn't respond. "Uh, Alphys?" Undyne asked. She chuckled nervously.

"No, he's right. Let's do it!" She said. Frisk and (Y/n) watched in shock. "Well... I guess... if you want to??? Then???? Don't hold anything back!" They then got closer and prepared to kiss each other. Frisk and (Y/n) watched in anticipation until Toriel suddenly broke them apart. "OH COME ON!" (Y/n) shouted in frustration. Frisk chuckled. "Wait! Not in front of the children!" Toriel said. (Y/n) blushed a bit, then turned to Sans, and Frisk giggled a little as she noticed this. Alphys blushed out of embarrassment. "Oh, right. Sorry, I got a little carried away, there. Hee hee hee." She said. They all stood together in front of Frisk and (Y/n). "My children, it seems as if you must stay here for a while. But looking at all of the great friends you have made.... I think... I think you will be happy here." Toriel said. "H- hey! That reminds me. Papyrus, you called everyone here, right? Besides, uh... her. Anyway,

if I got here before you, how did you know how to call everybody?" Alphys asked. "LET'S JUST SAY... A TINY FLOWER HELPED ME." Papyrus said. Frisk and (Y/n) tensed at this. "A tiny flower?" Alphys asked nervously. Suddenly vines appeared out of nowhere and grabbed them all. Frisk and (Y/n) gasped and Flowey appeared. "No! No! Don't you dare hurt them!" (Y/n) shouted. "You idiots! While you guys were having your little pow wow... I took the human souls!" Flowey declared. "NO!" Frisk shouted. "Yes. And now, not only are they under my power, but all of your friends' souls are gonna be mine, too!" Flowey said. "I knew we shouldn't have trusted you!" (Y/n) shouted. "But you did. And you know what the best part is? It's all your fault. It's all because you made them love you! All the time you spent listening to them... encouraging them... caring about them... without that, they wouldn't have come here. And now, with their souls and the human souls together, I will achieve my REAL FORM!"

Flowey said. "That nightmare state you were in before wasn't your real form?!" (Y/n) asked. "Hee hee." "Flowey, stop! Why are you doing this?" Frisk asked. "Huh? Why am I still doing this? Don't you get it?! This is all just a STORY." (Y/n)'s eyes widened. "If you leave the underground satisfied you'll "end" the story. "If you "end" you won't want to "stay" with me anymore. And what would I do then? But this story between us will NEVER end! I'll hold victory in front of you, just within your reach, and then tear it away just before you grasp it! Over, and over, and over! Hee hee hee. Listen, if you DO defeat me,

I'll give you your "happy ending" I'll bring your friends back! I'll destroy the barrier! Everyone will finally be satisfied. But that WON'T happen! I'll keep you two here no matter what!" Flowey created a small box that traps them. Frisk and (Y/n) banged against it, trying to escape, to no avail. "We're trapped!" Then his "friendliness petals" from before surrounded the small box. "Even if it means killing you 1,000,000 times!" Flowey said. The petals then kept crashing into them and they screamed in pain. For the last attack,

Flowey moved more pellets close to them slowly. Suddenly fireballs appeared and blocked them away. "What?" Flowey asked in anger and confusion. "Do not be afraid, my children. No matter what happens, we will always be there to protect you." Toriel said. Papyrus then used his bones to block Flowey's attack. "THAT'S RIGHT, HUMANS! YOU CAN WIN! JUST DO WHAT I WOULD DO! BELIEVE IN YOU!" Papyrus said. "Hey, humans, if you got past ME, you can do ANYTHING! So don't worry! We're here with you all the way!" Undyne said. "Huh? You haven't beaten this guy yet? Come on! This weirdo's got nothing on you!" Sans said. Flowey became frustrated when Sans blocked off his next attack.

"Technically, it's impossible for you to beat him... but... but somehow I know you can do it!" Alphys said. "Humans, for the future of humans and monsters... you have to stay determined!" Asgore said. Then Monster Kid and some of the monsters from before showed up to cheer them on, and Frisk and (Y/n) smiled. "Urrrgh NO! Unbelievable!! This can't be happening! You... you...!" "Idiots?" (Y/n) deadpanned. "I can't believe you're all so STUPID! ALL OF YOUR SOULS ARE MINE!" After a few tense moments, Frisk and (Y/n) saw a young goat like creature shaking his head as his back was turned to them. Then they heard an evil chuckle. "Finally, I was so tired of being a flower." He then turned to face them with a smile. "Howdy! Chara, are you there?" He was looking right at (Y/n).

