CHAPTER TEN, scott's a terrible bowler and milkshakes

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When school ended CJ and Stiles confronted Scott about his lie." You're a terrible bowler."  Stiles said and CJ nodded in agreement as the three of them walked out of the school.

" I know!" Scott exclaimed. " I'm such an idiot."

" I agree with that." CJ muttered, ignoring the small glare that Scott sent her way and continued walking down the steps with them.

" It was like watching a train wreck." Stiles said, walking between CJ and Scott. " I mean, first it turned into the whole group date thing. And then out of nowhere comes that phrase."

" Hang out." Scott and Stiles said in unison.

" You don't hang out with hot girls, okay?" Stiles continued to say. " It's like death. Once it's hanging out, you might as well be her gay best friend. You and Danny can start hanging out."

CJ frowned as he said that. She honestly felt a insulted. " Oh, so am I ugly?" she asked as she raised an eyerbrow and looked at him. Scott looked over at Stiles with an amused look seeing the panic on one of his best friend's faces. 

" Wha-no! Y-you're not!" Stiles stuttered, his face turning a light shade of pink as he said the next sentence. " You're actually really pretty."

CJ eyes widened and she looked down at the ground with a shy smile, hoping that he or Scott wouldn't see her blush.

" How is this happening?" Scott sighed and CJ was honestly glad he changed the subject. " I either killed a guy or I didn't-"

" I don't think Danny likes me very much." Stiles randomly said and CJ sent him a weird look.

" -I ask Allison on a date, and now we're hanging out-"

" Am I not attractive to gay guys?" Stiles wondered out loud, completely ignoring that Scott was freaking out and that CJ was annoyed by him.

" -I make first line and the team captain wants to destroy me," Scott continued. " And now, now I'm going to be late to work."

" Don't leave me alone with him!" CJ whined, pointing dramatically at Stiles who sent her an offended look while Scott walked away from them.

" Wait, Scott, you didn't-am I attractive to gay guys-you didn't answer my question!" Stiles pouted as he realized Scott was walking away.

" Well, I'm gonna get a milkshake." CJ said as she started to walk to her truck.

" At your aunt's diner?" Stiles questioned with a hopeful look and CJ nodded.

" You wanna go with me or are you just gonna stand there?" she asked and Stiles walked up to her and then started walking to his Jeep. " I want a milkshake."

CJ chuckled and continued walking to her truck. " Alright, then I guess I'll see you at the diner."

Once CJ and Stiles arrive at the cafe and parked their cars the bell above the door ringed as they walked in.

They walked up to the counter and each sat down on one of the stools in front of the front counter. Zoe, CJ's aunt, walked over to them with a smile on her face. " How are you guys today?"

" Okay. And you?" CJ asked and Zoe nodded. " Same here. You guys staying out of trouble?"

" Well-" Stiles started to say, but CJ interrupted him. " We're trying our best."

Zoe chuckled. " Good. Now, what can I get for you two?"

" I'll have a vanilla milkshake." CJ told her and looked at Stiles weirdly whenever rolled his eyes.

" What?" she questioned.

" You just chose to get the plainest milkshake on Earth. Why don't you have some flavor in your life?" Stiles asked her as he waves his arms around dramatically.

CJ pursed her lips together. " I have enough flavor in my life because of you and Scott."

Stiles was silent for a moment, acting as if he was going to protest, but then he shrugged his shoulders. " Fair point."

Zoe smiled at them, thinking that the were cute together. " Okay, and you Stiles?"

" I will have also have a vanilla milkshake." Stiles replied and CJ raised an eyebrow. " You just got on to me for getting a vanilla milkshake, but you ordered one as well!"

" Why don't you have some flavor in your life?" she sarcastically asked.

" Because I like vanilla milkshakes." Stiles shrugged his shoulders. " Alright. Both of your vanilla milkshakes will be brought to you shortly." Zoe told them and CJ sent her a smile. " Thanks, Aunt Zoe." Zoe nodded and then went to make their orders.

" Do you think I'm attractive to gay guys?" Stiles suddenly asked.

CJ let out a laugh. " Why are you still asking that?"

Stiles was quiet for a moment with a serious looking face until he shrugged his shoulders and said, " I honestly don't know."

CJ shook her head with a smile on her face. " You're such a dork."

" Yeah, well so are you." Stiles said and then childishly stuck his tongue out at her. CJ couldn't help but giggle and sarcastically say, " Nice comeback."

A comfortable silence formed between them and it was only a few moments that passed until CJ's aunt brought over two vanilla milkshakes and sat them in front of the two.

" Thanks Aunt Zoe." CJ smiled.

Stiles immediately grabbed his with a grin on his face. " Yeah, thanks Aunt Zoe."

Zoe laughed. " You're welcome. And before either of you pay, it's on the house."

CJ frowned and looked at her aunt worriedly as she picks up her milkshake while Stiles started drinking his. " Are you sure?"

Zoe nodded. " Yeah, totally. I gotta go clean some tables, but Ceej, I'll see you at home later." she said as bent down behind the counter and when she stood up she had some cleaning products in her hand.

" Alright, love you." CJ told her as Zoe walked out from behind the counter and kissed CJ's cheek. " Love you too."

" You're aunt is the best." Stiles commented after Zoe walked off to clean tables and he looked over at her. CJ nodded in agreement as she drank some of her milkshake. " Yeah, she is pretty great."

She looked over at Stiles and laughed, seeing that Stiles already drank half of his milkshake. " I can't relive you already drank half of that."

Stiles looked at his milkshake as if he didn't realize he already drank half of it. " Aw man." he pouted while CJ chuckled.

A/N I'm so sorry I haven't updated this book in so long, but I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I thought you guys deserved a moment between CJ & Stiles. they are so cute together omg, I need help coming up with a ship name for them. I'll try to update this book more often, but don't forget to check out some of my other books!

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