Dipper's Bubble

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+Bill's Castle: area ?+

'I'm so glad they're safe and sound...'

'They're safe from the danger of Bill's rule...'


'I miss them...'

'I miss my family...'

'I miss my friends...'


'It's lonely here...'

'Bill doesn't visit me too much anymore...'

'I'd wish he'd let my good and bad come back to me...'

'Bill is mean... I can't trust him...'

'But... I get the feeling I should...'

'I wish he would let me be by his side...'



'I think I finally lost my mind...'

+Bill's Castle: With the nine symbols group walking around the castle+

Ford, Stan, Mabel, Gideon, Wendy, Robbie, Soos, McGucket, and Pacifica walked around together mapping out Bill's Castle. So far they found 3 room with Red Triangles on them. They got sneak peeks inside because of some monsters going in and out of them, but the rooms weren't important. Just a fun places for monsters to have fun in, like game rooms and lounges.

They continued to walk on and found a hallway completely deserted. There were no monsters roaming around, it was deadly quiet.

"B-Burning Tree... You c-c-can't go visit Pine Tree's bubble room..."

All them hid behind around the corner.

"Hey, doesn't that sound like that triangle guy?" Mabel asked quietly.

"Yeah, but his tune sounds a little off." Soos says back.

"Is it just me or does Bill sound scared?" Gideon asked. Nobody answered because they could hear the two coming closer.

They watched as Burning Tree came into view followed by a blue haired Bill version.

"Burning T-Tree! P-Please listen to m-me!" The Blue version of Bill pleaded.

Burning Tree turned around and grabbed Will's arm. He flipped the blue head onto the ground on his back. "I'm just going to see Pine Tree you miserable demon! Your not stopping me!" Burning Tree exclaimed angrily. He took a deep breath to calm down. "Besides, your suppose to off training with Angel Tree right now."

The Blue Bill look alike groaned in pain on the floor. "I-I-I'm s-sorry Burning Tree..." He cried.

"Your such a cry baby Will." Burning Tree twisted Will's arm a bit making the blue demon whimper in pain.

The sound of running footsteps came down the hall right behind Burning Tree.

"Stop hurting-" The person says and tackles Burning Tree to the floor. "Will!"

"Oof!" Two brunet ended on on the floor now next to Will.

"Burning Tree, can't you go one second with out hurting Will while your in each other's presence?"

Said person looked behind him and saw Angle Tree scolding him for his actions. "It's not my fault Bill's twin is a complete wimp."

Angel Tree rolled his eyes and got off of his other half. He went over to Will and helped him up. "Are you okay Will?"

"I-I'm fine Angel Tree." Will answered holding his twisted arm.

Angel Tree saw his twisted arm and glared at Burning Tree who was now standing again. "Great, you broke his arm! Why do you have to so rough on him?"

"I think my answer from before also answers this question." Burning Tree simply stated crossing his arms.

Angel Tree sighed and took Will's good arm, leading him somewhere. Probably to get his arm healed up. "This conversation isn't over Burning Tree."

The two disappeared around the corner leaving Burning Tree alone.

"Finally I can get to Pine Tree now." The brunet says to himself. He continued down the hallway leading his followers to a big door with a blue Pine Tree symbol on it. The was also a big Red Triangle symbol over it. Burning Tree opened the door and went in with the nine people following close behind. The doors closed behind them and the room lit up. The nine humans hid behind some machinery.

They watched as Burning Tree walked up to a medium sized bubble with a Pine Tree symbol on the front and placed a hand on it. The bubble became transparent. The nine quietly gasp as they say their Dipper floating weightlessly in there. Nothing on his body looked different, he just looked like a empty shell, perfectly still.

"Pine Tree..." Burning Tree muttered staring at Dipper's unmoving form. He looked down and clenched his teeth together. "Stupid Triangle, thinks just because he's training us means Pine Tree is useless." He is hands clenched into a fist. "He just doesn't get what makes us tick..." Burning Tree trailed off visibly relaxing. He let out a exhausted sigh and looked at Dipper again.

The door opened again and Angel Tree came in. "I was right to assume you'd be in here." He says.

"Did Will tell you?" Burning Tree asked not turning back to look at the other.

"Nope~ I figured it out by the way your tone was when you answered me earlier. You really need to start learning how to control your temper, your almost like Billy." Angel Tree remarks walking over to his opposite and stood by his side.

Burning Tree thought of something great when the other got by his side. "Wanna have some fun Angel Tree?~" Burning Tree smirked at the bubble with glee.