It's me, your best friend." Suddenly he transformed into a bigger goat as words appeared below and big letters that spelled "ASRIEL DREEMURR" then they engaged in battle. They dodged as he sent fireballs toward them. Suddenly he began to fly and bright colors flashed behind him. Next, each color soul of theirs turned red. They dodged again as he sent giant rainbow stars toward them. "You know, I don't care about destroying this world anymore." Asriel said. He then raised his arms and sent a bunch of rainbow beams toward them. "After I defeat you, and take total control over the timeline... I just want to reset everything!" Next he summoned two giant swords and swung them toward their souls. "All your progress, everyone's memories! I'll bring them all back to zero!" He then sent more rainbow beams toward them.

"Then we can do everything ALL over again, Chara!" Then more giant rainbow stars went toward them. "That is not my name!" (Y/n) shouted. "And you know what the best part of all of this is? You'll do it, Chara!" A gun appeared in his right hand and he began shooting at them. For the last shot it turned rainbow. "And then you'll lose to me again!" Then he summoned the swords again. "And again." Then he used the gun again. "And again!" More rainbow beams went toward them. "That's not my name!" (Y/n) shouted again. "Because you want a "happy ending" they dodged more giant rainbow stars. "Ugh. This is getting touch to dodge." Frisk said. "Because you "love your friends" "we do love them!" Frisk shouted. They dodged the swords again. "Because you "never give up" they kept dodged more of his powerful attacks. "Now, enough messing around, Chara! It's time to purge this timeline! Once and for all!" "Chara is not my name!" (Y/n) shouted angrily.

"Whoa!" Frisk said as a giant goat like face appeared. It soon began sucking everything up like a vacuum. After that, everything went back to the colorful background again. "Even after that attack, you're still standing in my way Chara? Wow. You guys really are something special. But don't get cocky. Up until now, I've only been using a fraction of my REAL power!" He said. "A fraction?!" Frisk asked. "Let's see what good your determination is against this!" Then he transformed again into a goat slash bat creature with giant wings. "Holy shit!" Frisk shouted. Asriel chuckled evilly.

"Behold my TRUE power!" He declared. He sent another attack toward them. Then they felt intense pain as their souls broke in half. But soon they quickly put themselves back together and refused. "I can feel it. Every time you die, your grips on this world slip away. Every time you die, your friends forget you a little more. Your life will end here, in a world where no one remembers you, Chara." Asriel said. They dodged another attack. "That won't happen!" Frisk shouted. "My name, is (Y/n)!" (Y/n) shouted. "Still, you're hanging on? That's fine. It a few moments, you will forget everything! Your attitude will serve you well in your next life!" Another attack was sent at them. He chuckled evilly. "Still? Come on! Show me what your determination is now!" Then everything went black for a few moments. Then, everything reappeared and they saw an extra option show up that said "save" (Y/n) pushed the save option.

and they saw the names of all their friends. "We can save our friends!" Frisk said. "Guys! Can you hear us?!" (Y/n) shouted. (Y/n) reached in and saw Sans and Papyrus with blurs covering their faces. "Hey, Papyrus, could you cook something for me?" She asked, trying to get him to remember. "I MUST CAPTURE A HUMAN!" Papyrus said. "Just give it up. I did." Sans and Papyrus then sent attacks toward him. (Y/n) effortlessly avoided them. "Hey Sans, What do you call a skeleton who won't work? Lazy bones!" She said. She heard Sans chuckle a little. "THEN EVERYONE WILL..." Papyrus continued. "Why even try?" Sans asked. (Y/n) dodged more of their attacks. "Oh, Papyrus, I was working on this new puzzle. Would you like to help me figure it out?" (Y/n) asked. "You'll never see em again." Sans said. They continued to dodge his attacks. "You know, I really do think jumble is better than crossword." (Y/n) said. Finally the two skeletons remembered everything and the blurriness around their heads disappeared.

"NO WAIT, YOU'RE MY FRIENDS! I COULD NEVER CAPTURE YOU!" Papyrus said. "Nah, I'm rooting for ya, kids." Sans said. Frisk reaches out for Alphys. Her face was covered as well. "Hey Alphys, what's your favorite cartoon?" She asked. "You hate me, don't you?" Frisk quickly shot at the tiny shapes with her yellow soul. "I will always continue to support you, Alphys!" Frisk shouted. "I've got to keep lying..." Frisk shoots at more of her attack. Frisk called Alphys on her iPhone. Suddenly she remembered and her face was now showing. "No! That's not true!

