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I've improved so much! This is what I got so far for my first chapter!

"Join us, Cross." The Black Wolf leader said calmly as he smiled, daring a step forward.

This was it.

"No," I screamed as my eyes was darting all over the place, looking at the wolves who blocked my escape routes, "Leave me alone!" I started to beg. Was it too much to be in peace?

The scene that effected my life.

The twisted pack leader let out a chortle, which soon turned into a giggle, then a chuckle. It soon phased on to loud ear-piercing laughter's of insanity, before letting out the command he decided in that split second.


Showing their teeth, they started to creep towards me. I slowly start to step back, until I hit something cold behind me.

"Let me help, Cross," That damned spirit whispered sweetly.

I guess this is the end...
"Cross," The spirit started to growl, turning into a human to softly touch my ears. The hands slowly fell in front of my eyes, but I still could see as clearly as day.

"Just let me help."

I whimpered out a howl, quietly, for myself. I shut my eyes quickly, a tear or two slipping out, I didn't care. Cause that wasn't the issue, the peace I once searched for is forever lost.

Why do I even try?

"Finally. I gotta admit, you know when to give up." A member cackled, causing the others to chuckle. I didn't even notice, nor care, I've given up so easily.

What do I have to live for anyways?

... Wow.  That is WAAAAY diffrent than those lousy two paragraphs. Not better, but different. And I still have the rest of the chapter to go! ... Tomorrow. Meanwhile, wish me luck with school!

For those who actually liked my (cringey) first few chapters, I'll still leave those up. But they will be labeled. (Like 'OLD' or 'UNFINISHED')

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