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"Drip, drip, drip" the sound of something like water falling from a tap and hitting a bucket full of water woke me up, I couldn't see my surrounding but one thing was for sure, this is not my home.

I tried to get up but I couldn't, I tugged harder, but it was no use, I was definitely tied to a chair

How the fuck did I get here, who way it can't be

The last thing I remember was stepping out of the cafeteria to answer Sammy's call, everything after that is a cloud of blur

"I see you finally woke up, the sound of water can be relaxing can't it" his familiar voice echoed throughout the whole room

"It can't be him no way," I thought before the lights came on confirming my doubts

"You?" I yelled really shocked to see him standing right in front of me

"yes sweetheart me, shocked right?" he asked with a smirk plastered on his beautiful face

I wanted nothing more than to slap the smirk off his beautiful face but seeing as I was tied up, I was helpless.

"why am I tied up, what do you want from me, you said you loved me,why,why are you doing this"

"Don't get me wrong sweetheart, I do love, but unfortunately I got an order to kill you"

"Who,what,why" I questioned

The last time I was tied up like this, I narrowly escaped from the verged of death, and it's been so long, could it be the same person?

"You ask too many question for your good sweetheart, and none of that should bother you, don't worry I assure you, you won't be alive for much longer, well except you agree to my offer"

How did I ever fall in love with someone like him?

"What's the offer?" I asked

I have to find a way out of here, one way or the other and if playing by his rules for the mean time will help me, then I guess that what am gonna do

"Follow me to Mexico and get married to me"

He has clearly lost his mind

"What, why would I do that?"

"Because that's your only option, either that or you die"

"if I agree will you get this ropes off me?,my butt hurts"

I'll never get married to him, although if I had not seen this side of him, I may have, but right now my butt really hurts

"Does this mean you agree" he sounded both shocked and happy

"yes" I muttered, but loud enough for him to hear

"Get her out of the ropes"he ordered the two men I didn't know where standing behind me

I can't believe he actually thinks I'll marry my kidnapper, how gullible is he

Once I was free, I took a quick look round the deemed lit room, the place was almost empty apart from the boxes that laid round, there was a metal door at the back of where I was tied, it must be a toilet

"We leave tonight by 11:30" he said with a smirk on his face, it was only the both of us in the room he had dismissed his guards

"Hmm, I thought you'd let me say goodbye to my family" I said with a sly smile playing on my lips

I walked closer towards him, then wrapped my hands round his neck

"Come on sweetheart do you think am a fool?" he wrapped his hands around my waist, pressing me closer

Yes idiot, yes I do

"I knew you could never hurt me, and I never said you were a fool" I said with my fake smile on, before pressing my lips on his in a kiss, he deepened the kiss by nibbling on my bottom lips, letting our tongue form a bound

Once I was sure he was lost in the kiss, I lowered my hand around his waist, not breaking the kiss, then I grabbed his gun from his pocket, before kneeing him where the sun doesn't shine

"What the fuck was that for?" he yelled, as he got on his knee's groaning in pain

"That's for being a motherfucking bitch, and this is to ensure my safety" I said before firing his gun at him not minding where

I learnt how to use a gun when I was just six, self-trained, weird right, but someone is always out for my life, I really don't know why

There where at least a total of four guards parading the small looking building, what do I look like five

I chuckled lightly to my self before firing my stolen gun at one of the guards, the remaining three brought out their gun and began firing at me, but I easily dodged all of the bullets

There was an iron chair closed by, so I grabbed it and used it as I shield and got closer to them, once I was close enough I used the chair to hit the first guy who just ran out of bullets, one of the remaining two tried to shoot me again but I quickly grabbed the guy I had just knocked out and used him as a shield, then shoot the guy who was about to shoot me.

The last guy was tougher than the others so we ended up with a gun pointed at each others head, I knew if I shoot I will be a goner and if he shoots the same goes for him, I really am not ready to die

I was in the middle of thinking of a plan to get out without dying, when a bullet grazed my led

"ouch"I yelled throwing my gun down, "fuck" I added, clenching to my leg

"You actually thought you'd get away that easily" he chuckled, and winced a little, he had his hand on his stomach as he faced me

That was a good shoot, I smiled to myself

"You actually thought I'd get married to you, how stupid of you" I chuckled, he got two guard to hold me, to prevent me from escaping

"You don't have a choice anymore" he said to me before facing the guards and adding, "lock her up"

He walked away leaving just me and the two guards, his he really this dumb

"I don't think so" I muttered

Gathering all the strength I had left, I did a fast tuning using my elbow to knock one of the guys holding me and did a karate kick on the other, grabbing both their guns that fell from their hands and shooting them both dead.

