Fear of Rejection

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Kaida could feel the mate pull getting stronger as time went by. "James, Xur is on his way here the mate pull is getting stronger." she told him. They stood up and left the building they were currently residing in. They casually walked in the direction that they knew he would be coming from. The wait seemed unbearable as it went by. She was worried about this pack of bipedal werewolves as she knew how ruthless Xur was. If she were them she wouldn't want to join Xur's pack. She didn't know if she wanted too seeing how he reacted towards her. She held her head down as they waited for him to arrive. Seeing as to how he had reacted towards these bipedal wolves she truly understood how much Xur hated anything different from his own kind.

A rustle in the brush alerted them as to his arrival as he steps out into the openness of the clearing. His ivory black coat shone with fresh blood. His pearly white teeth stained with his victims blood. His anger boiled from him waves as it made her cower away in fear as it seemed to be directed towards her. Which it was probably a mixture of her and her being kidnapped that angered him so much. Her heart was truly broken as she went to her knees her hands covering her face. "Xur why don't you just end my suffering. I can see just how angry you are at me." A comforting hand was placed upon her shoulder as James steps forward trying to sooth her. He looks at Xur and shakes his head.

"You know I didn't want to believe her when she told me that she felt like you rejected her. But now I do. I truly hope you realize that when you do both of you will die more quickly. She is your life Xur your other half. She may be different but what has she done to deserve such harsh treatment from you. I can truly tell her heart is pure. Now if my pack and I must die because of the words that I have spoken then so be it. But it just proves that you can't accept anyone that is different from your own kind. Then you can never accept her as your mate." he told him as he tried to be confident but even still he was submissive towards him.

"Xur, I was leaving the territory giving it fully to you. They haven't harmed me in any way. I just wanted you to be happy. I felt like I was just a burden standing in your way. As for walking away from you being injured I was scared to go with you as even these wolves and their weaker senses could tell I was different from them. I'm sure your stronger pack would have sensed it as well and attacked me. Did you really wish for me to die at the hands of your pack?" she cried she thought she was done crying over him. Her beast stirred within her she was tired of this they had been rejected to many times. James felt the air change around her and backed away not of fear but in safety. Kaida shifted into her raptor form and stared down at Xur. Speaking in a tongue she knew he could understand. "Xur, Kaida and I love you very much we have endured much waiting for you. Only a true amount of love would have endured as long as we have waited. Don't you think its time to show us some trust? Your wolf already does why can't you?" Kaida remained in her raptor form as now her dress lay in a ripped heap upon the ground. She laid down as natural as she could so that she wouldn't seem threatening to anyone. She also didn't want anymore blood shed tonight. She peered into her mates eyes as her violet eyes reflected his. She awaited her and her friends fate as now in her raptor form she could smell his pack. He had come here ready for a fight and that scared her.

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