Chapter XXVI

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Brianna's POV

I settled in pretty well after being claimed by Athena. My siblings accepted me immediately. I picked up a project from Chiron not long after. I was to translate an old Greek myth from Ancient Greek to English. Or as close as I could. That's what I was working on when a certain child of Hermes came calling. A little background: After Luke rescued me from Anna-Tammi?-I fell even deeper in love with him. I know it sounds stupid, because I'm so young, but why am I even surprised? I've kept myself cut off from love for so long, no one harbored hope of becoming my "significant other." In any case, I think Annabeth held a small inkling of the way Luke and I felt. Er, I felt. When she answered the door, she instantly turned to me.

"Your knight in shining armor is here!" she sang out. I rolled my eyes.

"How many times do I have to tell you, he's NOT MY BOYFRIEND! We're just friends," I replied indignantly.

"Yeah right," Annabeth said sarcastically.

"You've been hanging out with Silena too much," I retorted. Annabeth just shrugged and opened the door wider. Luke was standing there, looking slightly nervous, but smiling.

"Um, Brianna, can I talk to you?" he said. "Alone?"

"Sure," I said. Annabeth smirked from over where she was standing. I returned it with a scathing look. Then, I set down the scroll that I'd been transcribing from Ancient Greek to English and headed outside. Annabeth opened her mouth to say something, but Luke glared at her, and she closed her mouth. Luke seemed to have that hold over Annabeth. She evidently thought better of what she was going to say, thank the gods.

"Can we make this quick?" I requested. "I need to get back to that assignment."

"It won't take long," Luke responded, heading away from the cabin. "You worry too much about work."

"Maybe because I actually care about my grades!" I returned.

Luke shook his head. "Such a stereotypical daughter of Athena."

I rolled my eyes, following him. He led me down to the beach where the sun was just starting to set. It made a gorgeous sunset, with almost every hue of red and orange you could think of. Believe me, I'm a daughter of Athena, and I couldn't think up more than what was there. Luke broke through my thoughts and said, " was your day?"

"Um, good," I replied. "What did you want to talk about?" He looked at me. I saw something in his eyes that I couldn't place...well, maybe I could. I didn't want to think too much about the promise I thought I saw.

"Maybe it would be easier to show you rather than tell you," he slowly replied. That's when Luke leaned in and kissed me...on the lips. I think my brain might've short-circuited. I'd liked him for a while, but this... Honestly, as a daughter of Athena, you won't hear us freaking out about girly things. We're the ones with a plan, the ones that never falter. This, obviously, was a complete and total exception. I seemed to be making a lot of exceptions for Luke. Not that I minded. Definitely didn't mind.

I just felt...different, I suppose. Different in a good way. A little nervous, but glad that I'd given love a chance. I doubted that I'd regret it.

A/N: Yay! They finally kissed! Now we need a ship name. Comment if you come up with a good one; I'm horrible at that. 😢 I know that CheshireKitty0918  is good at it, so please do. Whomever comes up with the one I like will get a dedication on the next chapter!! Vote, comment, ans (possibly) follow! Thanks!!

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