Chapter 2 - The Hooded Figure

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When I woke up, the sun was already out. I must have slept in, I really must have been tired last night. I got up from my bed and got dressed. I the sat down my chair and ate the last of the food which I gathered yesterday. 

Y/n : 'I'll have to go to the market again today.'

I then seen the training dummies in the back yard.

Y/n : 'Maybe a bit of training can clear my mind.'

I walked outside and got into fire bending stance and took a few deep breaths, I then started shooting basic fireballs at the training dummies, after five or ten minutes, I finished by summoning lightning, my lighting was different from others due to it being pure white. I didn't shoot the lightning though, but it did cause a loud bang, it would create an uproar in the village and maybe would attract curious eyes. My mother would be proud of me of how good I am today, soon enough I gathered my stuff and head to the town plaza.

I hoped that Quero the book salesman was in town, so that I could get some free books from him again. Quero was from the Earth Kingdom and he hated the fire nation. Quero found me on the day of the incident and he brought me to this village. I got the books at my home from him. The books he sometimes gave me weren't the best due to his travels, but the text inside was mostly intact so they were perfect for me. But when I arrived he wasn't there, so I decided to snag some snacks and head home. So I took some meat and bread from the various stalls around the market. I then heard a ruckus from the crowd nearby, I walked toward to see what was going on. I then see angry villagers yelling at some fire nation soldiers.

Villager : "You can't expect us to pay even more taxes! The rate we paid this month was already way too high!"

Captain : "Now, now, let's not make a fuss about this. This decision came from the fire lord himself. We don't have a problem here, do we?"

He had a evil grin on his face and he made a big red flame in his hand. The people of Yon Dao were scared immediately. I realized that there were no benders among the villagers, so they wouldn't stand a chance. Memories form what happened in Darogi flashed into my mind, i clenched my fist and I had a determined look on my eyes. I wouldn't stand for this, I wouldn't let the fire nation get away with this. I knew the people of Yon Dao were kind people, even though they wee scared of me, but they didn't deserve this.

Y/n : "Why don't you leave these people alone?!"

The plaza went silent after I spoke, the people who stood closest to me took a few steps back.

Captain : "Well, well, aren't you a brave little fella?"

He then walked right up to me.

Captain : "I like that. Bravery is such a rare thing to come by in these parts of the nation. But you also need to shoe some respect to your superiors. You're gonna apologize right now. Or you'll be sorry boy, I guarantee you.

Y/n : "No, captain I think it is you who needs to apologize to these people. For threatening then even though the tax for this month has already been paid."

Captain : "Those are some big words for a kid, a kid who doesn't even show his face. Reveal yourself, coward!"

With that I decided to remove my hood and mouth cloth. When I did everyone was shocked.

Villager#1 : "It's him!"

Villager#2 : "It's the dragon!"

The people around me took a few steps away from me.

Captain : "I don't believe it. The Blue Dragon himself. I knew you lived around these parts, but I always thought you were too big of a coward to poke your head out again after what you did. There's are large bounty for the one who can take you down."

Y/n : "I repeat. Apologize to these people and leave Yon Dao. I don't want to hurt you."

Captain : "Hahaha, such a big mouth for a small brat. You're coming with us, so you better cooperate."

He and his four soldiers took their firebending stances.

Y/n : "You've brought this on yourself captain."

I then took my own unique stance, which actually confused them a little. They then blasted fire at me but I dodge their attacks, but one of their attack did graze my right arm burning it a little. I then blasted red and blues flame at the soldiers, hitting two of them, I blasted fire at the ground propelling myself into the air. While in the air I blasted blue flames at them, taking down the other two soldiers. I then landed on the ground, and turned back towards the captain.

Captain : "I can see you didn't lose your touch Y/n."

Y/n : "I'm always ready to take on scum like you."

He the shot a fire ball at me. But I was able to dodge it, I then gathered all the fire around me and shot it at the captain, but when I did took the form of a flaming dragon. It seemed that I had the ability to shape my flames.

His eyes went wide before the massive attack hit him, it exploded knocking him back while burning him as well. But I didn't feel sorry for him. He terrorized all these people and most likely others like Yon Dao as well. When they were all taken down I looked around and saw a crowd standing around me. They all looked at me in disbelief, then someone behind me started clapping and when I turned round to see who it was, it was Quero, with a big smile on his face, the rest of the crowd slowly started to join in the applause. 

