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Jane ^^^

I just wrote this a long time ago when I was really young but decided to continue the story. Please don't judge. If you don't like my story, go write your own. You may not copy my ideas though you may write a fanfiction about some of the characters. Ships are welcome. This is my first time so wish me luck. Thanks to those who actually read the stuff at the top.

Trailer made by @aisha0adnan

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Each of my birthdays made me think of Jane. We were born at different times on the same day. We were like sisters, although the only thing that brought us together as close as we were today was our agreement over the special treatment that men received. Not exactly the best basis of a relationship, but it was true. You saw it everywhere, from the small things like how women weren't allowed to leave the house without permission, and sometimes even with supervision, to the much larger things like not allowing women to fight in wars, resulting in the holding back of some of our best warriors. Or, would-be best warriors. Women weren't particularly let into the army.

Also, their puberty doesn't hurt. Having your voice 'break' can't be that bad. And if one was to compare the two struggles, we definitely drew the short straw.

The only advantage women have left is that we can identify our mates, and they can't. So that's several bullets dodged, because having a mate simply reinforces the iron cage that men have us in. We can reject them by just not informing them of the extent our relationship should go to. Although I'd much rather have something that isn't as pathetic as the ability to "find your other half."

Our world was a terrible place to be. The last King of Alynthia -- the current place that I'm living at -- fell in the last war. Our country was still recovering from it because it happened not one full year ago. It was rumored that the Prince would be crowned King soon after he picks his Queen and they get married by paper. It sounded stupid, but I bet the current Queen would pick a girl herself.

Eventually, my thoughts wandered back to the place they continuously returned to, especially for the last few days -- The competition.

Every year, the King holds a contest to find new warriors for his personal group of guards. If you were one of the last five standing, then you would be able to join and would receive special training by one of the best male warriors in all kingdoms, General Cyrus Maddox. After my eighteenth birthday yesterday, I was finally eligible, and I planned to be the first girl to leave the arena alive. Or, hopefully, one of the first. They might be competition, but I still wanted the best for my fellow females. After all, I had been training with my guardian since I was twelve years old. I was pretty confident.

Winning is not the hard part. It's what comes after.

Edited by Valerie Lyn

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