Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Caleb’s POV~


It was really late in the afternoon, maybe a couple of minutes after 6:30pm when I got a call from Alexi.

“Hey, what’s up? Is there something wrong?” I asked after I pressed the “answer” button on my phone.

“Everything’s fine Cal,” she assured me. “We’ve already arrived at the Arena. It’s a bit cold out here and crowded, but otherwise everything’s fine.”

“That’s good to hear.” I answered, “So, why’d you call?”

“I was wondering if you could wake Austin up for me. I’m worried that he might oversleep and miss dinner.”

“Got it. I’ll go right now.”

“Great. Thanks a lot Cal. Oh, I hope I’m not interrupting anything?”

“Nah, I wasn’t doing anything, just relaxing in my room.” I reassured her, “you stay safe alright? Don’t go wandering off and keep an eye out if there’s any danger.”

She laughed at the other end of the line, “Don’t worry, I will dad.”

I smiled. I know I’m being overprotective, but it’s just the way I am when it comes to her and Austin. I don’t mind her teasing because I know she appreciates my concern for her.

“Yeah, alright.  Bye.”

“Bye, Cal. Thanks again.”

I closed my phone and headed out to Austin’s room which is just in front of mine. His door was closed but I just let myself in. Thank goodness the hall was empty or else the others might get suspicious.

Right now, I don’t need them to find out that we’re related. It might affect Austin and Alexi’s image. To think that those two innocent, kind and thoughtful siblings can be related to someone like me. someone who’d almost landed them in the arms of danger, its absurd. Not to mention the fact that almost everyone in the team is still bitter about the Royal Academy Redux incident . Especially Jude.

For now, the best thing I can do is to keep my distance from Alexi and Austin and maintain my status as a player. I can’t let anything kick me out of the team. I can’t let anyone take my place.

And for that, I need to be stronger. I need to be faster. I need to be smarter.

“Austin?” I said trying to shake him up, “Austin, wake up.”


“Austin you have to wake up now.”


I laughed a little while hearing Austin do his little purring noises. Me and Alexi find it adorable, but he thinks it’s not. Whenever we mention it to him, he’d always get flustered and start denying that he ever did such thing during his sleep.

“Hey Tiger, you’re purring again.”

“Mmmrrrrpppp, no I’m not, “ he answered groggily.

“Yes you are.” I insisted, “Now get up.”

“What for?”

“Alexi called a while ago and asked me to wake you. She didn’t want you to oversleep.”

Austin sat up and yawned while rubbing his eyes. “Thanks for waking me up.”

“No problem.”

“Is dinner ready yet? I’m starving.” Austin asked.

I ruffled his hair, “In a moment. You must really be wiped out huh?”

“Yeah. Coach Travis’ dribbling exercises were taxing.” He said and yawned again.

I sat at the edge of his bed and smirked, “Was it? It felt easy for me. Maybe you’re just loosing your touch Tiger.”

Hearing this, Austin gave out a nervous laugh, “That couldn’t be it! Maybe I was just tired, that’s all.”

“Whatever it is, you better not slack off or Alexi will be mad.”

Austin sighed, “Alexi already punished me for slacking off at Coach’s Training. I just slowed down a little and she tickles me senseless as a punishment.”

“You know she’s just teasing right?” I laughed.

“I know and I don’t mind.” Austin smiled. “Alexi’s great that way.”

A smile tugged on my lips as I remember how she would take care of us. How she would act all mature and innocent at the same time. How she would make sure we were always happy and safe. How her actions convinced me that I should protect these two angels at all costs.

“Yeah, she is.”

A small grin appeared on Austin’s face, “Besides, I’m not the only one she teases a lot.”

“Tell me about it. She can’t let that little ‘sliding incident’ with Nathan go. She said she won’t make my life easy if I keep doing rough plays.”

 “You know she’s just teasing right?” Austin asked with a small grin.

We both laughed and I ruffled his hair a bit just for the fun of it, “I know and I don’t mind.” I said, “Alexi’s great that way.”

“Yeah, she sure is.”


I finally managed to get Austin to get off his bed. We then headed down to the dining hall together since everyone else had gone ahead.

When we were near the hall, I asked Austin to go on ahead and have dinner with the others. As soon as I said it, his face looked worried while he bowed his head down.

“Are you mad at us Caleb?” he asked silently. “Eversince we got chosen as representatives, you’ve been pushing me and Alexi away. You’ve never ate with us, you rarely talk to us, it’s like… it’s like you started to hate us. What happened Cal?”

Austin looked like he was about to cry. He was right, by the way I was treating them, it looked as if I resented them. And I know even Alexi is feeling this way, she just doesn’t want me to feel obligated to be with them. But as much as I want to explain to him why I have to keep my distance from them, I couldn’t. 

“Austin, believe me. I’m not mad at you or Alexi.” I assured him.

“Really?” he looked up, his eyes still full of worry, “then why do you keep avoiding us so often? Don’t think we can’t notice Caleb.”

“I have my reasons Tiger. But I’m not mad at you. It’s just a little bit hard to explain right now, but the main thing is: the team doesn’t need to know that we’re related.”

Austin’s eyes grew wide in disbelief as he heard those words.

Shit, I messed up.

“W-why?” was all he could say.

“Trust me Austin. Please.”

I expected him to get angry at me and lash out his frustrations on me. But he didn’t.

He just took a deep breath and answered, “Alright. I understand.”

