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As the class began their warm-ups, Dervin stole glances at Jasmin, noticing her hesitant movements. Despite his hope, he knew deep down that their skill levels were worlds apart.

"Alright, line up!" the PE teacher called out. "We'll start with a few drills to assess your abilities."

Dervin breezed through the drills, his athletic prowess on full display. Jasmin, on the other hand, struggled with each task, her frustration growing evident. The teacher began to call out names, forming the teams based on performance.

"Dervin, you're with Team A," the teacher announced, pointing him towards the more skilled group.

Dervin's heart sank a little. He watched as Jasmin fumbled through her drills, her face flushing with embarrassment. When the teacher finally placed her in Team B, he saw her shoulders slump.

Jasmin avoided Dervin's gaze as they moved to their respective teams. He could feel her disappointment, and it tugged at him. During the practice games, Dervin's team performed excellently, and he couldn't help but notice Jasmin watching him from across the field, a mix of jealousy and admiration in her eyes.

As the session came to an end, Dervin glanced in Jasmin's direction but hesitated. He wanted to say something to lift her spirits, but he decided against it. He wasn't sure if his feelings for her were clouding his judgment, and he didn't want to come across as condescending.

Jasmin, on the other hand, interpreted his silence differently. She saw his confident demeanor and how easily he fit in with the more skilled group. To her, it seemed like Dervin was too prideful to acknowledge her struggles, and it stung.

As they all headed back to the locker rooms, Dervin couldn't shake the feeling of guilt. He hoped Jasmin didn't think less of herself because of the drills. Meanwhile, Jasmin resolved to work harder, determined not to let Dervin's apparent indifference get to her.

In the days that followed, Dervin found himself stealing more glances at Jasmin, admiring her persistence. He still wasn't sure about his feelings, but he knew one thing: he respected her effort, even if he couldn't show it.

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