Sing Me A Song to Lead Me To You

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+Weirdmageddom: In the Sap Cave with the Preserved Dinosaurs+

Everyone had finally regrouped in the Sap cave under the broken chapel in the forest. Ford was currently still carrying Dipper over his shoulder, who is passed out. The older twin gave the boy back to Mabel and she hugged her brother tightly.

"What are we gonna do now?" Grenda asked Ford.

Ford hummed. "We'll set up base here. We need to divide ourselves into teams to do routine work. Any if any survivors turn up we can help them. First thing right now is to set up this place so is in some what good condition." Ford explained to the group.

So everyone did that. They settled themselves in a particular spot and set up their sleeping area. After that they made groups, mainly adults together, some groups of kids with one or two adults, only specific kids were able to group by themselves like Mabel, Pacifica, Gideon, and Dipper.

Mabel checked her brother's unconscious form from time to time because she either had to listen to the groups plans or help gather stuff from the outside.

She could only hope things ended soon.

Oh, but it's still so early to end so soon.

+Bill's Castle: Throne Room+

Bill was pacing back and forth in his human form mumbling angrily about losing his PineTree, letting the GF residents escape, and how useless all the demons around the castle hadn't noticed them.

"AHRRGGG!!!!" Bill let out his anger. He shot his powers around the room and some either hit the walls or the other demons in the room.

The yellow demon let out a exhausted sigh and sat on his air thrown, which by the way he is actually floating. "Keyhole, Eightball, Pyronica, and Kryptos." He called the names sternly.

"Yes!" The four demons say standing in front of Bill's throne.

"Gather your teams and search the area. Get back those humans and bring back my PineTree. If you fail to retrieve them unharmed then I will punish all of you. Do I make myself clear?" Bill said to them in a serious tone.

The demons nodded hurriedly. "Crystal." They ran off to find the boy and his friends.

'Wait for me PineTree. You'll be back with me soon, I promise.' Bill thought closing his eye.

+Sap Cave+

Groups had gone out to retrieve more supplies and search for more survivors.

They made rules too so they made sure everyone was safe and sound. One, No one would leave the cave with out telling Ford, Stan, or Mabel. Two, make sure if you find a survivors to find any signs of demon possession before taking them in. Finally three, never separate from your group and go alone.

Ford meanwhile, with Stan, were making more plans for closing down the rift. They both needed to head to the shack to get some supplies from the basement, but they were unsure if Bill would have guards there.

Mabel with her group was hanging out in the medical area where Dipper is currently resting. They managed to wrap his wounds and clean his bruises.


Awhile later Dipper finally woke up from his slumber and looked around. "Mabel?" He first said seeing her with Gideon and Pacifica.

"Dipper!" Mabel exclaimed and rushed over to her twin's side. "How are you feeling?" She asked.

"A little dizzy, but other than that I'm practically fine." Dipper replied. Secretly he was feeling half empty, something was missing, and Dipper knew what it was.

Hide a secret, Keep a secret
Never speak or Tell
Be selfish, not selfless
It's only your to know

"Well we're glad to see you okay now. We all managed to escape that creep and get you out with us. You were almost separated from us again, but in the end we won." Pacifica said proudly with relief.

Gideon gave him some food to eat, which Dipper great fully accepted. "Thanks Gideon."

"Not a problem Dipper." Gideon replied.

Mabel informed Dipper on what was happening at the moment and how things are working out. So far everything was well. Dipper had been given the permission to rest for awhile longer until he was feel all better again.

Mabel, Pacifica, and Gideon, left Dipper alone to give him some space to rest more.

Dipper took the chance he was given to rest more. Before he did that though, he tugged at his collar and chain. It didn't budge one bit. Dipper sighed and layer down on the make shift bed and drifted to sleep.

This chain, these chains, a connection to you~
They hold me down and bend me to your will
I'm yours, but are you mine?

+Bill's Castle: estimated 6 weeks have past+

Bill was rubbing his human temples, having a major headache from tying to connect to his PineTree. Where ever the boy was, his magic was being canceled off from finding the location. "Useless..." He muttered out of his mouth.

He had given the searching crew a light punishment for their empty handed come back. But they did manage to sight the humans in the area. It's just the humans got lucky and managed to escape his friends.

"If this keeps up, I'm gonna have to use my siren song to get back my PineTree." Bill thought aloud.

The demons in the room gasp at his suggestion.

