9 - Luca

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A/N: True story! Enjoy!


It was the first day of middle school and my insides were already in tight knots. I was currently on the front step, playing the waiting game for the bus.

10 minutes later a yellow school bus pulled up. A man came out with a clipboard, asking for/confirming my name. Probably the bus matron. I gave a small nod and before boarding.

Stuffy, I thought. 

There weren't many kids aboard so I had a lot of seats to choose from. My curiosity pulled me toward a semi-pudgy kid in the corner.

"Hey," I said as I was literally thrown down thanks to the bus starting to move the second i got in. The brunette looked my way. "Hi."

That's all they said before returning to look out the window, jaw propped up on their hand. Sitting down next to the new kid I had a closer look at them. They wore a hoodie over a graphic shirt, watch, and vans. The first thing that struck me as odd was a stub where the rest of kid's left arm was supposed to be.

There was not much more said after that. It was gonna be a long ride so i took out a book.

          I was just about to turn the page when i felt a tap on my shoulder. It was that mysterious kid.

"Hey, how come you need those for reading?"

A small smirk played on my lips. So he finally decided to talk..."Oh these?" I asked, adjusting my glasses. "You can say they are a tool. They help me see smaller fonts on a page or just in general."

I must have flipped a switch or something because he opened up instantly. As if that awkward moment never happened.

"I'm getting a prophetic for my arm," the kid said looking down at his hands, er- hand. Vibes of confusion, hatred, sadness, and maybe fear flooded off him. For a millisecond, those sea of feelings were so strong I felt choked.

I made a small 'oh.'

"Looks like you're out on a limb," I joked impulsively. I slapped a hand on my mouth the second the words left it.

I just made fun of his disability, I felt so guilty..

When the brunette didn't respond, my heart sank. That's it, its over, my first potential friend was gone...All thanks to my big mouth.

He stared at me for 2.5 seconds before surprising me with laughter. It was deep (ish)and soft, the kind that made your chest shake.

I was so confused. One by one I opened my eyes. "You're..not offended? Why? I literally just-" He held held up his good hand, "Its fine, just unexpected and funny."

By then the bus arrived at the intended destination, school. It was really loud on the now full  bus.

"Luca," my new friend said.


"The names Luca."


Disability/disorder mentioned in story:  Limb Reduction

Limb reduction is a birth defect that can affect anyone. Upper (arm) or Lower (leg) limb reduction happens when a fetus's arm or leg fails to from completely during a pregnancy. As a result, a person is left with a deformed limb or its missing (a stub). Limb Reduction awareness month is April.

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