Chapter XXVIII

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Brianna's POV

A Few Months Later

Luke and I had been dating for three, four months, give or take a few days. We'd gone public two months into our relationship. I liked to think we were close, but I guess that I was wrong.

Not long after we began dating, he turned secretive. I sensed that he was hiding things from me. I just didn't know what.

Some nights, after dinner, he would just disappear off to nowhere. When I would ask him where he went, he would snap at me.

Gradual changes began to show. First, his temperament. He was shorter with me, less patience with everyone. Second, his seclusion. Disappearing places for hours at a time, not showing himself for hours afterward. Third, his avoidance of me. He would catch my eye the nights he actually was at dinner, then act like he didn't see me when I'd approach him and talk.

You'd think I would notice these, being a daughter of Athena. I did. I just didn't want to admit it, didn't want to see that he was changing. I was in denial, and nothing could change that. Nothing.

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