A dangerous song that is only sung by Bill that can lure anyone or anything of his choice. They heard of one time when Bill used it, but that was ages ago and no one even knew the reason why he sang it back then. The yellow demon never told them.

'I just need PineTree back, I'll just watch the other humans from a far.' Bill thought making up his mind.

The demons covered their ears and crouched down to the floor. Some hid behind the pillars too.

Bill sang his dangerous song.

Hey, Hey. Did you know that balance partners have certain songs for each other?

+Sap Cave+

Dipper laughed along with Pacifica, Mabel, and Gideon.

They had just come back from the outside for gathering supplies for more resources. They managed to get to get bags of chips, bottles of soda, and medical supplies.

"Okay good work guys! I'll just drop these off in the store. I'll come back soon." Gideon says chipper.

The group nodded and watched Gideon take off to the Storage.

They went to the socializing room.

Ford and Stan were explaining to everyone that both of them were able to retrieve part and so on to stop Bill and close the rift.

Half way, Dipper had stopped listening and heard a sweet voice singing.

Sweet child, can you hear my voice?
I'm your guide back home~
Won't you follow my voice,
And come back to my side?~

The song struck Dipper like an arrow and his eyes went into a haze. He started walking away from everyone, going towards the exit.

Pacifica and Mabel noticed his motion and called out to him, but Dipper didn't respond to them.

He only listened to the voice in his head.

Child of mine, Partner of mine.
Don't leave me standing here alone~
I wish to see you again and here you speak to me.
I'm falling apart without you here,
Your so distant that I feel so empty without your presence~

I'm sure you can only see the black and white colors, without me your colorless
The monochrome colors flashing is your vision.
Don't you wish to be colorful?~

Dipper had made it outside of the Sap Cave while his group,pulse Stan and Ford, following after him quickly. Dipper hadn't noticed, but he was running while ignoring their shouts.

Oh my partner, where ever could you be~
I miss your company, our chats, and our meetings.
What I miss the most is your voice,
Won't you sing me a song?

A song that will show me the way to you~

The song seemed to slow to an end. Dipper still in his haze complied to to the song's question.

Your so hypnotizing
Could you be the devil?, could you be an angel?
Your touch magnetizing
Feels like I'm floating, leaves my body glowing

Dipper sang with his eyes close. His family and friends watching him in confusion as to why he started singing.

They say, be afraid
You're not like the others, futuristic lovers
Different DNA, they don't understand you

You're from a whole other world
A different dimension
You open my eyes
And I'm ready to go, lead me into the light

The ground started to shake. Pebbles on the grounds jumping up and down on the dirt. The wind picked up, swaying the trees.

"Grunkle Ford! What's happening?!" Mabel exclaimed the ground now starting to shack violently.

Ford fell to the ground unable to keep balanced. "Bill must of lured Dipper out her with one of his songs!"

"What the heck is that even suppose to me?!" Pacifica says latching onto a tree.

"Balance partners have specific songs for each purpose! Bill must have brought Dipper here with his song to come get him back!" Ford explained.

Stan grabbed Gideon and placed him to where Pacifica was and went over to Mabel to carry her to them. Ford got up and rushed over to them too.

"Wanna be your victim, ready for abduction~" Dipper sang loudly.

Mabel rolled her eyes. "And bro bro says he doesn't have a good voice. Do you here him? He has an awesome voice!"

"Sweetie, now is not the time to complementing your brother's singing. That flying triangle is about to steal your brother away again." Stan said.

Before they knew it, Bill finally appeared in full human form in front of Dipper.

"PineTree!" Bill exclaimed happily and scooped the brunet into a tight hug. This cause Dipper to stop singing and the haze eyes to cease.

Dipper held his head and groaned. "Huh?" He looked in front of him to see Bill. "What?! Bill?!"

The blond demon hugged Dipper more, nuzzling his face into the crook of Dipper's neck. "I missed you so much." He said.

Dipper didn't try and push away, the feeling of his partner next to him again is fulfilling.

"Let get you back home where you belong." Bill says happily. He placed a finger on Dipper's forehead that put his to sleep when Bill placed the spell on him. 'Aw~ He's so adorable.' Bill thought. As Bill turned around Mabel, Gideon m, and Pacifica came out.

"Give me back my brother!"

Mission: ???
Quest: Save Dipper <Again>
Main Goal: Stop Bill and Close Rift_

Hey Everyone! Finally posted this chapter^^
If you read Bill Cipher's Son, I made a prequel for the story. It's about how Bill and Will get together. Hope you like it! XD

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