I've never had this much gratification, I then heard something behind me and saw the captain and the four soldiers get up and run out of the village, then a few minutes later, I saw a small army of forty fire nation soldiers running towards the village. I started to panic, five of them were fine, but forty? That was too many.

At that moment someone caught my attention, it was a mysterious person in a cloth that covered them entirely including their face. They walked up to me from the crowd, they voice was muffled so it was hard to make what they were saying. But they grabbed my arm tightly, and started to pull me.

??? : "Come with me, there are too many of them."

I didn't really trust them, but I didn't have a choice.

Y/n : "Lead the way. Everyone get to your homes."

The crowd to looked towards the soldiers, while I followed the stranger through crowd. I then heard fire nation soldiers scream for the people to step aside, but the people wanted to repay me by not moving an inch. Me and the stranger ran though alleyways, cutting through buildings and hid every time a patrol squad came by. Me and the stranger ran into another alley, but then a soldier came form behind a corner and pinned the stranger to the wall, I then ran up and engulfed my fist in flames and punched the soldier knocking their helmet off, freeing the stranger.

??? : "Thanks..."

After ten minutes of fleeing we reached the other side of town and we stopped to catch our breath, then we started to walk away from the village.

Y/n : "Thanks for the save. I kind of panicked back there. If you weren't  around, they would have captured me for sure."

The stranger took off their hood and it was... a girl, and not just some girl. She was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She has long brown hair in a ponytail with two hair strings in the front. Her skin had a slight tint and she had blue eyes, I recognized her immediately as a member from the water tribe.

??? : "No problem at all. I saw what you did for those people. It was very brave."

She smiled at me and I started to blush.

??? : "My name is Katara. What's yours?"

Y/n : "I'm uhh... I'm. My name is Y/n."

Katara : "I had a feeling the Blue Dragon had a normal name."

Y/n : "Oh, so you heard about that."

The time alone has made me unprepared for a meeting like this.

Katara : "How could I not. I mean people of my tribe even know  the story. You're a hero to the rest of the nations you know. And when I was in town for food, people at the festival couldn't shut up, about the fact that you lived in their village. But I always figured you were way older. Where are your parents?"

Y/n : "I lost my mom to the fire nation, and I never knew my dad."

Katara : "Oh, okay I see. I lost my mom to the fire nation as well. I shouldn't have pried."

Y/n : "It's okay Katara."

Katara : "Wanna come back with me to my friends? I think it's better for you to not go back just yet. They must be looking for you all over town at least until the end of the day."

Y/n : *smiles* "Sure, why not."

As I followed Katara down the path away from the village. I realized that they were camped out a few miles out of town in the forest. Which could only mean that they were fugitives who didn't want to be found, like me. As we walked to her camp, me and Katara made small talk, she was funny and a great listener.

Katara : "Can I ask you a personal question Y/n?"

Y/n : "Sure Go ahead."

Katara : "What exactly happened in Darogi? I mean the story is different every time I've heard it. If you don't mind of course. And what is exactly is that mark on your arms?"

Y/n : "Alright, I'll tell you. But please promise me you'll keep it to yourself."

Katara : "Of course."

Y/n : "Three years ago, the fire nation came to my village to claim their raise in taxes. Me and my mom lived in Darogi ever since I was born and we were pretty poor, her name was Kiara. I was sick when I was younger, I had a rare case of blue pox. My mom tried everything to make me better, but nothing really worked. We needed all the money we had left for medication and treatments. My mom already paid the fire lord's taxes that month and she refused to pay even more. She explained that I was sick and that she needed the money. The soldiers who came to claim the money were ruthless and didn't take no for an answer. I laid in bed at the moment but I could hear the beating and her screams coming from outside. When I was finally outside to help her, I saw what they had done."

Tears then started to stream from my eyes.

Y/n : "They murdered her in cold blood. I felt burning rage and pain inside me. I wanted to hurt those men. Just as much as they had hurt her. The last thing I remember is that I walked up to them, fire streaming out of each of my fingertips. But when I woke up the village was burning and everything was destroyed, I had blacked out. The the famous captain Wo-Tin came to the village to handle the situation. He even brought his legendary Dragon Soci with him. But I blacked out again and when I woke up, the captain was nowhere to be found, and Soci's massive corpse was laying  few feet beside me. I can't exactly tell you what happened that day Katara. But that's all I can remember."

Katara looked at me in shock.

Katara : "How did you escape? I mean the fire nation must have sent more troops there and you were sick."

