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Normal - Korean/Narrator/POVs

Italic - Thought

Bold+Italic - Chinese

Bold - English

A/N: I'm going to have midyear exam so I won't be updated around 2 weeks. This Friday my exam will be start so wish me good luck. xD


Part 2 (last)

Luhan slowly opened his eyes. It's was kind a dark and sting. He was tied up. Both of his hand were at back while his leg were tied up by rope. It is hard for him to moved. Then the door opened widely and they threw Ai Ling. She now was a messed.

"What did you guys do to her!?" Luhan was in anger. "Hmpp! Kids! We just having fun!" The man laughed and closed the door hardly. They were speaking Chinese. Luhan crawled towards Ai Ling. "Ai Ling." she slowly opened her eyes. "Lu-" she coughed in blood. "Shh. Don't talk." he comfort her. "They tortured me Luhan." she said in weak. "I'm here Ai Ling. I'll protect you no matter what."

Then a door opened again. A tall man that looked liked a thug came to them and bend down. "Well, look who's here. The richest kid." Luhan glared at the man. "What do you need? I'll give you anything. Just let us go!!"

"Wow wow kid. You're so brave. Well, I need money since your family owe us something."

"How much?"

"I0 billion and it's dollar by the way." Luhan widened his eyes. That's a lot of money. "Deal, but you need to let me call the bank and give it to you."

"Okay then kid." He pulled Luhan harshly and came out of the room. Luhan looked around the room and find out where to escaped. He saw a door that was for out. His legs were already been untied. Then the man forced him to sat down. Then a computer infront of him. The man cut out the rope on his wrist and shot him a gun. "Do it now kid." Luhan started to typed. He glanced a little at the man. The man was sitting down and his eyes slowly closing. Luhan started to moved slowly and he saw a baseball bat. He took it and hit them man head hardly. The man woke up and flinched in pained. Luhan quickly got out from the place and look for Ai Ling. He ran as fast as he can and finally found the room. He pushed the door hardly and the door cracked opened. He was kind a weak already due to the forced of the door. He picked Ai Ling up and ran away. He saw the man with a gun and also a few of his men came.

"You kid!! You're dead!!" He heard the man shouting. He finally saw the door that he was sure it was out. He was about to opened a when a gun hit on his right shoulder. He was in pained and his knees went down the floor. Ai Ling opened her eyes and saw the blood on Luhan's shoulder. "Luhan!!"

"Run Ai Ling!! Save your life!!" he said.

"I'm not leaving you Luhan I love you!!" she said while crying. Luhan blinked at her because his version getting blurred. He hold her shoulder and kissed before he collapsed. "Luhan!!" The man pulled Ai Ling's hair and she flinched in pained. "Now!! It's time to tortured you again young lady!!" the man smirked. He brought Ai Ling to a room. He threw Ai Ling on the bed. He was about to unzipped his pants when he heard the door opened widely and the police fired him on the right leg. He collapsed on the floor. Ai Ling was so scared. "Luhan." she murmured. The police slowly came to her.

"Miss, you're save now." they apporched Ai Ling. Ai Ling slowly stood up. Then the man took out his knife and attacked on Ai Ling. He stabbed on near her left hips. The police shot him on the hand. Then Ai Ling went into collapsed.


It's been weeks since the incident. Luhan's family came to USA. "How's Luhan Dr.Kim?" Mrs. Lu came to the doctor. The doctor was a Korean. "He lose a lot of blood. But at this moment he's fine." Mrs.Lu was almost fainted but luckily her husband was there and supported her.

While that, Ai Ling parents were Ai Ling's room. Mrs.Wu were sobbing hardly. Then, Yixing came to Ai Ling's room. All of them turned to him. "Yixing." Mrs.Wu said. He bowed to them. "Luhan has been transferred to Korea. They will treat him there." Mr.Wu came to Yixing. "Thanks for the information kid." Yixing bowed to them.

Then they heard Ai Ling's voice. They turned around and Ai Ling's mother came to her. "Ai Ling." She slowly opened her eyes. "Mother? Where am I?"

"You're in the hospital my dear." Then her eyes widened. "Luhan!!" She was about to stood up but Mrs.Wu stopped her. "He died Ai Ling." she widened her eyes. Even Mr.Wu was shocked. But he kept in silent. He tried to understand his wife. "Yes Ai Ling. I'm sorry to say. He can't make it."

"No mother. Impossible." she shook her head. Yixing from outside heard what Mrs.Wu said. He left the room and came to Luhan's room. Not that long, Luhan's eyes started to move. Yixing came to him. "Luhan." He slowly opened his eyes and looked around. He turned to Yixing. "Yixing? Where am I?"

"You're in the hospital buddy."


"You were kidnapped by thug." Luhan was confused. "No, I'm not Yixing." Yixing looked at him. He decided to call the doctor. The doctor checked on him. "Why do you have to check me doc? I'm fine here." The doctor looked at Luhan.

"Do you know how to speak Korean?" He nodded. "Of course doc."

"Do you perhaps remembered what happened to you?" He shook his head. The doctor turned around and looked at Yixing. "We should talk to Luhan's parents" Yixing nodded. Mrs.Lu came with her husband. "Is there any problem doc?"

"Your son had an amnesia. He doesn't remember about his past and what happened to him. The impact was strong that his memory lost." His parents nodded in understand. They couldn't said a word. The doctor bowed to them. "Yixing. You know about both of them. Please keep it in secret and don't mention Ai Ling to Luhan." Mr.Lu said to him. "We don't have any connection to that family already." Mrs. Lu said. "They are the reason our son like this." She continued. Yixing just kept in silent.

From that day onwards, Yixing never mentioned Ai Ling to Luhan.

In Luhan's memory, they are no more Ai Ling.

While Ai Ling, she became crazy because she thought Luhan was already died.

But slowly she became normal and she forget about Luhan.

She won't remembered about Luhan exist already.

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