Final Truth

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+Gravity Falls: Cemetery+

The was a silence between the two groups after Mabel had asked Dominic that question with high tension.

Bill had a blank expression on his face as he hugged Dominic's waist with one of his arms. 'What are you gonna say?' He asked through his telepathy powers.

Dominic didn't answer because he was busy collecting his thoughts and building up his will to answer Mabel."I..." He started out, his throat felt really dry, it was so hard for him to answer her. "Mabel..." He started out again and stopped. The brunet took a deep breath and let it all out his nervous feelings.

Mabel and her friends on the other hand mentally wishing it would be Dipper.

"Mabel, Pacifica, Gideon, Grenda, and Candy. I didn't want you guys to find out this way and I'm really sorry about all this." Dominic looked at them sadly. "I admit that I am truly in fact Dipper Pines."

Mabel stared at her use to be dead twin with tears pooling at the corner of her eyes. "W-Why? Why didn't you tell us earlier?!" She ran up to Dominic/Dipper and hugged him tightly. Bill moving a little back and letting go of his PineTree since Shooting Star went to hugging the teen. "You dumb dumb! Do you have any how much we missed you?!" Her voice shaking due to her crying.

The other humans watched the scene too with crying eyes. Grenda and Candy hugging each other crying. Pacifica mumbling words along the line of "thank goodness" "He's okay". Finally Gideon who was wasn't really crying more like smiling happily now that Dipper was back.

Dipper smiled softly while enduring the tight hug that Mabel was giving him and the light pounding on his chest from her too. He strokes Mabel's hair as she continued to cry, "It's okay Mabel... I'm not gonna leave ever again. I promise." Saying comforting words to his twin. Mabel looked up at him and Dipper wiped away her tears with his thumbs.

The dream demon was watching all of it played out. A nice reunion in his eye that made him smile.

"I wanted to tell you when I was ready, but I wanted to make sure you guys would move on a bit before I did. Turns out fate doesn't want me to do that though." Dipper told her in a calm voice. "To tell another truth since you've seen it before, I'm not really human anymore, and I go by a different name now as you know. I spent some time in the Mindscape with Bill because I need to recover and get use to my new body. I'm technically a immortal demon now and Bill's boyfriend. Don't worry! Bill didn't force me into it, both our feeling are mutual!" He assured her when Mabel looked ready to attack Bill. "I mean Bill and I did like each other back then when Weirdmageddon was still going on."

"I can vouch for PineTree on that. His recovery I mean. All I have to do is show you his memories." Bill voiced in with a grin on his face.

Mabel shook her head slowly. "It's okay, I trust that Dipper is telling me the truth." She let go of her embrace and hanged on to Dipper's arm. "Come on we gotta show the town your back now! Everyone will be so happy! We can party all night long too!" She says in a excited tone tugging Dipper towards the town, but he didn't move to follow. "Dipper?"

Dipper looked at Mabel unsure. "Mabel what if they don't accept me for who I am now? I'm scared that they would probably lock up Bill again." He pulled his arm away from the brunette. "I can't lose him." Staring at her with a frown.

Bill walked over to Dipper and hugged him again. "Don't worry PineTree! I'm sure Shooting Star along with her friends here," he gestures to the rest of the gang who were smiling back at him, "Will be able to talk to them. Right Shooting Star~?" He asked playfully.

Mabel nodded vigorously. "Don't worry Dip! I got the situation handled! You said it yourself that you love Bill and he loves you back! I will not let anyone stop your love!"

Dipper was awkwardly laughing when he saw the female teen's pose of determination and the fire in her eyes. 'Same old Mabel, but grown up.' He thought. "Thanks Mabel, I'd appreciate the help."

As Mabel and the gang led the two back into town to tell them the new, Bill and Dipper were back behind them quietly talking together.

"Isn't this great PineTree? You get to be back to normal with everyone. Well kinda normal at least, but who cares, Gravity Falls isn't exactly normal after all." Bill laughed as he slung an arm around Dipper's shoulders.

Dipper smiled as he walked next to Bill listening to him. "Yeah, in addition to my return, I have my loving boyfriend by my side too. I couldn't ask for more."

Bill stopped walking making Dipper stop next to him. The five humans in front of them walking didn't seem to notice it. The blond demon leaned down a bit to be face to face with the brunet demon. "Your right PineTree." Bill pressed his lips against Dipper's lips lovingly and tenderly. That caused Dipper to blush although he did kiss Bill back the same way.

The teen pulled away when air became needed. "I-I love you Bill." Dipper told Bill shyly into the nape of the blond's neck.

"I know PineTree and I love you too." Bill says and kissed the boy's forehead. Then went and started kissing the teen again on the lips becoming a full blow make out session. Dipper did not refuse the second kiss he was getting.

In what seemed like forever to the two demons a snap of a camera was heard that brought them out of their daze. They turned to look towards the source of the sound to find Mabel holding up her pink iphone up.

"Mabel?! Y-Y-You didn't?!"

"Yes I so did!" She exclaims in happily turning her phone to show a picture of Bill and Dipper making out. "The BillDip ship has been sailing without me knowing!"

Dipper pushed himself away from Bill quickly and chased after Mabel. Said person running from him with her phone held up in the air.

"Mabel! Delete that!"

"No way Dip Dot! This is a scrapbook opportunity!"

They ran past the gang who was waiting for them and they saw Bill walking up behind them with his usual grin. The group laughed as they turned back to watch Dipper chased Mabel on the path back to their home town of Gravity Falls. There family, friends, and the paranormal creatures unknowing going to gain back a someone they had thought they had lost. Once lost is now found.

Thus everything was a happily ever after.

[Game Over]

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