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I slam my locker and hurry to the next class as quickly as I could. Bam! I hit something hard and my books go everywhere.

"Wow your even clumsy out of the gym." I hear a couple of girls giggling as they walk away. They must be talking about my slip up in gym class earlier.

I go down on my knees to pick up my books that fell out of my book bag. As I am about reach for the last book someone else picks it up and holds in front of my face. Because I'm on my knees I have to tilt my head up to see who my helper was. I look up to see none other than the famous Kevin Walker. I take the book as I get up. He smiles at me and walks away. Kevin Walker smiled at me! That was going to make my day.

It was lunch now and I had met up with my best and only friend June.

"... and I said "Well your putting makeup that's been tested on animals so you'll have to come up with a different reason for vegetarian'" June ranted sitting across from me while poking at her less than edible looking school lunch. June is someone who states her option no matter what the consequences. If most people aren't put off by that than they are by her choice of style, She dresses in mostly all back with spikes as accessories and her eyes lined in black like a raccoon. To finish her look she wears her black slightly tinned purple hair in two high ponytail which look anything but cute.

"So you going to the dance?" I ask out of curiosity. She usually has a interesting oppinion on these matters.

"Are you kidding? Spend in evening in a sweaty gym with people who care for no important thing except their fake royal status and who has the best dress?" June scoffs, "Noo Thank you. I much rather spend my night listen to decent music like the beatles and finish making my protest signs."

"Ya I don't want to go either." I can't help but look over to where Kevin is sitting. He had Rachel all over him. I look away quickly but June catches where I looked.

"I heard Kevin was going with Rachel." June stated, "What's the reason your not going to the dance?"

June gives me a knowing look. I shift uncomfortably.

"I don't know many people and like you said waste of time."

"Alright if you say so but I just think if a certain someone was available and asked you, you'd be searching for the perfect dress like all those other fashion-obsessed girls."

I blush as I know she knows my secret crush and thankful saved by the bell so I didn't have to be embarrassed any further.

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