Angel Tree side glanced at him and smiled when he saw his smirk. "Depends~,what type of fun do you have in mind?"

Burning Tree laughed. "Has to do with messing with Bill~" He answered playfully, but that tone was dangerous if you listened closely.

"I'm in!" Angel Tree agreed quickly. Anything having to do with messing around with Bill was agreeable to both sides.

Burning Tree offered his hand to Angel Tree and he took it. Burning Tree led his other half through Dipper's Bubble and they floated up to Dipper's unmoving body. Angel Tree placed his other hand on Dipper's hand and Burning Tree copied the action. Both of them glowed white and fused into Dipper's body with not problem.

The nine humans watched for awhile and nothing happened... That was until Dipper finally moved. His eyes opened slowly revealing his light brown eyes. He looked at his surroundings and got out of his bubble. Dipper wasn't wearing any shoes so his bare feet touched the floor. The brunet stretched and let out yawned.

"I'm finally awake again." Was the first thing Dipper says with a smile. "At least I'm not placed in with the others." Dipper says to himself and snapped his fingers. A familiar red journal appeared in front of him and he opened it. He flipped through the pages and found What he was looking for. He mutter some things to himself quietly and a blue pouched appeared. Dipper took it and made the red journal disappear. He ran over to hid behind another machine, but close to the door.

The door to the room opened and Bill came in seeing Dipper's bubble empty. His slapped a hand over his face and sighed. "This is definitely Burning Tree and Angel Tree's doing..." He mutter.

Dipper peeked out from his hiding spot and opened his little blue bag. Some yellow glowing dust fell to the palm of his hands. He blew at it and the yellow dust flew over to Bill's human form.

Bill felt his body freeze and he couldn't move a single muscle. "What the?!"

Dipper laughed and came out of his hiding spot. "Aw~ Is the Great Lord Cipher so stiff from seeing me awake again?"

"Pine Tree get this yellow filth off of me so I can move again." Bill says sternly.

Dipper shakes his head and stands in front of Bill smiling. "No."

"Defying me yet again PineTree? I still own you." A lazy smile appeared on his face.

"But you can't own everything." Dipper says back. He pushed Bill back with his finger and the blond fell to the floor with a thud. Bill just laughed at the pain. "So how's everyone?"

"You should know the answer to that PineTree~"

Dipper thought for a moment. "Your treating them like a bunch of caged animals aren't you?" He chuckled at the idea.

Bill smirked happily amused by Dipper's answer. "Are you sure your asleep when Burning Tree and Angel Tree are out of you?"

Dipper chuckled at his question. "Would the answer 'Lucky Guess.' work?" He asked back. Dipper made another bag, a white one, appear and opened it.

"Your getting better at using your powers." Bill comments watching Dipper take some silver powder into his hand.

Dipper smiled softly and dropped the silver powder on Bill. "Yeah, Angel Tree and Burning Tree only have half my powers, so they can't really learn powerful magic much." He watched as Bill cracked some bones as he stretched getting the feeling in his muscles again.

"Anyways, your meatsack family and friends are roaming around my castle now. Your not allowed to come in contact with them unless you have my permission. I'm getting some monsters to transfer your bubble to my chambers so I can keep a better eye on you." Bill says standing up again. He picked up Dipper and set him on his shoulders.

"Did someone finally want a roommate because they became lonely?" Dipper was mentally laughing at Bill and he knew the other could sense it.

Bill rolled his eyes, but in amusement. "Your seemingly more perky then your usual self Pine Tree. Is something wrong with your mind? Because if there is, I'm going in their to fix it."

Dipper shook his head. "Please Bill, people are not what they seem. I have many secrets of my own too you know."

Bill hummed with a smirk. "Then I'll just have to figure it out. Huh Pine Tree?" He received his answer when Dipper bonked him on the head. The blond laughed again. "Just more fun for me Pine Tree~"

"Like I'd let you have all the fun you stupid Dorito." Dipper retorted.

Bill snapped carried Dipper out the door on his shoulders. While the nine humans stared shocked and frozen to their spots.

"Oh my gosh... Dipper?" Mabel mumbled sitting on the floor hugging her knees.

"Ford..." Grunckle Stan says to his shocked twin.

Ford didn't look back at his twin or the others. "We... We need to end Weirdmageddon as soon as possible. Most importantly defeat Bill and close the rift..."

Quest 1 and 2 completed,
Operation 1: Get Dipper to Remember- End

Goals: 1. Defeat Bill Cipher to end Weirdmageddon
             2. Close the Rift after all monsters have gone back to the nightmare realm
3. Get Dipper back_

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