True Prince Charming

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We arrive and the gym is darkened with color lights flashing everywhere. It's pretty loud with the dance music playing and all the other students in the gym. Me and Jerry go find our assigned table after we have taken our prom photo. After about a half an hour we are served dinner and we eat in comfortable conversation.

"You like to dance?" Jerry asked me as we finished up our meals.

"Not really my thing." I answer. "Do you?"

"Well I can bust a few moves. Wanna see?"

I had to giggle, "Don't think I want to dance with someone who uses the phrase 'bust a few moves'."

"Come on. Please dance with me? I'll try not to be too embarrassing."

I finally agreed and to my surprise we laughing as much as we were dancing. We did some of the older moves like sprinkler and the running man but Jerry defiantly had some of his own moves which had me crying out with laugher. After a while on the dance floor we collapse back in our chairs.

"I'm thirsty. Want some to drink?" Jerry asks.

"Yes please. I need to refill my sprinkler for the next dance round." I joke.

Jerry laughs at my lame joke and goes off on a quest to find us some hydration.

I see Kevin talking to some of his friends by the dance floor. I feeling brave at this moment, not sure if it was the adrenaline from dancing or what but I got a thought. I should go ask him to dance. He isn't with anyone at the dance and I mean mom did say rather regret than wonder what will happen. I stand up eyes stuck on my goal, Kevin.

As I approach I see everyone focus on me. I gulp, here goes nothing.

"Hey Kevin, was wondering if you wanted to dance with me?"

He looks confused, "Sorry, do I know you? Umm.. I don't dance with strangers."

He doesn't know me? We've going to school together since middle school. I turn to quickly get away from this embarrassing moment when suddenly I bump into someone. I end up falling on the floor covered in sticky punch.

"Oops."  I looked up to see Rachel the one holding the punch cup. I hear Rachel and Kevin's group laughing at me. My eyes start to burn with tears coming up from the embarrassment. This time I get up and out of there as quick as I can. I head for the exit door of the gym. I think I hear Jerry call my name but in no way was I stopping my sprint until I am outside.

I finally slow down when I come to a picnic table and sit on the table. I sit there and cry to myself. How could I be so stupid? Embarrassing myself like that. I hate my mom for making go, I hate Kevin for rejecting me and especially hate Rachel. I hate everyone!


I jump out of my thoughts at the sound of Jerry's voice. I peek over to see him standing there with two punch cups. I look away and at my feet embarrassed he found me this way.

"Go away." I mumble. But even to me that didn't sound convincing. I hear some shuffling than suddenly feel something placed on my cold shoulders and feel the table give shift as Jerry sits next to me. I wrap his jackets around me more as I feel the coldness of the air outside. Jerry's hand with punch filled cup appears in front of me.

"Thanks." I say quietly as I take it. It is silent between us except for my sniffling.

"You know... sometimes bad things happen to good people. Rain always falls on the people who deserve nothing less than the sun."

I look up and meet Jerry's graze. I look in his eyes and I think I might have been looking at the wrong prince charming this whole time.

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