Chapter 24 - Its time for Wedding

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They all talked for some time with Nikki, Khushi and Divya.

"For one second as soon as I saw your phone, I over thought about things and then this idiot was a crying mess. I swear I would have ran from my home till there if really something would have happened", Nikki said.

" I know right akka! This crazy fella my heart sank. It got an attack and what not",Divya continued glaring at Rithika. While Rithika was controlling her chuckle.

"I thought to murder everyone! Just saved in time. Aravind anna oh sorry jiju at least you should have said us. We were hell scared first of all",Khushi said and pouted.

" She would have killed me if I did that. Or the worst maybe she would not have talked to me ",he said sadly.

" We are there to mingle you guys up. What are we here for? I have so many plans for your wedding! Nikki akka, Divi we should enjoy this wedding to the fullest",Khushi said.

"Of course! Let's leave the couple for sometime. You know they need P. R. I. V. A. C. Y!", Divya said.

" Oh yea yea! Bye bye people! Have fun and don't do anything which you should not. Wait until you get married", Nikki said and all of them hanged up the call before Rithu could speak something.

It was only both of them on the terrace. He stood beside her looking everywhere except towards her, she did the same. There was too awkwardness filled in the air.

"Never expected one day you will have the same feelings as I have for you. Never expected one day you will confess that feelings. Never actually expected that our parents would agree to get us married. All this seems to be happened in a blink. But everything is good now. Are you happy ma?", he asked.

"Happy? No I am not happy! I still love that person", she said and his face changed colours.

" Which one?", he asked coldly.

"The one athai showed me",she said and winked while he nodded his head and smiled.

" You love doing this! Go sleep", he said.

"I won't be able to sleep in this much happiness. I will just keep on thinking about what just happened and smile all the night", she chirped.

" Yea! Do that and then be like a zombie tomorrow", he said teasing her and her face fell just for a moment.

"Yea! And you love that zombie don't you?", she shot him back.

" That's not the thing",he tried.

"Admit it mister. Now you go and sleep like you always do, while I will enjoy the night all A. L. O. N. E", she said and smirked.

" I will ask athai to call you down ",he shot back.

" Do that and get teased. How innocent you are hahahah", she laughed at him and pulled his cheeks.

He pulled her cheeks back and they stayed there staring at the sky and talking about things, how lucky they got till the midnight.

"Ma, we will wait to get married! There is no hurry! Your career is as important as mine. No compromises with that and when are you having the interviews?", he asked.

" There is no hurry for you. But there is hurry for me definitely! What if that cockroach steals you? Should I just see all that with my innocent cute face? I won't let anyone take what is mine and we are getting married soon that's all. I can continue doing things after we get married also and it's not like I will be going somewhere else and need to adjust. I will be coming to my athai's home only. So there is no problem at all", she said in a go making him feel surprised.

"What are you huh? You never fail to make me feel surprised",he said chuckling.

" I am Rithika! The Great Potato's Family Member",she said proudly.

They laughed and after sometime slowly sneaked into their homes and slept with a sweet smile on their faces.

The next morning

"Rithu, get up! It's morning already",her mom woke her up.

" How is that possible? I slept just now! After 8-9 more hours it will be morning. Let me sleep amma",she said cuddling into her blanket.

"The pandit is here to decide dates for your engagement and wedding. Seems you wanted to get married soon it seems",she teased her.

" Why? Don't you want me to get married? What if someone steals Aravind bava? What will I do? So I am taking my precautions from now only", she said and looked with her sleepy eyes.

"Possessive much my dear daughter?", she asked and Rithu nodded.

" Now, as you woke up. Get ready the pandit will be here anytime soon",she said and went away from there.

Rithu woke up with a sleepy face and freshened up. After completing her morning chores she took her phone and started scrolling through her phone and chatting with her fellow potatoes.

She was chatting in her phone and was walking to the living room. She got hit and when she looked at the person who was coming in her way, it was none other than Mr. Aravind.

"What are you doing here?",she asked him.

" Well! I hope athai said you about pandit visit and I told mom on how my dear Rithu is so eager to get married",he teased her.

"Oh! So it was you who told that! People have been embarrassing me since the moment I woke up *yawns*, she said.

" Aww you look like a baby! Now come let's go",he said and they both interwined their hands and walked to the living room. The pandit was seated in the living room, he was examining the horoscopes and looking for dates.

