The Problem-Debunked

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I woke up to slamming on the door. I cantered over, pulling a t-shirt over my head. I opened it to find Percy and Annabeth standing there. One of Leo's creatures was hovering behind them.

"Miss Chase? Mr. Jackson? What are you-"

"Chiron, let us in, please!" Annabeth pleaded.

"Ow!" Percy screeched in pain. The metal bird had swooped down and scraped him on the shoulder. I stood back, letting them run past me before I slammed the door shut.

"What in Hades is going on here?" I questioned.

"The birds have gone haywire," Annabeth explained. "Do you have any ambrosia?"

"Of course," I responded. "In the kitchen." Percy ran in there and I heard a tub being opened. When he came back out, his shoulder had stopped bleeding.

"What really is going on?" I asked.

"The Leoizators have gone mad. They won't leave the cabins alone, and, well, evidently have turned violent," Percy answered.

"Find Leo," I said. "Didn't he claim that he could control them?"

"We looked," Annabeth responded. "He wasn't there. The other children of Hephastus say they haven't seen him since breakfast. He's not in Bunker Nine, either."

"Wake everyone," I ordered. "Look everywhere for him. I will wake Rachel and see if the Oracle has any thoughts on this." Both demigods nodded and hurried out.

I called up the stairs, "Miss Dare, will you come down here, please?" I heard a door open and close. The red-haired artist came walking down, blue jeans covered in writing, as usual.

"Chiron?" she said. "Is something wrong?"

I sighed. "Leo has gone missing, and his inventions have gone haywire."

Rachel gasped. "That's not good."

"Have you seen anything?" I asked.

"As far as the Oracle goes, possibly," she answered. "I just saw a strange, er, building in my dreams. It sort of looked like a skyscraper, but it wasn't the Empire."

"Could you describe it?" I asked her.

"Well, it had a curved-no, domed-top, and it was lit up. It was night. I could see the Empire State in the background, and the building, well, ir changed colors. It seemed to primarily like the color green, though."

I frowned. "It sounds like the Chrysler Building."

"But why would Leo be in the Chrysler?" Rachel questioned.

"I don't know," I replied. "But I might have an idea."

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