Y/n : "Not long after I woke up, I met Quero. He offered to hide me in his cart where he kept his books and be brought me here He told me the fire nation would never find me if I kept a low profile and so I did. Quero brought all kinds of medicine to help me with my disease, but I didn't need them. Not long after we came my pox slowly started to disappear."

Katara : "Thank you for telling me Y/n. It means a lot. I'm sorry about your mother. I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to."

Y/n : "Thank you, Katara. And as for the mark on my forearms, I don't really know what it is, my mother told I was born with it, but she told me it was originally on my hands, but soon it started extending up my arms and has stopped at my elbows and since then it hasn't moved at all."

Katara : "I see."

When we arrived at her, Katara threw off the black robe she was wearing. Revealing her water tribe get up she was wearing underneath. She looked stunning, until I saw what she was wearing on her neck, she was wearing a tribal wedding necklace.

Katara : "What is it?"

Y/n : "Oh, nothing. I just didn't expect you to be married already. That's all"

Katara touched her necklace and laughed.

Katara : "Oh, no this is my mother's. It's the last thing I have left of her."

Y/n : "I'm sorry Katara."

We were then interrupted by a loud roar. I then heard heavy footsteps from behind the trees and soon a huge flying bison appeared. I could have sworn I read about their extinction, and yet there was one standing in front of me alive and well. It then started to growl at me.

Katara : "Easy Appa, this is Y/n. He's a friend."

Y/n : "Incredible... I never imagined I'd see a sky bison."

Just then a boy came out of a tent and walked up to me.

??? : "What's all this noise? And who are you? If you're fire nation then-"

Katara : "Sokka relax. This is Y/n. Y/n this lunatic is Sokka, my brother."

Me and Sokka looked at each other and nodded. When Katara told me this was her brother, I could definitely see that they both had a lot of resemblances. Tinted skin, brown hair and blue eyes.

Katara : "I saw Y/n stand up to a whole bunch of fire nation troops in the village. It was amazing. He took them out with almost no effort."

Sokka still wasn't impressed.

Katara : "He's a very skilled firebender. I saw so myself. Aang needs to meet him."

And with that Sokka jumped back.

Sokka : "A firebender?! Are you out of your mind? What we're trying to do by hiding out here? It was your job to get food back from the village not a damn fire muncher?"

Y/n : "Ok ouch, there's no need t be rude."

Sokka : "I'm sorry firehead, but we don't have the best experiences with firebenders."

Just then a boy came out of the bushes with three filled up water flasks.

??? : "Hey, guys. What did I miss?"

The boy was younger than me, he was bald, wore an orange and yellow clothing and had... airbender tattoos.

Y/n : "I can't believe it. I thought all the airbenders disappeared a hundred years ago."

Katara : "This is Aang. And yes, he's an airbender. But not just that, he's the Avatar."

I looked towards him and he smiles in nervousness, I quickly bowed.

Y/n : "It's an honor, to meet you."

I looked up to see he was uncomfortable.

Y/n : "I'm sorry Aang, I didn't wat to make you uncomfortable. It's just that I read so much about you and your past lives. I never would have imagined to meet you."

Katara : "Aang, this is Y/n. He's a great firebender, I saw so myself in the village. He's a bit famous like you. He's the Blue Dragon from the stories."

Aang and Sokka turn to me in amazement.

Sokka : "Katara are you crazy? I don't know if you remember the story as well as I do but the Blue Dragon is a bloodthirsty monster!"

Katara : "Ohh, Sokka grow up. It's not what you think. From what I've seen today, that story is bogus. Y/n is a hero. He stood up for those people in the village. He even fought off a bunch of soldiers by himself! Aang, if you ever want to learn firebending you need to consider him!"

Aang : "Of course, I do. If you trust him Katara, then so will I."

Aang then got very excited and then started asking me when we would start.

Y/n : "Woah, hang on guys. I'd be honoured to be your teacher Aang but I have to think about it. I mnea I'd be making such a big step. Firebending isn't something learned overnight. And I'd make Yu Dao a primary target for the fire nation when they find out you're training here with me."

Aang : "Well, why don't you come with us?"

Y/n : "I don't have any family here or many friends at that. But Yu Dao is my home. I don't know if I can leave everything behind just like that."

Aang looked disappointed but he also understood.

Aang : "It's your choice Y/n. I won't force you to do anything you're not comfortable with."

Sokka : "This is all fine and dandy you guys. But this still doesn't change the fact that we don't have any food for dinner."

