Chapter 13

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"A purple leaf? Where did a purple leaf come from, especially in a place where there are barely any trees," Hyeri's mum curiously questioned as she caressed the rough surface of the leaf with her slender fingers.

She sniffed the leaf for a second before getting back to staring at it in wonder. "It's not fake."
Hyeri stood frozen behind her; she was completing unaware of the presence of any leftover leaves in her room after Jungkook's spell session.

Regret for not checking her room carefully bloomed in her chest, but it was soon replaced with fear when her mum turned around and showed her the leaf.

"I'm keeping this." Her mum smiled.

"What?" Her reaction was the complete opposite of what Hyeri had expected, perhaps there really was no reason to be angry, but why was she not wondering about how a purple leaf even existed in that area?

Her mum ignored the question and walked off to her room happily holding the leaf like it's rare treasure, which it was, but Hyeri just stared at her mum's child-like response.

"What the she in a trance?" She asked Jungkook half-sarcastically, knowing that wherever he was hiding, he could still hear her.

She left the room before any answer was revealed. She lazily stepped down the stairs and was quickly enlightened by the sight of food on the table, which was easily forgotten like it was anything but food.

She ran to the table like a hungry mouse and grabbed some fries before munching them down; she was too hungry to call her mother down to eat with her.


Hyeri slumped on her bed with a heave sigh. Jungkook started flying in small circles above her face, the light dusk sprinkling from his wings making her blink continuously.

"That was close," Hyeri said.

"I know, we need to be more careful next time. But I don't understand why the leaf didn't disappear along with the tree." Jungkook halted. "...Maybe because this body's energy used during the spell wasn't enough."

Hyeri looked at him in pity. "Too many disadvantages, Kookie-ah."

"...Kookie?" Jungkook repeated the nickname in surprise, then smiled. "I like it."

Hyeri smiled back. His mere existence was a mistery for her, even though he's been with her for a few weeks, she felt like she didn't know much about him.

It would be more comfortable if he was human.

"And yeah," Jungkook's smile then dropped. "There are going to be many disadvantages if I keep living as a miniature fairy."

"Say, Kookie, where did you live? What school did you go to?" Hyeri nonchalantly changed the subject.
Jungkook pursed his lips together, then parted them again.

"I lived in North Korea," he tensed as he used the past tense. "I used to go to xxxxxxx School, and I used to go to a school of magic in a private area in the middle of a forest."

"Is the school of magic private?"

"Oh, no, it's actually one of the very big and famous wizard schools in the country. Humans who don't possess magic don't know anything about these buildings, since they're hidden very well."

"Are they kept invisible in our eyes?" Hyeri sat up, fully interested in the topic.


"Can a human with no possession of magic learn how to control magic?"

"No, only the people born to be wizards and witches can control magic."

"Why are you guys so scared about revealing yourselves to the world? I mean, can't you control people if things go out of hand?"

"There are several reasons for that. Humans are smart, even if they don't possess magic, they could do many things behind our backs and always surprise us. Also, there are certain spells that we're not allowed to perform. They're banned because they're too dangerous; we would also get punishment later for forcing a spell onto someone when not needed. It's complicated...but I guess you understand."

Hyeri tugged all the information inside her brain and nodded.

"I wonder how it feels like to be a witch."

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