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A milky scent wafts into my nose while I hear the ferns swish.

"Sweetie?" A familiar voice meows with a soft and gentle tone "Have you decided to open your eyes yet?"

"N...nuh..." I try to mew back

"Okay sweetie, but I'd love to see your beautiful eyes." My mommy plops down and curls next to me. Soon my mouth forms into a smile as I think of an idea. What if I open my eyes and surprise my mommy? Would she like that? What of my eyes don't match her eyes. I try! I squint and open my eyes slowly and carefully. Colors swirl into shapes as the world pieces together. Bracken! I remember. My mommy told me about the nursery. Ferns are the long green things hanging at the entrance. I swish my tail and become anxious for my mommy to wake up.

"Heyyy," I meow as softly as I can to not wake my mommy up too fast. She sits up and adjusts herself.

"Is something wr--," My mommy stops and gasps with pride "Oh my gosh!! I can't believe you've opened your eyes!! Th--... They're so different and beautiful!! Okay. Let me call your father and let's name you and I'll tell you our names!

[A tradition in my Clans is that a kit isn't named or told names until he/she opens their eyes.]

"Okay! We are all here!" My mommy meows with a smile.

"Can I go now?" A small silver kit mews.

"Well let's start with her." My daddy meows, staring down that kit "She is your littermate, Poolkit."

"Uh, hi." I meow but I don't know why I'm embarrassed. She rolls her eyes and sighs. I guess she doesn't like me.

"I am your father, Owlwatcher." Owlwatcher meows with a small smile "And this is your mother,"

"Larkwhistle." She meows. She pauses and whispers to Owlwatcher.

"Is something wrong?" I mew, my throat choking with worry. Poolkit rolls her eyes once again.

"No sweetie. We're just discussing your name." Then Larkwhistle smiles "It's hard to name such a handsome tom." Poolkit rolls her eyes once again. Is she okay? I wonder Does she have a disease?

"Your name," Owlwatcher starts "is Sparrowkit." I beam with pride but my smile fades quickly as my only littermate runs out and sighs.

"Does Poolkit not like me?" I ask Larkwhistle after Owlwatcher leaves.

"No Sparrowkit... She just, doesn't like the idea of having a brother."

"Oh." I mumble but Larkwhistle smiles back.

"Let's learn every cat's name!"

"Okay!" I meow, feeling a bit better.


"And that is Specklekit and his littermate, Autumnkit. Over there by the fresh-kill pile." Larkwhistle whispers, then points to some younger kits "That is Goldenkit, Streamkit and Pollenkit. They're only about a moon older than you. And that is the entire clan!

"Awesome!" I meow glancing towards our leader, Rainstar, as he tries to climb on top of the tall stump.

"Will all cats of TreeClan please join below me at the tall stump." He croaks, his meow full of age. Once every cat has gathered around, our leader speaks again. "Today Featherpaw and Mudpaw have passed their testy thingies and they're becoming warriors!" A few scattered cheers and questioning looks fill my eyes and ears. "Featherpaw. Ivyfoot has told me you are ready to be a full warrior. From this day on you will be known as Featherfeather."

"What?" I meow to Larkwhistle

"Quiet Sparrowkit. Rainstar is a little old. He's not as smart as he used to be." My mom whispers back.

"Mudpaw, Beestripe has told me you're good to go. Your name from this day on will be Mudfleck." Cats shift their eyes from one to another.

"Feather...feather! Mudfleck! Featherfeather! Mudfleck!" I yowl awkwardly with the crowd.

"Wait! One more thing! Specklekit, step forward." He steps forward and they go through a complicated ceremony. Apparently his mentor is Grasseyes. The same thing happens to Autumnkit and her mentor is Fluffpelt.

I cheer with the crowd: Specklepaw! Autumnpaw!

On my way back to the nursery I hear a conversation in the deputy's den.

"Feather...feather, I'll change your name as soon as I become leader." Acornfall whispers.

"What if you die before he does?" Featherfeather whispers, worry hinting in her voice.

"Well I don't think that will happen but if it does any cat with common sense will change it." Acornfall replies.

"Come on sweetie. Let's get some sleep." Larkwhistle meows while beckoning her tail towards the nursery.


Thanks so much for reading and please check out my other books! Byeee!!!!

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