Caught in Isolation

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Breathing in the frosted air left the feeling of being alive. But never felt so right. The man looked down at Sola as she lay on her back. Breathing in with her mouth and out with her nose. Sola looked up at the man only to lift up her body from her knees to her back.  She used her strength to try and speak and her arms to hold her body up. The man backed up when Sola got off the ground.

 "The more you remember the more you lose yourself". Sola felt a hand land on her shoulder before she could react to the sense.

 "Run down the mountain before they get you," The voice said. Sola didn't know what to think or how to, but she didn't move a muscle. 

"What do you mean? Why do I have to run?"

Before the voice could say anything Sola was stopped by a heavy object going aside her head. She was no longer in deep thought. One thing was sure was that the man wasn't the only one to be upon this deal.

[Later that day]

The time her body responded to air was when she realized she was still alive. She sat bolt upright and looked around expecting someone to be there but she was alone.

She felt lonely but that understanding was different. She figured she'd talk to someone. 

 "I told you to run," the voice in her head said.

 "Be quiet you could have told me they were gonna kidnap me," Sola said back to the annoying voice. 

Sola then felt her emptiness being restored by the voice. She felt no pain or no suffering after the voice took it away. Sola got up from that floor and looked around. Still, no one was there but she knew she was not here alone anymore. Sola heard the rustic door open with a creak.

A haunting laugh ran down her spine as she moved away from the place where she was before. It wasn't forgotten at that moment. Oh, how she hated that man and the way that he made her feel. 

 "They left you alone," The voice wasn't wrong, the voice was never wrong.

"Tell me how to leave this mountain". Before she could say another word she was gone .........

Waking up with no breath felt like a knife going through your chest. The dreams were getting a little too real for Sola's liking.

"Did you have to make it so intense this time" Sola was surprised that there was no response.  But once she saw where she had gotten she wasn't sure. 

 Talking wasn't a struggle but moving her body was hard enough for her to struggle.

 "Where am I?" "Am I in a car?"

The bumps that she felt were a, sure enough, sign for her.

[Later that day | Marka POV]

Marka had felt like her days were going slower and slower like a never-ending year.

Marka was at school like there wasn't anything going on to make it feel different.  Sola was gone on a trip, at least that's what her mother said to her.

Looking up was a surprise the hallways are empty and only a silhouette and a note in front of her. Once it walked away, Marka picked up the paper and read it.

It said. If it finds you then it will take over you, If you disagree with it then it will make you agree, if you don't ́t let it figure you out then it will take it.

Marka was confused by the note and she threw it away.

Later in the day, she was seeing the silhouette again and again not understanding.

This time there was another note but something different.

You shouldn't have done that!it will come if you don't respond to the notes that see you through,the shadows at night will be able to get you, it will come if you deny it,it will see though your fear as you search for it at night.

Marka looked up but there was no one there to see otherwise. As she brushed it off and threw the notes away she just talked to herself. "There is no one here to get me" Marka laughed at herself and got to class.

Classes felt long, her writing felt sloppy ,and her hands felt like there shaking in every movement that she wrote. There wasn't a bit of heat but her head had dabbles of sweat. There wasn't a reason that she was hot but she had to leave. Marka gathered her things without anyone's consent.

While walking out the classroom she was shocked there was someone waiting on her with the next note like any other person.

As she grabbed it she looked down and saw there were fewer letters unlike before. When she looked up to see who the individual was she saw they were gone.

This one had read a little something different.

Don't forget the heat gets into your head,he will get in,he will get in,he will get in,he will get in. Marka read the paper all the way though and all she read was the same thing over and over again.

"When the lights turned off in my head, I knew this wasn't a game anymore".

There was a thing in front of her and when she saw it, it was a sight to see.

The face that was on this body was indescribable that there were no words to be said.It looked over her like an overgrown man, it stood over Marka like a tree and its breath felt like a fan.

When Marka looked down she saw there was a letter waiting for an unseeded hand to grab it. She was scared to read the next one but was forced by the giant in front of her like a waiter. The letter looked as if made from the material there was a dark red writing, but she got the courage to read it later.

When she read it, it said Run away from this fear and the never ending game with start.

Marka didn't understand but she knew it wasn't a game anymore. As Marka looked up the beast was still standing there with two more letters than before. The next one reads, Away from the people in the dark they seek , The shadows at night we see you as meat.

Marka keep reading like no other, see seeked for an answer quicker than ever. But when Marka open the last one,the heavy breathing was gone and the beast was gone as well there was no panic anymore just salt. Looking down at the last letter when she read the letter it was unbelievable.

The last letter read: It will get you!

