Chapter 8: The Words He Will Regret

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I knew something was up. I bet it has to do with why the people I knew and loved were dead.

 I had just gotten an anonymous letter. I wonder who's it from. That doesn't matter as much as the fact that war was coming and all the kingdoms don't know. I had to warn them. 

I hurried down the hallway, leading to the throne room where the queen should be. To my dismay, Sebastian, Shayna, the queen, and most of the lords were there. I felt slightly confused. They all seemed to be in an important conversation. They all looked up as I entered. I curtsied lowly. What if they already know about the war? Am I the only one who doesn't know? I didn't realize that several minutes had passed. Bitch here had a smirk on her face. I did not miss the fact that she was the only female here. I asked the only question that came to mind.

"Why is she the only female here?" I asked trying to sound calm and casual. My mind tingled with extreme curiosity.

Sebastian answered faster than lightning. "She has great experience throughout the kingdom; knows the place from head to toe; she is also very smart and we were discussing the importance of the kingdom."

Why wasn't I invited? I wanted to ask but held my tongue. They didn't need to know they were affecting me, especially him. 

"I know that wasn't the question you wanted to ask," He continued, "so what is it?"

I debated for a moment, whether to share what I know. "War is coming," I said, at least, trying to sound serious. What I expected next was completely the opposite of what happened. It started with a chuckle from my mate, then laughter, and soon everyone was laughing, all except the queen and Cassian who were trying to tell me something with their eyes. To be honest, their laughs seemed a little forced and awkward.

When they had all caught their breaths, Sebastian wheezed, "War? There is no war. After the last war, I don't expect another one for at least a decade," He said, eyes flashing at the mention of the last war. It was no secret he lost his father in that war and had to immediately begin his trial. I had just moved from Kaldovia then. Usually, crown princes had to wait until they were at least twenty-five before they began. In this case, the trial was for him to find a queen and a lot sooner. I sighed mentally.

I continued, as if I hadn't witnessed such childish behaviors, "There is a war that's coming soon whether you like it or not so I suggest you prepare your army or you're going to regret not listening to me."

In a flash, Sebastian was a few centimeters from my face. And I don't mean in a good way. I stood my ground as he snarled, "Don't you forget that I am now king, and there won't be any stupid fucking war. Don't you dare spread this news to anyone you hear me?" 

I wanted to flinch from his harsh tone. Wanted to scream at how unfair this was. Wanted to shed a few tears. Wanted to leave this place and never come back. The last thought stuck in my mind. What if I did? It's not like anyone would care. Well, maybe except the queen and maybe Cassian but still. I forced myself to stay calm and rose tall.

"Fine," I said, happy that my voice didn't shake. "But don't say I didn't warn you." 

And with those last words, I left the room, not before noticing a flash of guilt in Sebastian's eyes.


I was packing canned food. It will last longer than any regular food or snacks. The staff here had been quite friendly to me for a long time and I felt a little guilty I was leaving. They really thought I was their queen but the truth was that I was just an ordinary girl. An ordinary girl with a necklace she doesn't know what the hell its powers can do.

 I wondered if I should leave a note. I decided against it. However, I decided to leave my engagement ring behind. People won't believe that I was engaged if I hadn't had a ring. That was when Sebastian gave me one, rather begrudging if I might add. I was so positive that his mother was the one who told him too. I took it off, reminding myself that this was a temporary thing. It was just until Sebastian was crowned.

Before I left, I decided to visit the queen. She let me in her private chambers which was very trustful of her. As I went into the room, I was surprised to see her observing a map of the whole entire continent. She quickly put it away. I decided to tell her everything. What I plan to do, how I could no longer marry her son, how I was never coming back here.

Surprisingly, she was very supportive. Quiet until the bitter end. After I finished talking, she started speaking, "I do not want to betray my son."

I understood and knew that when I came into her room. I was happy and grateful when I heard her next sentence. "I will give you 15 minutes heads up before I warn my him" I grinned, standing up and hugging her. Very unladylike of me but I couldn't care at the moment. She was probably the nicest one here and was like a mom to me through these months.

"I hope we meet again," she whispered.

I snorted. "I don't think I will ever step foot in Alynthia again."

Before I closed the door, I heard her mutter, "We shall see."

We shall indeed, I agreed. Ever since I discovered the necklace, I only made one observation. I could teleport. Teleporting gave me the ability to portal myself to the destination I wanted. I was a beginner so I could only go short distances before losing a great deal of energy. One bad thing about this stupid power was that you lose energy if you don't train. With that, I decided to teleport at least outside of the palace to exit as unnoticed as possible. Then, I would go on foot. However, before I left, I signed some divorce papers and left them with the queen to get Sebastian to sign them so we will no longer be married by paper. Not only that but I sneaked into Shayna's room and left the ring.

A few hours later, I was near the border that separated Alynthia from Eindara. I knew the royal family of Eindara as it was one of the places where I trained with my guardian. I had to go ask the royal family for permission to cross their grounds to get to Kaldovia. The place where it all started. I tried not to shudder at the thought of what awaited me there.

With another deep breath as my heart clenched, I stepped over the borderline that separated the two kingdoms. Not once did I look back. 

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