Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Peter's POV

Time Skip... The Next Evening...

 Tony and I are having supper with Morgan in the main dining hall. Everyone has left for the night so we have the area all to ourselves. Tony came to me last night asking me if we could have supper with Morgan tonight for her to get used to seeing us together in a romantic light. I agreed because I knew it would be beneficial for Morgan. I also adore the kid and haven't spent much time with her lately. Morgan smiles at me when I enter the kitchen. "Hi Peter. I missed you." I smile softly at her before giving her a bear hug. "I've missed you too Morgan." She giggles. "I love you 3000." My heart melts. "I love you 3000 too kid."

    Tony's smirk softens at our sincere exchange. "Morgan, sweetie, I've invited Peter to dinner tonight for you to get used to him in a different way. You remember that talk you, Mommy, and I had the other day?" She nods. "Well this relates to that. Peter is my boyfriend now." She giggles. "I know that Daddy. You and him are cute together. Peter is awesome and so are you. I'm happy that you two are boyfriends." I blush. "Y-You are Morgan?" She nods her head. "I really am. Mommy is a little sad but she's happy for you too. You deserve to be happy, so does my Daddy." I scoop her into another hug and end up sobbing at this point. This little girl is a gem with a heart of gold. 

     Tony ends up joining in our hug. The three of us cling onto each other for dear life, not wanting to let go at all. I feel like a part of this intimate family. I don't mean to barge in like this but yet I feel as though I belong here. These are my people. When we all pull apart, we dive into huge bowls of Mac and Cheese. It's one of Morgan's favorite meals. The girl has great taste. I've always been a sucker for Mac and Cheese too. Tony wanted to please Morgan as much as possible and given her positive reaction to seeing us being affectionate with one another, he's lit up like a firework on the fourth of July. I love using dorky analogies, nothing will stop me from doing so. Huzzah! 

      For dessert, we have banana splits. Morgan helped her dad create them and the kid did an amazing job. She could easily be a professional baker. Her being a Stark though, she's pretty much bound to either run Stark Industries when her dad retires and/or train to be an Avenger. Whatever path she chooses though, I have no doubt that she'll be successful. She's a little genius.  The banana splits taste just as amazing as they look. Morgan giggles at me a couple of times while I'm eating because I'm getting whipped cream all over myself. Tony smirks and tells me that Santa Claus has never looked better. I go beet red and try to play it off the best that I can. So much for smooth moves... Who am I kidding, when have I ever been smooth? 

      Tony Stark knew exactly what he was signing up for when he agreed to bring me into his life, especially when he agreed to be my boyfriend and vice versa. He knew he was signing up to constantly have to put up with my dorky self. I'm enjoying myself a lot tonight, we all are actually. I think all of us benefited from spending quality time together. I hope we get to do this again together in the near future. 

I hope that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary 

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