My friends like me! And I like you guys too!" Alphys said. Frisk reached in and found Undyne. Frisk taps her lightly with a sword. "All humans will die!" Undyne said. Frisk attacked her for real with full force. "You're our real enemy!" Undyne declared. "Undyne, do you think you could teach me how to cook?" Frisk asked. Then she remembered. "Well, some humans are ok, I guess." She smiled. (Y/n) reaches in and sees Toriel, Asgore. (Y/n) shows them mercy and refuses to fight them. "This is for your own good." Toriel said. "Forgive me for this." Asgore said. (Y/n) quickly dodged the fireballs and giant paws coming toward her.

"Listen Toriel, I have to go if I'm going to free everyone." (Y/n) said. "No one will leave again." Toriel said. "This is my duty." Asgore said. (Y/n) then hugs Toriel. "Don't worry, I'm going to see you again." She said. "Asgore, I'm not going to hurt you. No matter what." (Y/n) said. Then the two of them remembered everything. "Your fate is up to you now!" Toriel said. "You are our future!" Asgore said. "There's one last person we need to save." Frisk said as they looked at Asriel. (Y/n) looked over toward Asriel. "Asriel." She called softly. "Huh? What are you doing...?!" He demanded. "Asriel, it doesn't have to be this way." (Y/n) said.

"Wha... what did you do?" He asked. "What's this feeling? What's happening to me?" He asked. "It's okay, Asriel." (Y/n) said. "No! NO! I don't need ANYONE!" He declared. He went to attack them again. "STOP IT! Get away from me! Do you hear me? I'll tear you apart!" He shouted. He sent another attack at them, but this one was weaker. "Chara, do you know why I'm doing this? Why I keep fighting to keep you around?" Tears streamed down his face as a next attack missed them. Frisk spared him again.

"I'm doing this... because you guys are special to me, Chara. You're the only ones that understand me. You're the only ones who're any fun to play with anymore." His attacks missed again. "No, that's not JUST it. I'm doing this because I care about you, Chara! I care about you more than anybody else! I'm not ready for this to end. I'm not ready for you to leave me. I'm not ready to say goodbye to you. So please, STOP doing this! AND JUST LET ME WIN!" He shouted. He sent a giant beam toward them, which changed colors, but did no damage to them.

"STOP IT!" He shouted. "STOP IT NOW!" Then he gave up. "Chara... I'm so alone, Chara. I'm so afraid, Chara." He said. "Asriel, it's going to be okay." (Y/n) said softly. "Chara... I..." he then changed back into his regular small goat form as tears streamed down his face. "I'm so sorry." He apologized. "It's okay." (Y/n) smiled at him. Asriel rubbed his eyes. "I always was a crybaby wasn't I, Chara?" He asked. "I know, you're not actually Chara are you? She's been gone for a long time. Um... what... what are your names?" He asked. "Well Asriel, I'm (Y/n), and this is my sister Frisk." (Y/n) said. "Those are nice names. I haven't felt like this for a long time. As a flower, I was soulless. I lacked the power to love other people. However, with everyone's souls inside me, I not only have my own compassion back, but I can feel every other monster's as well. They all care about each other so much. And, they care about you both too.

I wish I could tell you how everyone feels about you guys. Papyrus, Sans, Undyne, Alphys, Toriel. Monsters are weird. Even though they barely know you, it feels like they all really love you guys. Haha. Guys, I... I understand if you can't forgive me. I understand if you hate me. I acted so strange and horrible. I hurt you. I hurt so many people. Friends, family, bystanders. There's no excuse for what I've done." Asriel said. "We forgive you." (Y/n) smiled at him. His eyes widened and he looked utterly shocked.

"Wha...? What? Guys, come on. You're... you're gonna make me cry again." Tears formed in his eyes again. "Besides, even if you do all forgive me, I can't keep these souls inside of me. The least I can do is return them. But first, there's something I have to do. Right now, I can feel everyone's hearts beating as one. They're all burning with the same desire. With everyone's power, with everyone's determination, it's time for monsters, to finally go free." Asriel took a deep breath, then used the power of all the souls. He lifted into the air, and began chanting, while using the souls. Frisk and (Y/n) watched in amazement. Then they heard a loud crack as the barrier was lifted. He then laid back down and stood up, turning to smile at them. He looked at the ground. "Guys, I have to go now. Without the power of everyone's souls, I can't keep maintaining this form. In a little while, I'll turn back into a flower. I'll stop being "myself" I'll stop being able to feel love again.