I searched both their pockets for a key and grabbed the one I saw and ran away from there as fast as I could and headed for the door

I stopped on my track and hid behind a wall once I saw how much the guards that were guarding the door weer

So he isn't that dumb

It's not like I can't kill them all but I haven't practiced in the gym for a week now so I might not be as strong as I used too.

I noticed that the place I was kept was not guarded and was close by so I quickly headed toward the sit hiding behind a wall anytime I see a guard passing by and throwing a knife every once in a while when needed

Once I was safely in the room, I looked around it once again, the chair was still there but there was no widow and this place looks too small to have a back door

Gosh I need to get out of here quickly before those guards notice that I wasn't wherever they wanted to keep me again

I walked towards the place where the sound of water was coming from and saw a window, I quickly ran out and got the chair knocking something down In the process, ignoring whatever that was, I ran into the restroom and was in the process of climbing out when I heard a voice

"In there"

"Shit" I muttered as the door busted open

"Up there" one of the yelled noticing me climbing out, they fired their guns but before the bullet could hit me, I had jumped out

My leg was blood stained and ached alot, the jump didn't make it any better, I placed the gun im my back pocket and scanned the parking lot for any car that looked like it could be for the key in my hand

I am not some kind of car genus but not having a lot of time to think I got into the middle car and to my lock the car started, as I drove out of the parking lot I heard gun shot behind me

This is not good

There was a huge gate with two guards standing side by side, so I used all the speed the cat could go and drove down the gate

"yes" I yelled as the gate came tumbling down

A bullet whooshed past my head as I was driving, I turned my head to see another car by my side, shit,shit,shit

I brought out a gun from my back pocket and shot the guy driving the car, using my left hand to control the car, there was like five cars behind me, I kept my hand out of the wind and shot the car by my side, if only this car's roof could open

I heard another round of gunshot but it wasn't at me, I immediately lost control of the car and evaluated that the tires had been shot at, I looked round for an escape but there was none

The car kept going sideways and tumbled over the traffic barrier, as the car was about to land , I unlocked the door and jumped out and held unto the guardrail

I watched as the car blew up in flames, my hands were slowly loosing its grip on the rail, I silently prayed that I won't fall, after what seemed like forever I did a back flip and landed on the other side of the road

I landed with my hand so I winced a little, very sure I just sprained my hand.


I managed to walk down to a bus-stop, although I got unwanted attention from passers by but at least I got to my house, I was seriously bruised and sore, no one had come looking for me, not like I actually expected anyone to care.

"My God Reina, what happened to you" Kate my foster mom asked, obviously shocked to see me almost totally covered in blood, just like the others

"If you actually cared you would have come looking for me but you don't so don't act like you do" I retorted walking into the house

"Am sorry honey, I thought you were at a party or at Sam place, and we were too busy to notice"

"You always are, but it's fine am already used to it"I said before walking up the spiral stairs and to my room

I brought out my first aid kit cleaning up my injuries then heading to the bathroom for a hot shower, once I was done, I got dressed in my red nightdress and brought out my laptop,am done with this family, no one will ever care about me so it's about time I accept that.

I spent the rest of the night searching on my laptop for a new place to relocate to, I guess it's goodbye Boston.


Third person's p.o.v

"Sir, she is dead, her car tumbled over the traffic rail" a well built man dressed in a black suit said to his boss

"What" the man's boss yelled

No way, my queen can't be dead, no, the boss thought

"Didn't I make it clear to you that I don't want her dead?" the boss yelled at the man dressed in black

"We had no control of the situation" the man in black suit defended

Not saying anything the boss brought out his gun and shot the man in black in the head

"Always obey my orders" the boss said before walking out of the small room he was in.



Hey people, so this is my first chapter am really excited

okay so I just wanted to say a big thank you to whoevercares to read this bookit means a lot to me, also I am not really good at writing a third persons pov so please correct me if I made any mistakes

please vote and comment, it will really mean alot

Thanks and love y'all..........................see you in the next chapie XDD

*to be noted:am still working on a play list so please bare with me....*

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