Our Discovery

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Why me? I'm half-goat, not half-bird. Why did I have to be the one to climb onto the roof?

"Well, who's going?" Annabeth asked expectantly.

"Don't look at me!" Percy said, revulsed by the thought of having to go onto the roof. "Zeus'll blast me out of the sky, no questions asked!"

"I'm an architect, not a builder," Annabeth retaliated quickly. "I'm not climbing up there!"

Both pairs of eyes turned to me. I began to shake. "Wh-why are you looking at me like that?"

"You are the last choice," Annabeth replied sarcastically, with a hint of affection to make it sound less harsh. "You're half-goat anyhow."

"Bu-but-" I stuttered.

"She's right, G-man," Percy added in relief. "Tell you what-I promise I won't ask anything more of you if you do this. We need to find Leo, and if he's on the roof, or left any clues on the roof, you may be our only hope."

I sighed, knowing that I had no choice. "You owe me big time. And I think we both know that promise won't be kept. You don't find trouble-it finds you."

Percy shrugged. "But still..."

"I'm doing it, I'm doing it," I muttered. "Where's the door?"

So, now you know how I ended up on the roof of the Chrysler Building. I bit my lip. Well, you're in too deep now to back out. Er, too high. By mistake, I happened to look down. Gulp. I was up pretty high. Looking down did not help the nausea.

"Grover!" I heard Annabeth shout. "Find anything?"

"Um, no," I called back.

"Well, you might wanna hurry up," Percy yelled. "Chiron just IM'd us and said that we needed to get back to camp ASAP, whatever that means."

"It means 'as soon as possible', Seaweed Brain," Annabeth admonished. "Do your homework! Grover, take your time. Just, whatever you do, do not fall off that roof."

"Trying!" I hollered back. I carefully crawled over to the other side of the roof, and that's when I saw it. The red and green markings on the right side, spelling out: We have him. And if you don't rescue him by daybreak, he will be dead.

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