So guys, it's better if you all just forget about me, okay?" He asked. "Just go be with the people who love you." He said. Frisk and (Y/n) stood still for a few moments, then walked forward and hugged him. His eyes widened in shock, then tears formed in his eyes and he hugged them back. After the hug, Asriel smiled at them. "Guys... you're... you're going to do a great job, okay? No matter what you do, everyone will be there for you, okay?" He then turned. "Well, my time's running out. Goodbye." Asriel then slowly walked away.


"Hey, are you guys awake? Hello?" A voice asked. Frisk and (Y/n) quickly stood up as their eyes shot open. They looked around and saw the others beside them. "Finally, you're awake! You guys have been out for hours!" "Hours?!" Frisk asked. "Thank goodness you're awake." Toriel said. "We were so worried." Alphys said. "Yeah. Any longer and I would have freaked out. Tell us next time you decide to take a nap, okay?" Undyne said. "Yeah. You made Papyrus cry like a baby." Sans said. "WHAT?! I DIDN'T CRY! I DON'T CRY!" Papyrus protested. "I JUST... CAUGHT SOMETHING IN MY EYE." He lied. "What did you catch?" Sans asked. "TEARS!" Papyrus shouted. "Now, now. The important part is that they are all right. Here guys, why not drink some tea? It'll make you feel better." Asgore said. "Uh... how about we give them space first? They must be very exhausted. Though, from what I am not certain.

Guys, we do not remember exactly what happened. There was a flower and then... everything went white. But now the barrier is gone. When you are ready, we will all return to the surface. It seems the door to the east will lead us there now." Toriel asked. "No, we're ready." (Y/n) said. "Well then, let's go." Toriel said. Frisk and (Y/n) followed their friends out of the barrier to the outside world, where they saw a beautiful sunset. "Oh my." Toriel said. "Isn't it beautiful?" Frisk asked. "It sure is." Asgore said. "Wow. It's even better than on tv." Alphys said.

"Way better! Better than I ever imagined!" She said. "Frisk, (Y/n), you live with this?!" Undyne asked. "The sunlight is so nice! And the air is so fresh! I really feel alive!" She said. "HEY, SANS. WHAT'S THAT GIANT BALL?" Papyrus asked. "It's called the sun, Papyrus." (Y/n) said. "Yup." Sans agreed. "THAT'S THE SUN?! WOWIE! I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M FINALLY MEETING THE SUN!" He shouted. "I can stand here and watch this for hours." Asgore said. "Guys, you're really overreacting. It's just the sun. There's plenty of other cooler things up here." Frisk said. "Perhaps. But this is so new to us." Toriel said. "Well, you have a point there." Frisk said. "So, what now?" (Y/n) asked. "Everyone, this is the beginning of a bright new future. An era of peace between humans and monsters." Asgore said.

"Can sis and I be your ambassadors?" Frisk asked, surprising him. "Oh. Um, actually, I was going to ask you that anyway, so of course you can, Frisk." Asgore said. Frisk smiled. "YEAH! FRISK AND (Y/N) WILL BE THE BEST AMBASSADORS! AND I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WILL BE THE BEST MASCOT! I'LL GO MAKE A GOOD FIRST IMPRESSION!" Papyrus quickly ran off. "Welp, someone's gotta keep him from getting into trouble. See you guys." Sans then walked in the other direction. "Sans, wait!" (Y/n) shouted. "Man, do I have to do everything? Papyrus wait!" Undyne quickly ran after him. "Hey, Undyne, wait up!" Alphys quickly ran after her too. "Whoops. Uh... should I do something?" Asgore asked.

Toriel just gave him an "are you serious?" Glare. "Well, gotta go." He quickly sped off. "So, Toriel." Frisk began. She looked down at her. "Yes, child?" She asked. "Sis and I have really wanted to get out of the mountain, but... we don't really have anywhere to go now. Can w... can we... live with you from now on?" She asked. Toriel looked shocked. "W... we don't really have anyone else, so..." she began. Toriel smiled warmly. "Of course you can, child." She said. Frisk and (Y/n) smiled at her, then followed her to their new home.

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