Chapter 16 - Journey Back Home

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"Come sit anna", Divya said and he settled down on the couch.

" Nikki akka, Khushi, Rithu you three settle down. I guess the room service person will be here soon", Divya said.

"Yea yea! I will come with you. I will help you get things", Khushi said and dragged Divya from there.

" Did you say to Nikki akka? ", Divya asked.

" Yes, only Rithu is left but we are not the persons who should tell her. It will be better if he says", Khushi said and Divya nodded. Soon their  dinner came and both of them took it and went to the table.

"We are back. Let's dig in I am starving", Divya said.

" Anna, for you I got some soup as well some light food which will be better to take medicine", she said and served him.

"Thanks Divi, at least you understood", he said.

" Everyone understood anna, except the one who has to", Divi murmured the last part.

"Nikki akka, feed me. I want to eat from your hands today", Rithu said and Divi along with Aravind controlled their chuckle.

The whole dinner went on with slightest conversation, which made some one chuckle, someone jealous and someone giggle.

"I will take leave now", he said.

" Anna, don't forget to take medicines and then have a good sleep. We will meet tomorrow morning. Good night", Divya said and smiled.

"Good night", he said and went back to his room.

" Thank God! That cockroach didn't come and make some mess", Khushi said and sighed in relief.

They all went to sleep, as the next day they had to travel. They all were in a deep slumber when Rithu's phone buzzed.

"Who is this person calling me now disturbing my beauty sleep? ", Rithu murmured to herself.

" Hello", she answered the call.

"Rithu, it's me your dear enemy Sravya. Slept so soon huh? ", she said.

" Wrong number ", she said and disconnected the call.

She didn't want to think more about that cockroach and slept cuddling her pillow.

The next morning they all woke up early and got ready to check out from their room.

By the time they came out, Aravind was ready with his bag.

" Hey! Anna you here? Woke up early? ", Khushi asked.

" Yes! I didn't want to be late. I have to go for a trip remember? ",he said.

" Yeah! Yeah! How is your hand now? ", she asked.

" Better", he replied.

"Chalo, let's make a move then. Before it gets too late", Nikki said and all of them moved towards the reception. They checked out the hotel and hired a cab till the station.

The ride was silent as usual, Rithu connected her Spotify and the ride was filled with humming  songs.

"Hey! This is my favorite song, can you repeat it", he asked to no body in particular.

"Rithu, repeat it sweety", Divya asked.

" Huh! Okay", she said and repeated the song.

"Is it some coincidence or the list is mine? The whole songs are in my list as well", he said.

" Must be coincidence ", Rithu said.

" Is it yours Rithu? ", he asked.

" Hmm", she just hmmed in response.

"Oh! Great! ", he said and smiled while Rithu still has the blank face expression.

With the silent treatment almost the 2hrs journey was silent, just like silence before storm.

They reached station in time and boarded the train. They might reach the next day at around 2:30am.

"Huh! Short trip was not too bad though", Divya said and fell on her bag.

"Nikki akka, do you have any book? I will get bored the whole day! ", Rithu asked Nikki.

" I do have one, but you already read it", she said and sighed.

"Rithu, I have one. Do you want it? ", he asked.

" You?", she asked in surprise.

"Yea! Me!", he replied.

" You asked Nikki akka for book while we came and now you have a book? How? ", she asked.

" I brought one at the station, there was a book stall", he said and shrugged.

Having no other option she took book from him and started reading it. While the others were engrossed in talking to each other. She was jealous that her sisters were giving too much attention to Aravind.

"Divi, will you join me? ", she asked.

" 2mins Rithu, Anna is saying some interesting plot", she said and continued to hear to Aravind.

This made Rithu more jealous she pouted and sat reading her book. Even though she was reading the book, all her ears were about what they were talking.

Soon after 10 mins Divi came to her along with breakfast.

"Come we will eat and read. Okay? ", Divi asked.

" No need, go and talk with him", she said and pouted.

"Are we jealous baby? ", she asked and chuckled.

" No, now come and give me company ", she said and pouted like a baby.

They both settled on one berth whereas the other three were busy in their talks.

" CWC? ", Divi asked.

" Better, no no it's best. Wait I will open my phone and we will binge watch", Rithu said to Divi.

"Aravind! Here your book! Thanks", she said and gave him his book. She had to bend too much to reach him.

" Careful you will fall down", he said in caution.

"Not this time", she said and went back to her place.

The words hit him hard. He somehow shrugged the thoughts which were clouding his brain.

The rest of the train journey went like that, Nikki, Khushi and Aravind talking while the other two binge watching CWC.
Divya was shipping Sivaangi and Ashwin, while our dear Rithika was in dream land with Ashwineyyyy.

The next morning they got down and went to their respective homes. Rithu had to go with Aravind. Having no other option, she dragged her luggage and followed him.

They hired a cab, she got in and sat beside him maintaining safe distance.

His phone buzzed and when she saw the screen it was Sravya, she turned her face to the other side and controlled herself from bursting out.

He answered the call.

"Hello! I will call you back Sravya not now. Not after what you did. Let's meet tomorrow before I leave to the trip", he said and without listening to her side he disconnected the call.

Rithu had many questions in her brain. When did Sravya come back? Is Aravind really going on a trip? Should she talk to him now?

" Rithu, when are your semester exams due? ", he asked.

" Maybe next month 1st week, according to the date sheet", she answered.

"Oh! Need any help then you can call me! Also do you want to ask me something? Your face looks like you are holding too many questions for me", he asked and her eyes went wide.

Rithu's m. V : Okay! Okay! Rithu take deep breathes you can do this. How in the hell does he know what I am thinking! Is he a mind reader? Mummyyy! Why isn't Nikki akka or anyone here. World is cruel to me

"Rithu? ",he snapped her.

"Ah! Yes yes! No no, I don't have anything to ask. Just feeling sleepy that's all", she said and sighed.

" Alright! We reached", he said and the cab halted.

"Bye Rithu, I will come tomorrow to inform aunt. Sleep well and then start your preparation. Good night", he said and walked to his home.

" Aravind! I will come to aunt's home. Mom will be sleeping ", she said and he nodded. She quietly followed him.

He had a spare key to unlock.She mentally slapped herself for not having brain to take a spare key with her.

" You can sleep in my room. I need to do some work. I will settle down in the couch", he said.

"Na, na it's ok I can adjust on the couch you can go inside your room", she said awkwardly.

" Just go, don't argue ma", he said and she didn't argue further she was already sleepy.

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