Chapter 21

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"Really? That was quick," Hyeri sat up straight as she held the phone firmly in her hand.

"I know, but it wasn't easy. At all. He didn't believe anything I said, even with Misun there. It felt like hours till he started walking in our same path. And do you know what he said? He said turning Jungkook into a fairy was probably just an accident from her!"

"What, seriously?" Hyeri bit back a laughter, trying not to ruin the serious mood. Jungkook flied towards her and softly pressed his ear against the phone.

"Yeah. I'm surprised he came so early. Usually he'd come weeks after I call him."

"So, what is he going to do?"

"He's still trying to absorb all the information we'd given him yesterday. He didn't say anything yet, but I think he'll want to see Jungkook."

As soon as the words reached his ears, Jungkook swiftly moved away from the phone, a frightened expression written on his face. "I don't want to go to that house..." He managed to say with a shaky voice.

Hyeri opened her mouth, then closed it. He looked so fragile and afraid. How could anyone leave him?

"No...we'll meet when she's not home," Mina's voice turned soft after she heard his voice. "Uncle will make sure she's far away when you come."

Hyeri hesitated before she spoke. "Isn't it better if they meet now rather than waiting for longer?"

Silence filled the line, and Hyeri feared her question was an offence, but it was soon abruptly disrupted as Mina's voice returned. "You're right. Let's get this done with so we can move on to the cure part."

An unknown feeling washed through Hyeri as the word 'cure' penetrated through her ears. The fact that they still had no idea of what kind of cure they were looking for made her think that it will be quite a challenge.

What kind of cure is it? Is it a rare one? Does it have severe consequences?

"Come today then, I'll tell Uncle," Mina said with a hint of worry in her tone. Perhaps she had slight doubts about the meeting, too.

"...OK," Hyeri responded, her eyes meeting Jungkook's insecure ones, before ending the call.


Hyeri stood in front of the house, a few feet of distance separating her from the front door.

It was a big and pleasant looking building; a light shade of cream coloured the surface, emanating a positive and friendly vibe. It was a 3 story house in a quiet neighbourhood, a few balconies constellating the building.

Jungkook flied towards her face and blocked the view, turning her smile into a frown. "You stood here for more than 10 minutes. I wouldn't stay here for this long even if I'm scared."

"You're exaggerating. It's just been, like, 5 minutes," Hyeri said before starting to walk towards the front door. She stared at the brass knocker for a few seconds before wrapping her fingers around it and knocking twice.

It felt like hours went by before the door opened to reveal Misun. The dark haired girl had the same stature as her sister, her defined cheekbones making up one of the very few differences between them. "Oh, hey! Come in."

Hyeri greeted before stepping inside, walking carefully as if the precious floor will break, meanwhile the siblings broke into a conversation behind her.

They have met a few days before, the fairy sharing the same emotional scene with Misun like he had with Mina.

Laughter bounced off the walls of the long hallway from the two as Hyeri struggled her way to...

Where do I go?

She turned to Mina for assistance when a deep, silky voice came from the end of the hallway. "Oh, welcome, I've been waiting for you."

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