Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Peter's POV

 I'm just as overwhelmed as Morgan is in terms of what to do first just at the resort alone. I can only imagine what it'll be like once we actually start going to the parks. We're going to relax at the resort tonight and tomorrow and do our first park in two days. Having a day to get over the jet lag is much appreciated and builds up the excitement for the parks even more. The order of the parks in which we'll be visiting is as follows: Animal Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, Epcot, and Magic Kingdom. We wanted to end with what we know will be Morgan's personal favorite. I have a feeling that Hollywood Studios will probably be my personal favorite. They just build an entire new Star Wars themed land and I'm pumped to see that in person. To be able to immerse myself in that universe will fulfill my nerd heart. I think I'll like Toy Story Land a lot too. Those movies were my childhood. Morgan will probably like that land a lot too. 

     I'm babbling like a child right now to myself and Tony is laughing at me. I glare at him playfully. "What's so funny sir?" He smirks at me. "Your excitement level is just as high as Morgan's, if not higher. It's adorable. Will you be wearing a pair of Mickey ears each day? There's a gift shop near the lobby. You should go get a pair right now." I try not to jump up and down so he doesn't tease me further... so instead, I drag him by the arm to that gift shop immediately. He ends up taking the lead since he has a better memory of the layout of the resort than I do. We leave Pepper and Morgan to their own devices for a bit. Pepper usually likes a bit of alone time without men hanging over her (according to Tony) to get settled on any trip.

     The gift shop is pretty big for a hotel gift shop. I'm impressed that could fit such a big gift shop on this property, especially since Disney has so much to squeeze into different spaces throughout the resorts, parks, etc. I'm utterly mind blown. I scan every aisle for other souvenirs that I may want in addition to finding the perfect pair of ears to sport on this trip. Tony patiently waits for me while I geek out. He ends up picking out a few postcards to send back to the Avengers, Happy, and Aunt May (at my request because I don't want her to be left out). I end up with a Darth Vader head pillow, a Goofy key chain to give to Aunt May next time that I see her, and the perfect pair of ears (which happen to be attached to a baseball cap. It's themed around Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story. 

     Tony smirks at me yet again. "Are you all set my dear?" I roll my eyes playfully as I lug my items up to the cash register. "I am indeed." The cashier politely smiles at me as I watch her ring up my items with ease. I pay her and then take my bag of goodies, heading on my way with Tony back to the room, which is actually two rooms in one. We got a suite, Tony and I sharing part of it while Morgan and Pepper sharing part of it as well. We're all close to one another though if anyone needs anything and/or wants to spend quality time with each other. This trip is already off to an amazing start! 

I hope that you guys liked this chapter! :) -Mary

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