Katara : "Is food really all you can think about Sokka? Aang finding bending teachers is way more important."

I then realized, that I still had some food from the market.

Y/n : "Well, I have some food from the market of you guys want some?"

Their faces lit up. I then gathered a few dry sticks and shot a small fire spark at it.

Katara : "Making camp never went so quickly, hahaha!"

Sokka : "I must agree that having a firebender on our side has it's perks."

I laughed, we all then started to eat the food I gathered. Sokka, Katara and me ate the meat while Aang only ate the bread because he was a vegetarian. I haven't had this much fun in a long time. I felt like a kid again. I realized that they were great friends, the way they looked at each other. When we were done eating, it was midnight, I then gathered my stuff.

Y/n : "I gotta head back home guys. Thanks for this great evening."

I then bowed, Katara had a sad look on her face.

Katara : "I can go with you if you want, in case those soldiers try to ambush you."

Y/n : "I really appreciate it but-"

Aang : "It's too dangerous to go home alone especially at this hour and of these circumstances, we'll all go."

Everyone stood up except for Sokka. Katara looked at hi  with a irritated look.

Sokka : "I'll stay here and watch over our camp. I mean someone has to do it right? We can't leave Appa alone."

We all nodded, Aang, Katara and myself left the camp. Along the we talked about a lot of things, especially about Aang's air culture since the air nomads always fascinated me. We then passed Yu Dao and saw that all of the fire nation forces left, we were then coming up to my house.

Aang : "Please, think about what I said Y/n. I really need a firebending teacher . And you're the only master in the world who's not tried to kill me."

I gave him a nod.

Y/n : "I think about it just give me until morning."

He nods in agreement, we than arrive at my house, but what I saw broke me. It was completely destroyed. It must have be burned hours ago, it must have been revenge by the captain. I fell to my knees, everything was gone all of my books and most prized possessions. Katara was about to put her hand on my shoulder until I ran into my house, when I entered I saw everything was burned, I then stepped on a floor board and it broke I then saw that their was something beneath it. I pulled the floor boards away and saw something wrapped in a white cloth. I picked it and put it down in front of me. I then saw a letter and I saw it was for me. And it was from my... parents. I opened and read what it said.

'Y/n if your reading this me and your father have past. You see, your father and I were not ordinary people, your father was a skilled firebender called 'The White Phoenix' he too bared the same mark as you, it has been in our family for generations, and when you were born with it, we were relieved. I was a master chi blocker. The mark you were born with allows you to have abilities that a normal person would not, which you will have to discover yourself. The thing that is in the cloth are special earrings and that have been in our family for generations, your father had one while I had the other, but when he had to leave to help the southern water tribe, he gave me his earrings. I then hid the earrings so that we would be safe. I don't know if you'll find this letter at all, just remember, your father and I love your with all of our hearts.'

Tears fell from my eyes, I then unwrapped the cloth and saw the earrings that belong to my mother, and father

I picked up the earrings and walked out of the house. Aang and Katara had sad looks on their, not knowing how to comfort me, a person they met a few hours ago.

Aang : "I'm sorry for what happened Y/n."

Katara then walked towards me and wrapped in a hug to try and comfort me.

Katara : "You can spend the night with us if you want."

Aang : "There's plenty of room on Appa. He's softer than any bed in the world."

Tears then streamed from my eyes, I could never find peace in this world, everywhere in the world I would be haunted and hated, but I'm done. It time that I stopped hiding and fought back.

Y/n : "I accept Aang. I'll be your firebending teacher."

Katara and Aang looked at each other with shocked looks on their faces.

Y/n : "They'll pay for this... all of them."

Meanwhile 3rd POV

Hundreds of miles away in a fortified fire nation stronghold, a fire nation general was sitting in his office. He was bent over a large map of the world moving small army pieces back and forth. Then there was a knock at the door and the general allowed him in. It was the captain who went to Yu Dao a two days ago.

Captain : "General, we found the kid you were looking for."

The General looked up from his desk in shock.

General : "Where is he? Tell me captain."

Captain : "You were right sir. He does live in the south of the fire nation colonies in a small town called Yu Dao. I guess those reports about his whereabouts were correct after all. We tried to take him two days ago, but he escaped."

General : "Our sources in the region tell us that the Avatar's flying bison was spotted there three days ago as well. I have a gut feeling that when we find the fire lord's target, we'll also find mine."

To be continued

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