Marka didn't fully understand until she ran to the trash can to receive the other letters that was from earlier.

Marka knew at that moment the letters were connected at the start, the beast was friendly but looked like a demon. When Marka found all 5 others she knew what it all meant.

"There is a saying in the start" Marka said to herself.

When she laid them down she started to read and saw the message.

Markas eyes went wide when she saw what all the riddles meant in one simple sentence.

It read: If You Don't run it will get you.

The writing from the beginning of the letters said a different word that you can put together.

Marka looked up and saw people staring at her but that didn't bother her she stood up and ran like school was no other and ran to the front.When she darted by all the other faces she past by the heavy silhouette and smiled. Being stopped by people never felt so frustrated at this time of day.

Later that Week

Later that night when my eyes flooded open. The feel of being in an open area that wasn't cramped was a wonderful feeling. But my eyes they felt shut but I could still open them like no other.

"Open my eyes I can't see" Sola said to the voice. The voice Answered quickly but was unsure, "Your eyes are fine,but you're in something large". Sola had her phone in her pocket but was so short of a percentage that she had to be quick. "The main thing you needed to do is call the police" Said the voice. Sola didn't listen so she texted her mother finding it hard to start and move again. One thing was sure if it was gonna be her last text then she might as well do it now, before her phone died. Sola saw there was a message sent by her mother that was so loving that almost made her cry unlike before, the message said: Make sure you're safe on your trip,Don't get lost with your friends. Sola loved what she wrote but she caught on quickly that she had the wrong impression. Sola texted out her message but she had seen that there was no service in the area that she was in that she didn't understand.

Seeing that her phone was gonna die any minute now, that she had to make sure that she had a plan down for anyone that finds her phone.

Phones on two percent but had seen that she had enough time to finish her message. Sola wrote out: If I die right now then make sure Marka dies on that mountain. Make sure she falls before she starts something.

Sola hit the keys on the screen as fast as she could and made sure her point was said. Sola seen her phone had died but was happy that she had one message done.

"That was stupid of you to do that" The voice said to her very angry. Sola just ignored the voice by this point she knew what she had did was dumb but she knew she would have a chance.

"I did what I had to do to make sure what was needed to be done". Sola said in her mind. Sola felt a pain go through her brain and asked why. But there was no response. "That doesn't matter go to sleep" Sola didn't understand how but she was asleep in a few milliseconds. "You disobey me and I make you sleep" The voice said while Sola was sleeping.

At Home

Mother woke up from the dinging of her phone as she opens it the brightness hits her face as text comes in. when she started to read it her eyes popped open while reading it read: If you want you daughter back pay us $50 million in 2 weeks or she dies. After mother reads the message her eyes begin to fill with heavy water. Her tears fell down like a heavy rain, once she understands what she has to do she quickly wipes away her tears as the door flew open. As seen Marka was in the doorway panting as if running. Marka with sweat down her face started to speak her mouth flew open as her words flying out. When speaking her words sounded as if she was speaking another language. Mother looked at Marka as if she was saying horrible things but mother slowed her down so she could interpret.

Marka let out a deep breath before she started to talk regularly. After calming down from her jumble of words she said: "Where is Sola?" as is worried from the nonsense.

When mother looked at her she looked as if Confused but when Marka Spoke again she told her to stop playing. Marka went into her face and showed her the message she received from the same number mother got. Mother looked dumbfounded as if they didn't have the money. " I don't know what your talking about" Mother said in Markas face.

During the Surgery

Pavel looked around but could only open his eyes just a little to see the doctors and the bright lights hit his face. As he tries to move he feels his body is strapped down. To something that he doesn't know. When he felt the pain that was on his chest, he didn't know how to react. As he moved his head towards the doctors they look into his eyes and let a smile slip there faces but keep going on with the surgery. One of the doctors opened his mouth with a scalpel in hand. Pavel spoke to the doctors with a confused look "I-I'm Awake can't you tell" All the doctors in the room laughed and one of the nurses spoke to him " You don't think that we know that you are awake" Pavel looked at the people as he feels the pain relief start to wear off. Pavel started to panic and the doctors unstrapped him and Pavel Fell of the Table with his body in great suffering.

After all the pain had rushed into my body I had noticed that doctors wasn't looking at me anymore when all weaknesses

had turned into fear I knew that it would be a dark blur for me. The future of me would be over but present would be my time.

Before it started my body panicked and I was trapped. "If I could grab the drugs I could put myself back to sleep" Pavel thought but he had to do it his way. "They don't care about my life, so I'll do it myself".

