Chapter 18

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"So one of Kookie's sisters was in front of me all this time and both of us didn't even know," Hyeri spoke, more to herself, while walking with Mina on their way to Hyeri's house.

The other girl laughed quietly. "Kookie? That's such a cute nickname!" She elbowed Hyeri's arm.

"If I may ask...don't you go to school of magic?" Hyeri asked, changing the subject to avoid embarrassment.

"Yeah, sometime in the weekend," Mina said, moving a strand of dark hair behind her ear. "It's fun, I met many nice people there."

"Do you go there anytime?"

"Pretty much, I mean, because you don't learn academic subjects like math or sciences there, it's actually quite chill and you can turn up anytime in the morning and afternoon." She smiled. "But you have to focus during sessions, of course. Magic is not something to play around certain cases."

"Ohh..." Hyeri nodded in amazement. She looked at her hands and started wiggling her fingers, imagining herself being capable of using magic.

Mina chuckled at her actions. "Isn't that what Kookie does whenever he's preparing to use a spell?" She teased Hyeri, smiling at the light blush spreading across her cheeks.

"Anyway...that's my house," she pointed at the simple looking two story house across the small street.

Hyeri opened the door of the house, retrieving the key from the keyhole, and headed straight to the kitchen, with Mina following behind her with an astonished face.

"'s so tidy," she commented.

"Really?" Hyeri asked half-heartedly, her eyes landing on the messy pile of newspapers and magazines on the coffee table in the sitting room and papers spread out on the surface of the couch and next to it on the floor.

"Well, it isn't too messy." Mina corrected herself. She walked over to the couch and started collecting the papers together.

"My room's upstairs." Hyeri informed as Mina finished tidying up the place.
They quietly walked up the stairs and headed towards Hyeri's room, where the door was left ajar.

"I'm home." Hyeri greeted as she stepped in, silence greeting her back.

"Kookie?" She called out after not finding him using her laptop, ignoring Mina's light snort at the mention of the nickname.

The little fairy then appeared from the drawer of the bedside table, rubbing his eye with his tiny hand.

"H-," he stopped abruptly as his tired eyes met Mina's, turning into very emotional and surprised ones.

"N-noona..." His voice broke in a matter of seconds as he softly called his sister out with glossy eyes. He shot out from the drawer and flew towards her in a flash with arms spread out as Mina welcomed him by softly holding him in her hands and snuggling him against her cheek.

"Oh my god, Jungkook..." She mumbled as she held the fairy against her, whose eyes were wet. "Look at you, she had turned you into such a vulnerable creature..."

Hyeri felt tense as she stood next to them, but her heart melted at the sight. Two siblings meeting each other after many weeks under very sensible circumstances.

The two let go of each other and Jungkook started blabbering out questions which were heartily answered by Mina.

Hyeri left the room politely so they could catch up with each other in privacy. She smiled as she walked down the stairs towards the kitchen, she'd never seen Jungkook so happy. She'd never seen him very sad either, and she knew it was probably because he didn't want to be too much of a burden to her.

Which hurt a little, since Hyeri was eager to help him in any way. She was just unsure about how.
She hummed softly as she gathered some fruits and snacks, hearing a faint laughter from her room.

As she returned to her room, she felt the change of the atmosphere, and she frowned at both of them.

"What....?" She asked as she looked at Mina, who seemed to be waiting for her to settle down.

Hyeri placed the snacks on the bed and sat, confused about how the mood changed so quickly. Jungkook was seated on the bedside table, who looked as curious as Hyeri.

Mina gulped, but didn't want to waste any time. "You know...miss Myo?"

"Yeah...?" Hyeri answered, not expecting their conversation to be about the headmistress.

Mina cleared her throat. "She's our mother."

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