apocalypse (sans request)

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"Woof woof" the bark echoed off the barren landscape. "What is it Toby?" a voice replied to the dogs excitement. Opening an eye I thought I was almost imagining the noise maybe it's another dream. That's when something wet smothered my face and a panting in my ear. Turning round a pure white dog seemed extremely excited to see me it tail wagging manically. "Uh..." Was all I could breath out. "Hello?" a weary voice captured my attention. Lifting my gaze slightly I was meet with a pale skull of a monster. It almost reminded me of the grim reaper coming to finally take my life. "hello earth to human... " waving a slender bony hand across my vision I realised this wasn't another hallucination or sick dream. "uh hello..." I breathed in a hoarse voice it'd been forever since I'd formed a word or even heard the extent of my voice. A lingering silence held it's self as we both stared at each other in almost disbelief. "Well it's nice to meet you... I'm sans the Skeleton" he greeted grinning in almost relieve. Still in shock I just stared. "Hello you there" he waved this slim fingers past my vison. "Um I'm (F/N)" I informed through a mumble. "So what are you doing all the way out here?" Sans asked glancing out through the shattered window towards the rubble waste land. "It's quite" I replied back. "Well it's dangerous to be out here alone why not got to the camp up north?" he suggested in a low voice. Is there really a camp up north I never noticed. "Well I better be going njce meeting you" he started strolling from the room nochantly like we had meet before all this mess. Holding the dog to me I protested "please don't leave can we talk more"stopping he turned to me."Sure let's get going then we can talk and walk" he stated smiling lightly. Standing up my legs wobbled under my weight. Steadying my steps I walked up to him still holding the dog in my arms. Waking along side the skeleton the dog slept in my arms. We talked about simple things. The current situation in the world and how everything's just going down hill. He also talked about this place he came from the underground. Some people had mentioned it before when talking about monsters but the depth he went to was extraordinary. I followed him as he serched through so buildings finding useful things every so often and placing then in a backpack he wore. "Why not just go to the camp?" he asked as he searched a car. "hm?" I truned to him being distracted by the shallow figure of the obliterated moon in the day light. "Can't I just stay with you?" I spoke off handedly. He didn't seem to mind me following him. His featured seems to brighten and his smile widen. "If you really want to I was pulling of the bonely act quite well though" he laughed at the joke seeming more at ease. "Well we better head back now before the sunsets" he suggested as we carried on strolling down the destroy deserted streets. The dog walking between us. To think after all this the world was left in ruin. I'm just glad I'm not alone no more my energy was low and my vison started to blur. "Um are you ok (F/N)?" Sans asked noticing my slowing pace. "I -I feel Li...." before I could finish my sentence I was consumed in nothing.

To be continued if you want

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