Chapter XXIII

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Luke's POV

Tonight was Brianna's first night in the Dining Pavilion. Let me just say: It wasn't disastrous, but it also could've gone better. As I'd told her earlier, I'd see her at dinner. I had to head back to my cabin a few minutes before dinner because I was the head counselor. I didn't trust Travis/Connor to lead our cabin. They were too irresponsible. I gathered everyone, and we headed out, right as the conch horn sounded. I was sitting at the head of the table (my usual spot), and trying to keep everything under control. Note the word trying. Evidently, Travis had decided that since we had a new camper, he would start a food fight. It started when, no, after, we sacrificed food to the gods. We all sat back down. I'd made the Stolls move down some so Brianna wouldn't have to sit next to someone she didn't know. She smirked at me as she sat.
"Miss me?" she whispered.
"Can I not respond without being slapped?" I returned cheekily.
"I think you know the answer to that," she replied, smiling. I sighed, acting annoyed. This is where it gets interesting. A piece of food flew across the table. A pork chop, to be exact. It ended up hitting...Drew Tanaka, daughter of Aphrodite.
"FOOD FIGHT!!!!" Travis hollered.
"I LOVE THAT SHOW!!!!!!" Connor yelled back. "WHY ARE WE YELLING??" Just then, another piece of food went flying-and hit Connor smack dab in his face. That's when Connor got what Travis was saying. I groaned and ducked as a french fry covered in ketchup came in my direction. I pulled Brianna down with me.
"What is going on?" she hissed in my ear.
"Food fight," I answered.
She rolled her eyes. "Duh! I mean, why?"
I shrugged. "Who knows? It's the Stolls."
"Your siblings," she reminded me.
"I know," I replied. Before Brianna could respond, I heard Chiron's voice over the din.
"What is going on here? Who started this?" His voice was raised. He very rarely raised his voice, if at all. I cautiously lifted my head above the table, and, seeing no more airborne food, returned to my seat. Brianna popped up beside me.
"Travis threw food at me," came Drew's whiny response. "He messed up my makeup, too!"
Travis muttered something that I couldn't hear.
"Travis, I would like a word with you and your brother," Chiron said. Both hesitated. "Now."
I smirked at them, leaving them with no doubt their minds about how much I'd enjoy watching them burn.
A/N: So, that ending. What did you think? Also, Luke's last line, I took from Dreamland, by Alyson Noël.

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