I was taken aback at how Austin replied. I forgot how mature Austin can think sometimes despite his young age. But then again, so was Alexi.

He went inside the hall, I then followed a few moments later. After getting my dinner, Austin appeared out of nowhere and sat across me.

I was about to ask him what he was doing here when he answered, “Even if we’re not related, we’re still a team right? So it’s only normal for me to sit with you, senpai.” he answered with a cheeky smile.

The others were cautiously staring at us but I decided not to care. Austin was right, we were a team so there’s no point in ignoring each other all the time.

I just hope they don’t treat him differently after this. Or else it’ll all be my fault.

“Hey, mind if I sit here?” a voice said from behind me. As I turned, a smirk played on my lips. If it isn’t the infamous Axel Blaze.

“Depends if you want the whole team to think you’re siding with the bad guy of the team.” I answered and went back to eating.

“I’ll take that as a ‘no’ then.” He answered and then took a seat beside me.

“Seriously? You do know that most of the guys here hates my guts right?” I asked. Ignoring Austin’s curious looks. I shot him a ‘I’ll-tell-you-next-time’ looks and he nodded.

“Yeah, it seems they do.” Axel said continuing to eat his dinner.

“So? Are you not bothered by that?”


“Even a little? I mean what will your friends think if they saw you sitting next to their worst enemy?” I asked.

I could feel the intensity of their gaze around us. It was making me feel uncomfortable but Austin and Axel just shrugged them off.

“Right now, we’re a team. Whatever past you had with them doesn’t concern me since I wasn’t there. I judge people more on their intentions than their past actions. Besides, to me you’re no enemy. Just a very stubborn ally. And if Austin thinks it’s safe to sit with you, then it probably is. ” He said with a smirk.

I couldn’t believe my ears. And yet, I felt great knowing someone other than Austin could treat me as a teammate.

“You’re not so bad Blaze.”

“You too. You’re actually pretty good during practice. Just ease down on the rough plays will ya?” he said with another smirk.

“We’ll see. Remember what you said, I’m a very stubborn ally.”


We were almost finished eating dinner when one of the managers got a call from Alexi. After the call, they hurried and turned on the TV. The screen showed a grand convention inside the FFI Arena. Helicopters fluttered the air and Sky lights danced across the already dark sky.

“To all soccer fans in the nation,  good evening.” The announcer checked in as the scene shifted from the arena to the inside of the building, where a ballot can be found infront of a giant screen that will determine the line up for the tournament.

“Tonight is the long-awaited opening for the Football Frontier International Asia Preliminaries, where we will run the lottery for the team line ups.”

The team tensed as they watched. My mind on the other hand was on Alexi. Judging on how many people were there and how crowded it was, it may be difficult for her to breathe considering how slightly claustrophobic Alexi is.

“Hey Austin, have you seen you’re sister?” Nathan Swift asked.

I took a glance at Austin and saw that he had the same worried expression I had. He must be thinking how Alexi was doing there. Nonetheless, he managed to answer, “O-oh, she went with coach to the FFI Opening Ceremony. So my guess is she’s somewhere in that crowd.” He said pointing to the TV screen, to where the immense crowd was gathering.

I hope she’s alright. There’s too many people there.

Nathan nodded and started talking to Jude.

“You ok? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Axel asked beside me.

I quickly regained my composure and answered. “Yeah I’m fine. Just had something on my mind is all.”

He didn’t looked convinced but he stayed quiet and leaned on the table as we watched the rest.

“The Football Frontier International first runs preliminaries in five areas around the world. And each championship team from each area will gather on Liocott Island. This is where the fight for the top of the world- the final round of the Football Frontier world tournament will take place.”

The screen now showed the names of the countries participating in each Area.

“In Asia’s preliminaries, including Japan, there are eight countries participating.” The screen then shifted to the stage were the lottery was starting.

“With its overwhelming power, Korea’s Fire Dragon is highly acclaimed as Asia’s strongest and has landed in 3-A. Next up is Australia’s Big Waves which claimed the spot 1-A.”

The lottery went on from country to country starting from Qatar, all the way to Saudi Arabia.

“Next is Japan’s National team, Inazuma Japan turn to draw.” Said the announcer.

One could actually feel the anxiety of the team as we all watched Coach Travis nod to Alexi and Coach Hibiki at their table as he made his way to the stage. There, he reached into the lottery bowl and took out a piece of paper.

“Inazuma Japan…1-A!”

The whole team was surprised by the sudden declaration. “So we’re starting off with one of the best teams in our area, huh?” Jude remarked, “In two days, we’ll be fighting Australia’s Big Waves for one of the spots in this competition.”

Marc then stood up and smiled at us, “Yeah, and with that in mind, let’s make sure we give it our all for tomorrow’s practice!”

“Yeah!” everyone cheered.

After that, everyone started to go back to their rooms for some well-earned rest.


Yo, minna~!!!! I hope you can forgive me for the shortness of this chapter and how long it took for me to update… gomen!!! And again, sorry for the grammatical errors!

My next update may be a few days after new year…maybe…sorry… I’m just really busy cause I’m a graduating student, but I promise I’ll make time for my wonderful, wonderful stories!!!

Yeyy for 450+ reads!!! Hihi imma soooooo happyyyyyy!!!!

I really hope you forgive me. and I also hope to hear from you. Please


Ps…Austin purring is soooo cute!!! I wont ever regret putting that in hahahahahahaha!!!! Austin is just to cute!!!!!

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