Both of them stood there super excited.

"Aravind, why is this human taking so much time in seeing a date?", she whispered.

" I don't know about that either. Well let him see. Once that is done you have to get back to study and prepare for the interview ",he said.

" You know what? You will be the worst father! I wonder how your kids are going to bear with you. Always study study and study!", she blabbered and then realized what she said and bit her tongue.

"Yea! Yes, they are going to be so mad at me but then their mother is going to calm them down and give them so many chocolates and spoil them",he replied shamelessly.

"That she is definitely going to do!", Rithu said and giggled.

That was heard by everyone in the Hall and she was embarrassed yet again. She hid behind Aravind. While Aravind was giving an apologetic look to everyone.

The pandit chuckled at their actions.

" Madam, there is a date for engagement in a month and the wedding in six months from today. Is that okay?", he asked and then the elders agreed for it.

"Are they all occupied? Can I come out from my hide out?", she asked slowly.

" Yes! Come out! Did you hear that ma? Six months to go it seems",he said with a super happy face.

"What? Six months? No wait",she went to the pandit.

" Pandit ji look for the closest date available. They don't understand what is going to happen if I just wait for six months to get married",Rithu said.

"What will you do? Will you give us our grand children or what?",her athai teased and her mouth hung open soon blush creeped into her face, she was a red tomato.

"Pandit please see if there any date nearby. I don't want to wait so long", she whined like a kid.

" Rithu!Stop behaving like a kid! Oh wait! I forgot that you are a baby in an adults body",her brother teased her.

"Pandit ji will you see or not?",she asked without caring about anything.

The Pandit looked at the horscopes once again and told them that the engagement can be in a week at the most and the wedding in a month.

" Yes! This seems better",she said and all the family was shocked.

"Pandit ji, please confirm that dates! We will do the things accordingly. Thank you for coming",the elders said and Rithu winked at everyone.

The Pandit left after sometime and everyone were glaring at Rithu.

" What? Don't look at me like that!",she said.

"Let it be, my daughter in law is too eager to get married and come to my home. The sooner the better",Aravind's mom said and Rithu hugged her.

" After all its only athai who loves me the most. So she will always be on my side",Rithu stuck her tongue out.

After all the things were done, both their parents went for some things shopping. Both of them were in the home.

He was working in the laptop, while she sat with her books in front of him.

"Aravind I will talk with Potatoes and come please! I really don't have mood to study right now", she gave him puppy eyes.

" Fine! Go! But later come and study. Alright ma?",he said.

"Alright!", she said and ran from there.

" Okay people! So listen, My Engagement is in a week and wedding in a month", Rithu spoke over the phone with the three of them.


" So am I! Oh wait. Wait! Are you both alone and are we going to intrude your privacy?",Divya asked.

"We both are alone! But it will be better if you come. He is forcing your baby to", before she could complete the sentence the three of them started with their chattering and the day went on and on.

Fast forward to the Interview Day of Rithu:

" You are selected for the internship Miss. Rithika. Congratulations!", the interviewer announced and she have given a broad smile and shook hands with them.

"Thank you sir! Do I need to sign any contracts with you?", she asked.

" Well! We could do that after your six months internship ends",the interview person said and she nodded and went from their after formally ending the conversation.

As soon as she came out, she jumped and hugged Aravind. He was waiting there along with her as she was hell nervous and tensed. She threw a tantrum that if he won't accompany her, she wouldn't go to the interview at all.

"Is it a yes?", he asked and she nodded.

" Oh my god! Congratulations Love❤! You made all of us proud!",he said and she engulfed him into a hug while admiring her engagement ring.


"Amma, I am back home and guess what your daughter has got selected in the internship. Today is my day and all my favorite dishes with extra chocolates are mandatory", she said and winked.

" As you order Madam Elizabeth",she said dramatically.

She rushed into her athai's home where her to be husband was talking to his mother. She pushed him away and hugged her athai and his mother didn't mind it, while he got habituated to it too.

"Athai, athai! I got selected! Let's party tonight",she chirped.

"Of course we will! Who is going to stop us?", her aunt said and she smirked at Aravind.

" Athai! Listen amma is making all my favorite! Today lunch at my home! Come quick. I will freshen up and come", she said and ran from there.

To be continued..

Hello dear readers,

I am back with a longggg update.

The next chapter or 2 more chapters this book will come to an end.

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Your Author
Sakshi Devi

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