Luhan's Side Story

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Normal - Korean/Narrator/POVs

Italic - Thought

Bold+Italic - Chinese

Bold - English


My name is Luhan. My family owned a big Company in China. So I considered as a richest kid among my friends. But I'm not that arrogant people. My family had a share in Korea. I had a best friend. Well, she is a girl of course. Her name is Ai Ling. I secretly had a crush on her. I know it's forbbiden for a 8 years old kid to fall in love. But, how am I supposed to control it?

She was a year younger than me. I liked to see her dark hazel eyes, her chubby cheek, her pinkish lips and her dark brown shiny long hair. She was born to have that beautiful brown hair. Everything is perfect.

"Gege!!" Someone was calling me when I was hearing my own thought. I snapped into reality. "Oh, Ai Ling." I smiled. "Come let's play at the playground." she jumped happily. I stroked her hair. "Let's go" I smiled at her and we both holding hands.

She dragged me to the playground. We were just walking since the playground was not that far from my mansion. Yeah, her parents decided to leave her with me since we both in same school. So the maid will took care of us while our parents do their business. We currently at the playground.

"Wow!!" we both sliding down. We also played swing and chasing each other. We were having so much fun. I was happy that I could see her smile.

"Ai Ling, I think we should go now." It's getting dark though. "Awhh, but I still want to play." she pouted. "I know but later our parents found out we were missing. Come on, let's buy ice cream when we on the way there." Then I saw her smiled. "Yeah!! Ice cream."

Before we both went to my mansion, we brought two ice creams each. I looked beside her, she looked so adorable when she ate her ice cream. As we arrived in my mansion, we were greeted by not so happy maid.

"Where you both have been?" she put her hands on her hips. "Sorry, Mrs.Zhang." We both ducked our head. She softened. She came to us and stroked our hair. "Come on both of you. Your parents are waiting for both of you" she smiled to us. She was just liked our second mother. She was the one who took care of us if our parents away. She also had a son, that is also one of my friends.

"Yixing!!" Ai Ling ran towards him. He was same age as me.The kid with black hair turned around and Ai Ling was hugging him. Urgh~ Why do I have to felt kind a jealous? I shook my head.

"Luhan." he saw me and he smiled. I smiled back at him. "Hey Yixing."

"There you are both of you." It was my mother. She came to us and smiled. "Come on Luhan. Ai Ling is going home right now. Her parents already here." she said. "Awwh, mother." I was pouted. Ai Ling looked at me and she hugged me.

"Gege, do you want me to stay here?" she said with her innocent eyes. I nodded shyly. "Can I stay here Mrs.Lu?" she asked my mother. My mother smiled. "I'm okay with it. But you need to ask your parents first."

"Yeah!!" we both said. As she sleepover with me, we both shared one bed. My bed was kind a big so it's fit for both of us.

"Luhan." she called me. We were now looking up in the sky. Well, she only called me like that when just both of us. I don't know why but I felt happy she just called my name. "Hmm?"

"I'm happy to have you." she said. I looked at her. She leaning on my chest while I wrapped my arms around her shoulder protectively. "Me too Ai Ling." She just nodded and I humming some songs for her. She slowly drifted to sleep. "Wo Ai Ni."

A year later

I was playing game with Yixing when suddenly my father came to us. Tomorrow I would became 9 years old.

"Luhan, we need to talk." he said. Yixing understood that we both need private so he left both us. "What is it father?" he took a deep breathe. "We need to move to Korea. They need me to handle the company in Korea." I was shocked. "So, when we going to leave?" I asked. "The day after your birthday." I was more shocked. "But- father. No, I don't want to leave. How about Ai Ling?"

"You know it's for your own good. I already talk to Ai Ling parents. So, they know we will leave." I was in silent. I couldn't said anything. If I didn't follow what my father said. He will never going to make me play with Ai Ling. So, I just agreed with him.

The Next Day On Luhan's Birthday

"Happy birthday Luhan ge." Ai Ling gave me a present. "What's this?" I ashed her. "See for yourself." I opened the present and there was a picture of me, playing football. She took it and also a rubic cube. She knew that I loved to play rubik cube.

"It's limit edition." she said. I smiled and hugged her."Xie Xie." she nodded. "Do you have to leave?" she asked me. I nodded. She tapped my shoulder. "That's okay gege. Just don't forget about me." she said. I smiled and we both spend happy time together before my leaving on the next day.

Then today, it's the day my parents and I leave China to Korea. We were now at the airport. Many people were there because my family were kind a famous. Repoters everywhere. Ai Ling's parents together with her came too. Even Mrs.Zhang and Yixing came. Mrs. Zhang told me that Yixing will come with me since I have no friends in Korea. Well, actually it just not my parents would come to Korea even the Huang's family that owned almost all of the around Qingdao area. They are liked of of the second richest family. Their son Tao, were also my best friends. They brought Tao with me so they depends on my parents to take care three of us.

"I'm going to miss you gege." she was crying already. "Even you too Yixing." she said. We both hugged her tightly. "Here." I turned her around and I gave her a necklace. It's has diamond shape. "If you miss me you can hold this necklace." I said to her. She just nodded. While Yixing, she gave her a braclet.

"Come on now Luhan. It's time for us to go." my mother said. Three of us including my parents bid goodbye to them. I took one last glanced on Ai Ling. She was hugging her mother while her mother tried to comfort her.

I'll be back for you Ai Ling.


1 January 2015

HELLO!! Haha. Okay, first of all I would I like to say. I'm very sorry if my English are bad. I'm still learning on it. I'll try to improved more. So this is my second fanfic.

Two or few chapters will tells you about the past. So, I'll tell you when will the Chapter 1 begin.

Happy New Year everyone!!

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