Chapter 1

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Axel’s POV~


It’s been weeks after our battle against Alieus Academy and we could finally relalx and just play soccer without the pressure of saving the world from mass destruction.

I was pretty content with just kicking the ball with my team mates. Right now, we’re having a practice match against ourselves, splitting the team to decide which group was better.

March Evans, our captain is as cheeky as even with his brown eyes always fixated on the ball. That orange bandanna around his dark brown hair was the trademark he had form his grandfather, through sweat and blood, it was always there with him making him look like the soccer freak that he is.

Jude Sharp was having fun countering the other’s attacks as he moved up, the ball still in his possession. His dark brown hair was tied up, as he charged his way through the opponents defense line with his blue cape flowing behind him. A smirk made its way to his face as his goggles glinted in the sun before making the shot.

The ball went in making the Genius Playmaker smile victoriously with his team mates praising him.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t going to let him get all the glory.

I quickly moved in and stole the ball right before Steve Grim got a chance to have it.

“Shit!” I heard the other teams said under their breath.

At the other side of the field, Marc was waiting for me with his hands spread open and a challenge in his eyes, ‘Bring it on Axel!’

I gave him a smirk, accepting his challenge. ‘Prepare yourself Marc.’

I picked up my speed, swiftly dodging the attacks and sending the others in a complete stand still. A patch of green hair then caught my eye. Knowing it was Nathan Swift making a slide to steal the ball, I slowed down my pace, making him miss.

“Damn it!” he said, “Marc, make sure he doesn’t make a goal!”

“You got it!” he eagerly responded.

I then quickly got pass our massive defender Jack Wallside, leaving him fazed.

As I was nearing the goal, I kicked up the ball in the air and jumped up with my feet twirling in a fiery façade. Then I released the momentum at the ball sending it straight to the goal. “Fire Tornado Kai!”

As the ball headed straight for marc, it increased speed and rotation, “Crap, it’s too fast!” he said as he tried to stop it. His efforts were all in vain though as the ball zipped pass his head in an amazing speed. Marc stood there awestruck.

The whistle blows signaling the end of the game with my team as the victor, 3-2.

As expected, the team made its way towards me and praised me for my shoot. Marc ran up to me saying, “Wow Axel, that was awesome. It felt like real tornado was coming right at me. I could still feel the heat of the shoot! God’s that was a bit scary you know!”

“Yeah, Axel, that was quite a performance!” Jude remarked patting me on the back.

I just smiled at them in return.

“Good job boys, “Coach Hillman said coming up to us, “and that was a remarkable way to end the match Axel, you’ve been improving your techniques I see? Keep it up.”

“Yes Coach!” I answered, grateful for his comments.

“That’s all for our Friday practice, make sure you rest up tomorrow. We won’t have any regular practice for the week end. Are we clear?”

“Yes Coach!” we answered in unison.


Marc, Jude, Nathan and I were walking home taking our usual route. We were talking more about the practice match today and got completely engrossed in it.

Suddenly, a blonde girl with green eyes stopped us at our tracks. She wore a Raimon uniform and was holding something behind her back.

“Axel-san, I w-want to t-talk to you.” She said blushing.


“What? You know her Axel?” Nathan asked.

“Yeah, she was the student council president last school year before I took over.” I answered.

“Yes. I’m Sophia Robins,” her face turned even redder, “and I-I was… I mean I w-wanted to talk to Axel-san.”

As if on cue, the guys gasped all together, knowing what was going to happen next.

Not this again.

I love you Axel-san!” she confessed, pulling out a box of what I assumed were chocolates. “I-I always had feelings for you before, and now, well… I hope you can return them and agree to go on a date with me.”

She was looking down now and nobody said a word.

I sighed and shoved my hands in my pockets, “I’m very honored that someone like you has feelings for me. But I’m afraid I can’t return your feelings now, or ever. You’re a really great person and I see you as a friend so it would be wrong for me to lead you on and go out with you , when I already know that I can’t love you the way you want me to.”

I saw tears coming from her eyes as she let out a simple “I-I understand” she gave me the box and excused herself politely to all of us.

After sharing with the others the chocolates I received, we continued to walk home.

“I don’t get you Axel.” Nathan said as he licked the last piece of chocolate from his finger, “that girl was cute, smart and was totally in to you. Why would you reject someone like that?”

I sighed getting tired of this, “I was just being honest. Nothing was wrong with her, I just didn’t feel anything special when I was talking to her. Besides, it would be horrible for me to lead her on.”

“We know, we know. That’s what you said about the last girl who confessed to you. “

“And the one before that.” Marc said.

“And the one before that.” Jude added.

“And the dozens more before that.” Nathan exclaimed, “You’ve broken lot of hearts there Axel. I mean, no offense but, tons of girls are obsessed about you and you act as if you don’t even give a shit.”

I didn’t stop but kept walking as I was getting nearer to my house. “I don’t see you guys fooling around with girls. Why are you lecturing me?”

They didn’t answer.

“Look, nothing bad is going to happen if I remain single, so just deal with it ok? I have to go, bye.” I said as I headed to out apartment.

Once I got in, I quickly went to my room and crashed on my bed. Not even thinking that I was in my uniform, I started to sleep, relieved that this day was over.


Hi! How’d you guys like it? I know the original one was deleted with the rest of my story, but it’s ok because I’m going to continue this and stick to my original story plot!!! again i'm sorry for the mistakes i've made, but seriously, i have no editors so yeah...

Anyway, vote, comment or PM me. I’d love to hear from you!!

Love ya lots!!!

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