As I losing my arm on the side they can not see. Using the strength that I had. I pressed the button I had seen when I went to sleep. One press is what they used but three is all I need. Doing exactly that Pavel pushed the button to his well and pressed to much. The Doctors Saw as he pressed the button but seen that he pressed it one to many and his body felt like a blob unlike before. They stabbed the scalpel into his skin and he did nothing but lay there as if a corpse. Then they see that he starts flat lining but they were doctors they couldn't let their worst patient die.

"Dying is not an option for me, I am only a figure of your life"

The sea water is damp, I'm walking as if God. feeling and knowing as if I am not one. Truly feeling as if "I am only a man with no morals. Completely dead inside." I walk with those on earth. But I am not "human", I am not apart of the majority. I am a man who kills for others. Who kills for Family,Love,and Power.

Looking at my body from above, seeing my eyes open was the feeling of seeing a dead body. "Look at you,so dead inside no life to choose from, The life you have is gone but I'm gonna make you an exception. The man said. I'm not gonna let you have it. Here is your one chance that you have". "Choose! do you want to survive or do you want to keep going on the pathway to hell.

The way that I see it this is your life choice. "I want to die but the feeling of burning hurts my soul, I don't like the choice of choosing but the idea of it is grand" Pavel thought. " I can hear everything you think,say,and breath, I am the closest thing to God but I can make the choice for you" The man said. " No need I know what I want to do." Pavel shot back. "What is your choice then?, Hurry before I choice for you and sentence you to hell". "I know what I want but my family doesn't care for me" Pavel thought. "My Choice is death" Pavel said in a quick matters of seconds the feeling overtook him" His sight was pure, clear the thought of dying never seemed to peaceful even for a man like me. The man that was standing beside him hummed the song of death and he looked Pavel into his eyes.

When Pavel looked at him he started to turn into the devil the sight of his black skin was unusual the look in his eyes looked as if he had seen more dead than a regular person. When the man started to walk towards him Pavel backed up into the darkness and was frightened. "Why are you moving away from me?" The Demon said.

"I'm not ready to die not like this but I have no choice here so this is my only benefit." Pavel Screamed. "I'll give you 5 seconds see if you want to do this thing called life." The Devil questioned.


"Please stop", Please don't make me choose, I 'm not ready. I don't know what I want to do" Pavel said while crying.

"4" The devil said with a blank face.

"Stop counting, my family will be disappointed that I go, so don't let me choose, I don't know life like I should,I don't know the world like you do."

"3" with a grin left onto his face.

Pavel got onto his knees and cried harder with no answer in his thought. "I can't choose, Come on you have got to give me more time"


Pavel sat on the ground sobbing the way he sat there as if he was regressing back to the fetal position with his hands on his knees, going back into his true form,rocking back and forth.


"A memory or Death" The demon asked

"Say cheese" Mother said with a camera in hand.

"Cheese!!" Pavel said as he looked into the lens. "Sola you have to look at the camera, we have to take a family picture for the new house". Mother said as she took the picture, Father looked into sola Eyes and told her that one day she would own this great house with a sister at her side.

Sola looked at her father with a surprised look on her face.

"S-s-sister?" Sola said as she walked to the front of her mother and saw as she rubbed her belly. "Yes my child your very own sister!" Mother said with a giggle. "In a very short period of time she will be in your life." Mother said as she gave her husband a kiss.

"Sir,sir,sir, Wake up your surgery is done" The doctor said as he woke up Pavel from his death. Pavel looked around the room. The room looked like something that didn't look like the gates of hell but the room that he was sent to. He didn't know how to react but he did know that he was alive once again, without God by his side.

"GET AWAY FROM ME" Pavel yelled at the man as he got closer to his body. The doctor backed away with an intention that he was hallucination from all the drugs but just answered, "I'm not goin to hurt you, I'm a doctor I don't kill people. I save peoples lives. Who do you think saved you from all those people?". "Hahaha, I'm the only reason you're here right now" said the doctor.

"You didn't save me the man did from up above I know he did. Right?" Pavel Questioned the doctor with a concerned look on his face wondering how he made it back. "I didn't choose an answer then why did they save me from that place with him?."Pavel looked into the doctor's eyes as he tried to get an answer.

"What man?" the doctor said.

"The man from above, the man that gave me 5 seconds to choose my fate, The man that push my life on the line."

"Enough about this man,you were probably just hallucinating about everything."The doctor said with his hands balled into a fist on the side of his hip.

With a smile slowly shaping onto his face. "I talked to your family they said they wanted to talk to you but I told them they had to get an answer first." "Do you want them to see you?."

"I would never want to see the killers ever again in my life, even if I have to die to make sure of it."

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